Results 421 to 440 of 1435 for stemmed:him
[...] I’d seen him in the corridors often, and he’d seen me—but netiher of us had connected the other with Jane.
About your dream: (Pause.) You were telepathically picking up some of the thoughts of Joe Bumbalo as he suspiciously wondered about John, because John’s talents and abilities struck him as being too feminine. [...]
[...] At the same time, you recognized that John’s job as a waiter also involved him with nourishment—that is, physically and symbolically—and the dream was simply restating the fact that the intuitive faculties, often considered solely female, actually involved those qualities of creativity and emotion that held family units together. [...]
[...] I met him twice but Jane did not see him at all. She did listen to me talk about him, of course.
[...] But he picked up fully your emotional recognition and fear, and these were translated or perceived by him in his own fashion, so that to him you appeared as a mass of varying colors, and as movement of severe intensity.
[...] Part of your own reaction, I believe, was due to the fact that you realized that this contact represented a personal encounter, that this bizarre apparition was aware of you as you were of him.
[...] I help him change the energy that he uses in perception into other directions, to turn it inward. I make information available to him. [...]
[...] (This never happened, incidentally, though the impressions given were not always as specific as we would have liked.) Actually I didn’t care what was in the envelopes—I just wanted to know if Seth could tell us, and I wanted him to be absolutely right each time. [...]
[...] Beyond this, however, Ruburt has no love for detail” (Seth smiled) “and will always use it as a clue to see where it leads him.
About the tests in general, Seth said: “I was teaching him, and I went along with his natural interests and inclinations. [...]
[...] Rev. Lowe, as I’ll call him, publishes a national newsletter which discusses the psychic elements of Christianity. [...] I told him about Jon’s session, and he was very interested in what Seth had to say about Sally’s experience while in coma.
Seth emphasized that for his own reasons, Frank did not want a marriage relationship, and ended by telling Doris that she had chosen him for this reason—that she never saw the man as he was, but only the image she had projected upon him. [...]
I did promise to hold a Seth session for him, and later I was glad I did. [...]
“Jon must tell her that she is free to leave, and that he joyfully gives her her freedom, so that even after death she does not feel she must stay close to him. [...]
[...] The symptoms kept him at his job, at home, and allowed him to concentrate without outside distractions; kept him writing, with mystical experience dutifully translated into art.
Give us a moment … Ruburt greatly needs to realize that you love him, and accept him, as he is now in your terms. [...]
He remembered his mother’s constant criticism of him, but barely recalls his scandalized disapproval of her swearing, for example, on his return home. [...]
[...] While he followed the framework, nothing could swerve him from it, and here (touching the photo) in this child’s picture, you already have the unswerving nature, the great spontaneity, looking for a structure that will allow it growth, and yet give the illusion of safety.
[...] 1947 is mentioned, the year she met the child’s father; the age 17 is mentioned; she was 17 when she met him: a school connection mentioned and she was still in school at the time.
[...] Most likely this was my interpretation of her giving birth to the child; she was supposed to have a Caesarean section but didn’t and was in labor 25 hours; a woman is described here, gray hair, buck teeth, yellow teeth—this, Barb says, is a description of the man’s mother—she wanted him to marry Barb: teeth not really buck but protuberant and yellowed; also gray hair. [...]
(Since I liked him—Michael— as we talked, I sat on the front steps for a few minutes with him. [...]
[...] On the lawn behind him lay a guitar and a heavy backpack.
[...] Jane said the next day that we should have offered him shelter, but I didn’t feel any compulsion to do so. [...]
He fears that the admission of one defeat or error of judgment will bring his world crumbling about him.
With five men at its center affecting him, and a definite determination, decision, arrived at by him as a result of this, and a smaller meeting afterward at 8 in another place.
(John Bradley attended this session; most of the session contains material relating to him. [...]
(Concerning the new product mentioned; John said that fellow workers recently visited the laboratories in Chicago and told him about one scientist in particular who was testing, or wanted to test, or experiment for problems of the central nervous system, but the budget insistence made this difficult. [...]
[...] “For him to say very good is something,” Jane said. [...] Jane asked him why her right leg was shorter than the left one, and Jeff explained that the break had healed but that the bones were out of alignment, hence the shortness. [...]
(Long pause.) The effect of those old negative beliefs, however, was stronger in Ruburt than in yourself, for he certainly thought at one time that if he curtailed physical motion people would not attack him for his amazing psychic and mental motion. [...]
[...] Then he began to learn the lessons that were needed — that life is expression, and that it is safe for him to move mentally and physically, using both his psychic, creative, mental and physical abilities to their fullest.
[...] It may take him a while to put it on paper. It may take him a while to receive the money when it is sold, but all of this is dependent upon the first and basic reality—the idea for the book. [...]
[...] It has not done anything to him. [...] He knows this but lest he forget I will remind him. [...]
Now it will help him to some important degree if he considers his arms and his hands in the following manner.
Each reader, however, should in one way or another sense his own vitality in a way quite new to him, and find avenues of expansion opening within himself of which he was earlier unaware. [...]
[...] The man chosen was drugged — hence the necessity of helping him carry the cross (see Luke 23) — and he was told that he was the Christ.
Peter three times denied the Lord (Matthew 26), saying he did not know him, because he recognized that that person was not Christ.
[...] He tried to tell them however that he was not dead, and they chose to take him symbolically. [...]
[...] Since Seth discusses this himself in the session, I’ll let him carry on from here.)
[...] In the meantime, Ruburt has been experiencing dimensions of the psyche new to him.
[...] I finally had to deposit him in the writing room and close the door.)
It did not occur to him that those experiences had anything to do with this book, or that in acting so spontaneously he was following any kind of inner order. [...]
(My brother William, who lives in Rochester, New York, is driving down to take mother back home with him for a week or two, on November 9. We received a letter from him to this effect yesterday. [...]
[...] The unfamiliarity of the experience frightened him.
[...] There was obviously no intent to discomfort him, and it was Jane who became alarmed.
Other concepts, as vividly felt you see, might not have, bothered him, or he might have found them extremely supportive. [...]
[...] The insurance company told him, I believe, that according to her medical records, Jane didn’t need to be hospitalized—a strange attitude, and one neither of us could believe. [...] I got from him the name of the supervisior of claims at Blue Cross, as well as a person, Mary Krebs, head of Utilization Review, which determines what level of care a patient is at, at the hospital.
[...] Seth lit into him, saying that the voice effects were impossible for a woman of my makeup. Seth said he could just as legitimately insist that John prove his existence to him.
[...] A few years ago he did some medical artwork and was amazed at his proficiency at it, and with the medical procedures and terminology, which were quite unfamiliar to him when he began. [...]
[...] He has no idea, however, that you might be expecting such a visit, or that you might be planning to meet him. [...]
[...] Your state of mind and receptivity will be communicated to him and serve as a beckoning area that he will recognize. [...]
“But will I see him physically?” Rob asked. [...]