Results 1 to 20 of 57 for stemmed:imprint

TES7 Session 306 December 5, 1966 Wilbur stamp psychedelic Marilyn rectangle

As I have mentioned many times, at present you focus your attentions and consciousness within the physical system. This alone can be compared to what Leary calls imprinting. Existence within any system will necessitate some imprinting. The imprinting simply involves an adjustment whereby consciousness is attuned to a particular station, so to speak.

The consciousness so attuned however is only a small portion of the individual’s total consciousness. In your system it is now fashionable to refer to this as the ego. The psychological structures are indeed so imprinted. However they are also aware and conscious of huge portions of themselves that are not so imprinted. They are aware of themselves simultaneously as individuals imprinted so as to react within several systems.

Now. Your LSD and similar drugs do to some extent lift the imprinting process, though never completely.

TPS4 Session 815 (Deleted Portion) December 17, 1977 skiing imagery imprinted images lain

Familiar images become imprinted, as your television games can be imprinted upon your TV screen.

NotP Chapter 9: Session 788, September 6, 1976 significances predream aunt vase Sarah

It also “stamps” or “impresses” the universe with its own imprint. [...] It will then attract events from the universe, even as its own existence imprints the universe as an event with the indelible stamp of its own nature.

[...] You experience reality through the cast of those abilities and characteristics, but you also stamp the universe with that particular imprint of individuality that is your own, and you attract those events that are suited to your nature and no other.

[...] You imprint the universe with your own significance, and using that as a focus you draw from it, or attract, those events that fit your unique purposes and needs. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 7: Session 530, May 20, 1970 superself intense shadowy perceive table

[...] The desire will carry the imprint of your personality and image, even though you remain unaware of the image or its appearance in the other location.

[...] Any intense mental act — thought or emotion — will not only be constructed in some physical or pseudophysical manner, but will also bear to some extent the imprint of the personality who originally conceived it.

TPS3 Session 697 (Deleted Portion) May 13, 1974 tranquilizing Larry resiliency Herschaft speedily

[...] The joyful and optimistic experiences however also bring about biological changes, and serve as imprints, patterns, for future physical improvement. [...]

TES3 Session 134 February 22, 1965 aggressive explosions regularity meek scratching

You know by now that emotions even change the physical cells, sweeping through them as wind through branches, and leaving imprints in many realities, leaving imprints within the reality of dreams, the physical reality, and in electrical reality, in terms of coded systems.

UR1 Section 2: Session 687 March 4, 1974 hawk worm giblets wren brain

[...] We still have much to learn about the brain (let alone the mind); even though by now all sections of the brain have been probed down to the molecular level, no trace or imprint of a thought has ever been found within its tissue. [...]

NotP Chapter 7: Session 781, June 28, 1976 language unstated God archaic tenses

[...] You impress it, or “stamp” it, or imprint it with your own identity. [...]

NotP Chapter 10: Session 794, February 21, 1977 brain orange neural double sequences

[...] They do not perceive the mind’s activity at all, except as it is imprinted onto the brain.

Even dreams are so imprinted. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 705 June 24, 1974 mutants cells kingdoms species cellular

[...] The body on its own performs this service often, when it automatically rights certain conditions, even though they were genetically imprinted. The imprints become regressive. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 23, 1983 doctor ointment lancing knee Fred

[...] (Long pause.) You are both encountering new probabilities of a beneficial nature, and each time you do this you put new imprints or paths or impressions into reality, effectively changing reality in those desired ways. [...]

TES6 Session 255 May 2, 1966 Maxine suitable photo Del identity

[...] The object for tonight is small and blue and square-shaped, with perhaps an imprint on it. [...] The imprint is something like a shamrock shape, though not precisely.

UR2 Section 5: Session 722 November 27, 1974 particles waves Physicists pool wavelike

[...] Mental impressions of any kind therefore are not simply imprinted, or written, as it were, in a medium of space and time. [...]

[...] If you can think of your present idea of identity as if it were but one shape or one motion of a moving particle, a shape or a motion that never loses its imprint or meaning, then you could also see how you could follow it forward or backward to the shape or motion taken “before or afterward.”

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 21, 1984 movie Cecce animals Georgia unicorn

[...] All exist (long pause) in an inner webwork, and are held in the memory of an overall earthly knowledge — one that is biological, so that each smallest microbe has within it the imprinted biological messages that form each and every other microbe. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: January 26, 1984 inbred predispositions attitudes Ronald sunny

(I told Jane that Seth’s opening line for Chapter 2, about possessing a group of attitudes toward oneself and toward life, at birth, runs directly counter to establishment theory that the newborn is like a blank slate, to be imprinted through teaching and experience. [...]

TES7 Session 301 November 16, 1966 supraself supraconsciousness partaking action perceive

There is an inherent knowledge within each individual of the supraself’s existence, and its image is indelibly imprinted. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session March 6, 1972 repressed discouraged Crying tour emotional

[...] It is taking care of itself, and your joint energies have already made their imprint. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 4: Session 893, January 7, 1980 dreamers language ancient cooperation ancestors

(8:58.) During this period, incidentally, mental activity of the highest, most original variety was the strongest dream characteristic, and the knowledge [man] gained was imprinted upon the physical brain: what is now completely unconscious activity involving the functions of the body, its relationship with the environment, its balance and temperature, its constant inner alterations. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 25, 1969 ceremony repent blessing joy equations

[...] I want you to feel my words imprinted where you cannot take notes safely in a notebook. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session April 1, 1970 motion nonrunning mental spontaneity running

[...] I do want him to initiate some fast, quick physical motion, you see, so that the muscular memory is imprinted in this direction.

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