Results 1 to 20 of 183 for stemmed:gestalt

TES3 Session 96 October 12, 1964 gestalt Trinity unitary primary plane

We shall have a session dealing almost entirely with the nature of energy gestalts, and you will see that while these pyramid energy gestalts do, on the one hand, achieve a unitary character and sublime intelligence, on the other hand they form only an approximation of humanity’s concept of a God. This unitary gestalt which we may call, and I prefer it to the word God, the primary energy gestalt.

This primary energy gestalt may be thought of as straddling all realities, or existing in the infinite realities of which we have spoken. Yet in this prime gestalt that is unitary, there is again an infinite diversity and literally numberless personalities. Nor are these personalities that compose the prime psychic gestalt dependent or submissive to any one dominating personality within the gestalt.

The irony is that in part this image will be true. That is, it will represent one facet of the primary gestalt, but a facet so infinitesimal in the overall reality of the primary gestalt that it distorts beyond all recognition. Only by escaping momentarily from camouflage data can any larger concept be obtained.

TES2 Session 62 June 15, 1964 gestalt cooperation identity energy maintained

[...] As far as I know, no gestalt of any kind remains the same. But psychic gestalts develop in terms of value fulfillment, and it is known at the first appearance of a physical pattern how long the particular to-be-built-up gestalt will be maintained.

A psychic gestalt is dependent upon matter, not for its identity but merely for its survival in the physical plane. Psychic gestalts or identities or individualities are for all practical purposes immortal. They may join other gestalts but they will never be less than they once were. [...]

Energy as it comes through your plane is individualized; and indeed, irregardless of any other theories, all energy contains some consciousness, in simple or more complicated gestalt fashion, as I have mentioned that atoms and molecules so possess a limited consciousness, and a generalized subconsciousness which contains within it a capsule comprehension of the universe as a whole.

TES7 Session 311 January 11,1967 god gestalt sum portion static

But, you see, even this overall pyramid gestalt is not static. [...] The awareness and experience of this overall gestalt constantly change and grow. [...]

[...] What you prefer to think of as God is basically and above all, indeed as I have said, an infinite energy gestalt: or pyramid consciousness. [...]

[...] The personality of this gestalt is beyond comprehension at this point. [...]

TSM Chapter Eighteen thread agony God gestalt yearning

[...] Whole blocks of Seth material discuss the potentials and makeup of consciousness as it is manifested in molecules, man, and pyramid energy gestalts. [...] But as Seth says, “Even this overall pyramid gestalt is not static. [...] The awareness and experience of this gestalt constantly changes and grows. [...]

[...] He is not one individual, but an energy gestalt.

“This absolute, ever-expanding, instantaneous psychic gestalt, which you may call God if you prefer, is so secure in its existence that it can constantly break itself down and rebuild itself.

TES3 Session 141 March 17, 1965 perception patterns action Piper minor

A particular consciousness is a gestalt of these conceptual patterns; but there is nothing to prevent a consciousness from increasing itself by experiencing other conceptual patterns or patterns of perception. [...] We therefore say that a consciousness is a gestalt of patterns of perception, by which action knows itself. [...]

The self then, being action which has formed itself into gestalts of pattern perceptions, by which it knows itself, this self changes constantly. [...] For convenience’s sake we will have to limit our discussion to some degree, taking the self as a particular gestalt within, or composed of, a particular range of perception patterns; though in actuality the range may be smaller or larger at any given time.

[...] A self is a gestalt of action perception patterns, which are formed together through attraction.

TES3 Session 128 February 3, 1965 electrical intensity shape dissection field

[...] The camouflage material will be discarded as a physical gestalt, as far as the individual is concerned. The matter of the physical body will simply be used in other gestalts, in the manner that I have explained in earlier sessions.

[...] In our further discussions concerning the nature of electrical reality, we will also come closer to an understanding of those pyramid gestalts of which I have spoken.

(See the 81st session for some material on psychic pyramid gestalts.)

TES7 Session 301 November 16, 1966 supraself supraconsciousness partaking action perceive

[...] The supraself is indeed a portion of a higher gestalt, which is part of yet another higher consciousness-gestalt. [...]

[...] All the personalities within it are independent, and survive as themselves, yet it is only part of a larger identity—which is to say that it itself is within the sphere of another psychological organization system or gestalt.

It however retains its identity, you see, while partaking to the extent of its desire and ability in the superior aspects of this greater gestalt. [...]

TES3 Session 133 February 17, 1965 frog seat burned electrical pond

The gestalt patterns of which I have spoken is the basis here, and yet all members within such gestalts are themselves independent, possessing identity and separation even while they cooperate in a complicated pattern. [...] But your divisions do not affect the nature of these gestalts, as my discussion speaks of separate universes without affecting the nature of any universe one whit.

[...] And everything that is, is also self-conscious, in degree according to its abilities; and everything that is therefore contains identity and separation, even while it is part of a large and complicated gestalt.

[...] For dreams also are gestalts. [...]

TES2 Session 81 August 26, 1964 myth coughing car Crucifixion intelligent

[...] He is not one individual, in your terms, but is a psychic gestalt, an energy gestalt.

[...] This absolute, ever-expanding, instantaneous psychic gestalt, which you may call God, if you prefer, is so secure in its existence now that it can constantly break itself down and rebuild itself.

This psychic gestalt may sound to you impersonal, but since its energy forms your person, how can this be?

TES2 Session 57 May 27, 1964 notself skin self secondary constructions

[...] It operates to form as complicated a gestalt as possible, following the law of value fulfillment, and yet in so doing it does not either invade, deny or negate other individual consciousness. It is limitless because there are no limits to the possibilities of its value fulfillment, or to the number of gestalts which it can form.

[...] Initially, before existence upon the physical plane this time, you could just as easily have focused upon a different quality-personality gestalt, although your choice most probably would be in line with a large field of possibilities, possible according to the desires of your entity.

Secondary personalities are gestalts of more or less loosely affiliated psychic events. [...]

TES4 Session 163 June 21, 1965 impeding action crosscurrents flow jazz

The integration of the whole personality as a psychological unit, and as an effective psychic gestalt, is obviously dependent upon the free and unimpeded flow of action. [...]

The personality itself, as you know, is a gestalt of action, and as such it is necessary that the flow of action within it follow the overall directives of the entity and the inner self. [...]

Again, we will have many sessions indeed, dealing with the gestalt that is the human personality, and at that time much of this material will fall into place.

TES3 Session 108 November 18, 1964 inwardness fruit Sonja November universe

I have told you that energy always regenerates itself, but the implications here psychically are astounding, as the inward energy forms gestalt after gestalt; and each gestalt itself then continues to go on, itself regenerating, forming new personalities which are never destroyed.

[...] There is no energy that is not to some extent aware of itself; having sought and achieved expression through physical form in one way or another, it is not satisfied but forever seeks more complicated gestalts.

The entities, like master memory cells, store knowledge of its, or their, gestalt personalities; and even these entities are often split in many pieces, and each segment retains the complete data that belonged to the original entity.

TES6 Session 256 May 4, 1966 Berry Mrs photo article antidote

[...] For we are dealing here after all with an interdependent gestalt. The interworkings of the whole gestalt have never been completely understood.

Until it is studied as a multidimensional gestalt, it simply will not be understood.

Now we may possibly develop into a newer gestalt, for I cannot see all portions—underline all portions—of the spacious present. [...]

TSM Appendix: Session 505, October 13, 1969 units rock emanations tones scientists

[...] I am speaking now of the consciousness within each physical particle regardless of its size—of molecular consciousness, cellular consciousness, as well as the larger gestalts of consciousness with which you are usually familiar. [...]

[...] This forms a gestalt rock consciousness. [...]

TES3 Session 142 March 22, 1965 selves outthrust action Trainor self

[...] The fact that it may be part of a larger gestalt self in no way belittles its own identity. It is conscious of the gestalts of which it is part.

[...] Each self is therefore aware of its previous gestalt affiliations. [...]

[...] It enables the self to expand, to join in a gestalt with other selves. [...]

TES3 Session 138 March 8, 1965 dilemma action identity vitality stability

[...] Our discussion in the past concerning gestalts should make this point clear. [...]

(For the material on psychic gestalts, see the 59th, 62nd, 81st, 96th and 128th sessions, among many others.)

(See the 60th session, among others, along with the aforementioned material on psychic gestalts, etc. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 888, December 10, 1979 Guy Camper pinpoint Dr electron

[...] It is a creation of consciousness, rising into one unique kind of expression from that divine gestalt of being—and that divine gestalt of being is of such unimaginable dimensions that its entire reality cannot appear within any one of its own realities, its own worlds.

SS Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 589, August 4, 1971 soul reincarnational sprang Two blasé

[...] My reality includes, then, not only reincarnational identities but also other gestalts of being that do not necessarily have any physical connections.

In the gestalt of my personality, as in your terms I lived later richer lives, that woman was alive again in me — as, for example, the child is alive in the adult, and filled with gratitude comparing later circumstances to the earlier existences. [...]

[...] There are pyramid gestalts of being impossible to describe, whose awareness includes knowledge and experience of what would seem to be to you a vast number of other realities. [...]

TES7 Session 297 October 26, 1966 Topper journey anticipatory Bernard fear

[...] The pyramid gestalts can do this, and we help the pyramid gestalts perform this feat. [...]

[...] For you do indeed operate as a gestalt also. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 886, December 3, 1979 divine Zeus flat Zoroaster homogeneity

In the beginning there was instead, once more, a divine psychological gestalt—and by that I mean a being whose reality escapes the definition of the word “being,” since it is the source from which all being emerges. [...]

In certain basic and vital ways, your own consciousness is a portion of that divine gestalt. [...]

[...] The divine gestalt, however, is expressed in such a way that its quality (pause) is undiluted. [...]

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