Results 341 to 360 of 1114 for stemmed:inner
[...] These can help you become aware again of those inner idealizations that form your private reality and your mass world. [...]
Because you have in the past convinced yourselves that the conscious mind must of necessity be cut off from inner reality, you think that it must be alienated from the dream state. [...]
“The dream world is indeed a natural by-product of the relationship between the inner self and the physical being. [...]
But the body has its own integrity, and illness is often simply a natural sign of imbalance, a physical message to which you are to listen and make inner adjustments accordingly.
[...] The built-in initiating triggers of reactions that are meant to follow inner stimuli are activated instead by “exterior” means.
[...] This usually means that no time is allowed for necessary inner dialogues of self questioning, and the self-healing that might otherwise occur is brought about through belief in another. [...]
[...] As you understand time, you will eventually be able to merge your inner comprehension with your physical self, and form your world on a conscious basis. [...]
[...] Philip’s most personal inner image, the primary inner image, is of a single, free, independent male.
[...] You have not completely introduced your inner image, but only hinted at it, so that to her it is secondary and unreal, when she is faced by actual events in which you behave as the inner image, she is bewildered, confused, and imagines that you are demented.
I am glad that at least Ruburt seems merry, since Philip is obviously in such low inner spirits.
[...] Strength is respected, but true strength is the result of excellent communication between the outer self that faces the world, and the inner self that looks inward.
[...] These are in some respects a different sort of camouflage, a self-formed, artificial and only partial enclosure, a beneficial psychic device within which the inner self momentarily and temporarily gathers and holds and collects as much psychic energy about it as it is capable of receiving, utilizing, and also withstanding. [...]
The side which is open allows free flow of energy from the inner self, but momentarily the outlet for this energy is blocked up. [...]
[...] They could be said to represent the inner psychic form even of the most minute cell.
[...] For the record, you realize that when I speak of consciousnesses I do not refer to that conscious ego, but rather to inner consciousness, that then helps form the material image.
[...] These ways will not only be helpful in facilitating these automatic health correction tendencies, but will also be generally beneficial as far as all inner abilities are concerned.
[...] However there is a large difference between a general state that is free of disease and a state of exuberant health, in which the inner and outer selves are perfectly attuned.
[...] And it is only in that state that the inner self can utilize its abilities.
[...] His personality pattern is not quiet, nor aloof, but given to spontaneous inner motion that maintains its own individualistic balance. [...]
A psychic, he thought, should be calm, untouched by physical events, highly disciplined, rather than spontaneous, such as he was, and sensitive to inner moods, which he was. [...]
He has a natural inner discipline which can be counted upon when he leaves it alone. [...]
[...] You recall certainly the material dealing with the inner senses. Experiments and experiences using psychological time, and all projection events, deal rather directly with the use of these inner senses.
[...] Now I will also say that in the first form you usually use certain inner senses; in the second form you use more of these, you see, and in the third form you make an attempt to use all of them, though very rarely is this successful.
As you know, this is characteristic of one of our inner senses. [...]
[...] Using the pendulum each day since then, I have been surprised to note a rapid change in some inner attitudes. [...]
Much of the inner meaning would not have registered. [...]
The steps given in the book for activating the aid of the inner self are excellent. [...]
This will automatically build up Ruburt’s resources and inner psychic defenses against negative influences. [...]
They also share other beliefs, for example: That the inner self is a repository for repressed fears, terrors, and uncivilized savagery; that the inner self must be forced to get rid of such material before it is possible for it to express its power, energy and strength in creative, positive terms; and that, therefore, the self must first encounter and deal with all those terrors of its past before it can be free of the fears of the present.
Your conscious mind, again, is a part of your inner self, and ever-changing. [...]
[...] Kill one and another will, and must, emerge from the inner self which is its source.
Now: It is only because you believe that the ego is such a stepchild of the self that you go to such great lengths to bring out inner knowledge.
[...] The inner ego is another organizing feature of the personality in its dealings with inner environment.
[...] In many cases it may appear as if exterior circumstances formed such inner shifts, changing the whole unifying structure of the personality, and shifting the personality into what would appear to be entirely uncharacteristic activities.
[...] It sees or feels itself as a part of continuing action, and because of this inner atomic knowledge it does not fear destruction, basically, knowing that it will be changed into other kinds of action.
[...] It helps to focus your inner concentration along the desired lines. If you are simply exercising, trying to use the inner senses generally, then state this mentally, also. [...]
[...] The other can indeed telepathically help change the inner climate by inserting ideas of confidence and strength, and thus changing the psychic climate enough so that the ailing personality can then do more on their own behalf.
[...] Strong and readily available positive energies have been about you when you needed them, and before you knew how to change your own inner environment.
[...] Only by the use of the inner senses can you obtain a viewpoint that is to some extent free of your own system. The inner self realizes the nature of its own reality, is sure of its identity and well aware of its power in the creation of actions which it projects outward from itself.
The inner senses allow you to follow some of these actions into other realities. [...]
[...] “The laws of the inner universe [which had been given to us by Seth] are not laws in some book. They are attempts to explain in words the nature of inner reality. [...]
“The Inner Senses, to some extent, will allow you to perceive the reality of inner existence, and in this new development Ruburt is using these in a more effective manner than before. [...]
“Each simple law of the inner universe that I have given you is in actuality a small inadequate statement in single-dimensional terms, yet it is more than most are given, and the best approximation that can be made of the basic facts beneath any existence, the best statement that can be made under the circumstances with which we must work. [...]
(In here I had visual inner images as of stars being born—an attempt, I thought, to put the data into recognizable visual terms.)
The natural contours of your psyche are quite aware of the inner sweep and flow of your life, and its relationship with every other creature alive. [...] The exquisite play of your own inner nature in general — and that identification leads you into the deeper knowledge of your own part in nature’s source.
No amount of intellectual information, no accumulation of facts however vast, could give you the inner knowledge necessary to accomplish the physical events involved in that growth process. [...]
[...] They will ignore or deny the inner feelings that alone would give the event any meaning in their lives. [...]
[...] Flu epidemics become social excuses for much needed rest, therefore, and serve as face-saving devices so that the individuals can hide from themselves their inner difficulties. [...]
[...] Philip insists, in a rather cocky manner, in taking his own inner integrity along. Your other friend cannot, so far, relate the inner and the outer selves. He can relate to the inner self or the outer self, but he has not learned to unite the two, nor allowed for any understanding or communication between them.
[...] They are well-meaning, and occasionally they are able to use their inner abilities.
It is true, again, that an initial corresponding inner freedom makes the motion possible, and that the motion itself already means that the mental image of new motion is replacing the old one. The physical motion is obviously the materialization of inner willingness, but you must also set up the opportunity for this to happen. [...]
[...] Remind him, for the 100th time, that he can trust his inner self implicitly, and does not need to set up guards against its spontaneity, for spontaneity is his life, and the source of his creativity; and underline that sentence.
[...] For a while however I am speaking rather exclusively, to get Ruburt acquainted with the operation of various inner channels. (Long pause.) This will be a brief session, as inner adjustments are being made, and all information you require will be given to you in your time.
[...] And all of this is but the physical materialization of the inner reality within one system.
There is a corresponding image, held always within the inner consciousness of those who pass out of your system. [...] It forms a part of the whole inner self. [...]
[...] Much that I will tell you concerning my psychological structure will be initially based upon some information you have concerning the inner senses, for these are my conscious senses.