Results 261 to 280 of 394 for stemmed:goe

TPS3 Deleted Sessions July 9, 1977 Saturday July 10, 1977 fanatic threat fools safety rancor

[...] Their understanding goes so far at this time. [...]

TES4 Session 173 July 28, 1965 Watts solution dream spirals actions

It goes without saying that the dream universe is every bit as real to the inner self as the physical universe is to the conscious egotistical self. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 3, 1978 pendulum recover walk issues specific

Ruburt’s writing down his feelings will assure that not only nothing goes underground, but will take care of current issues as they happen.

DEaVF2 Chapter 9: Session 922, October 13, 1980 Helper knower protection dams artistry

You will end up with, if all goes well, a kind of “new” illuminated consciousness, an intellect who realizes that the source of its own light is not itself, but comes from the spontaneous power that provides the fuel for its thoughts.

TES3 Session 115 December 16, 1964 universe storefront December Crucifixion helmets

[...] It goes without saying that your definition of reality is extremely limited, and excludes more than it includes.

TPS6 Deleted Session June 2, 1981 crisis situation bathroom therapeutic toilet

[...] Seth’s material, and Frank’s, goes a long way toward easing her feelings of fright, for now we see that those feelings represented her—and my—misunderstanding of her own bodily functions as the body ceaselessly tries to right itself.)

TMA Session Six August 25, 1980 Mitzi intellect collar flea identify

[...] Have him remember that creative activity goes on within him all of the time, and he is often most active precisely when he is not aware of it. [...]

TMA Session Thirteen September 24, 1980 mixups triplets novel box mall

[...] That same kind of lightning-swift organization goes on within the body itself constantly, as it deals with probable scenarios to which you may or may not end up reacting to.

TPS4 Deleted Session September 17, 1977 Framework paperback detailed operate suggestions

At your present “working level,” Ruburt goes through a series of beneficial physical changes, of posture, body alignment, release of muscles. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, March 2, 1971 Ned sad Gert secrets sensitive

[...] He goes out in these areas for himself, but also for others because this is a portion of what he is meant to do. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 815, December 17, 1977 television actors programs Framework screen

In this book I will try to tell you what goes on behind the scenes — to show you the ways in which you choose your daily physical programs, and to describe how those personal choices mix and merge to form a mass reality. [...]

TES4 Session 197 October 11, 1965 electromagnetic test Peggy identity dog

It goes without saying that there are electromagnetic connections between the ego and the subconscious, within the physical system. [...]

TES8 Session 401 March 27, 1968 painting seascape transparents apple opaques

[...] An apple in a room goes out into that room. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 648, March 14, 1973 geese animals instinctive disease beasts

[...] Those sessions are recorded; then during the week a dedicated class member goes to all the work of transcribing the tape and having the script duplicated.

TES4 Session 152 May 5, 1965 subconscious resiliency pendulum layers ego

Again, it goes without saying that I am not physically traveling through like a man on horseback through foreign territory. [...]

TES6 Session 274 July 20, 1966 chemical excess projections propelling asparagus

It goes without saying that your work will gain immeasurably through the extended experience of projections. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 4, 1977 waking sleeping rational prime Dialogues

I have spoken often of the precognition of cells, but the unspeakably vast world communication at that level is unimaginable—yet it goes on constantly.

ECS2 ESP Class Session, October 6, 1970 ps Rachel Mathilda gateways premium

[...] The inner self knows far better, and the inner self goes its way acting as if time did not exist because it does not exist. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, November 24, 1970 crossroads Derek soul Rachel flower

[...] The seed goes into the earth, however, and in the wintertime in any of your suburban gardens here beneath the snow are all these seeds. [...]

ECS3 ESP Class Session, February 9, 1971 predestination Joel Florence slums justify

[...] Consciousness is its own justification, and this goes for each of you. [...]

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