Results 21 to 40 of 213 for stemmed:generat

TPS6 Copy of inspirational type material received Saturday, February 6 Mona Lisa canvas solving problems

[...] I’ve hampered my own psychic development and possible new books by such focuses which generate their own paranoiac-like fears. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session August 20, 1977 materialistic spray jaw glasses forecast

[...] Your fears, generated by the beliefs of your society, of course, add extra anxiety when Ruburt’s eyes look poorly, and he has trouble with his vision.

[...] On the other hand, the fear also generates anxiety, and sometimes more discomfort, as you interpret it, as a result.

NotP Chapter 5: Session 771, April 14, 1976 sexual homosexual male heterosexual female

[...] Over the generations, then, certain characteristics appear to be quite naturally male or female, and these will vary to some extent according to the civilizations and world conditions. [...] They can indeed be changed in a generation, for the experience of each person alters the original information. [...]

DEaVF1 Chapter 1: Session 883, October 1, 1979 divine progeny inflationary unimaginable sleepwalkers

[...] As if in divine astonishment and surprise, All That Is began to listen, and began to respond to these “generations” of thoughts and dreams, for the thoughts and dreams related to each other also. [...] In the meantime, then, in your terms, All That Is spontaneously thought new thoughts and dreamed new dreams, and became involved in new imaginings—and all of these also related to those now-infinite generations of interweaving and interrelating thoughts and dreams that “already” existed (with many gestures and much emphasis).

[...] He began to purposefully bring about those mental conditions that were requested by these generations of mental progeny. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 18, 1984 Shawn mood quicken Peggy Peterson

[...] It does generate heat, and it is characteristic of many, if not most, healing experiences.

DEaVF1 Chapter 2: Session 886, December 3, 1979 divine Zeus flat Zoroaster homogeneity

[...] Now, our country’s initial concern over the accident at TMI has grown to include deep questions about why we’ve built so many nuclear energy generating plants near large population centers; carrying out a mass evacuation in case of a serious accident at any of those sites seems to present a series of insurmountable challenges.

[...] (The Biblical account of Creation makes evolution an impossibility.) Nor can the date of Creation be arrived at by counting the Bible’s lists of generations, as given in the Old Testament, since these may well be incomplete.

TES6 Session 275 July 25, 1966 parking ticket noninterval intervals Treman

The more creative energy you generate, the more you are able to generate. [...]

[...] Using energy generates energy.

TES1 Session 13 January 6, 1964 enzymes chlorophyll solidified mental wires

(“Abstract” art done in this manner would be an attempt to appeal, to generate an emotional response—in other words action on our plane—on a subconscious level. This would enable the emotional response so generated to radiate its warmth through all levels of our being. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 9, 1984 inherit genetic raveled Wilson yesterday

There are diseases that people believe are inherited, carried from one generation to another by a faulty genetic communication. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 30, 1981 Marie mother Sinful grandmother background

[...] How could it be altered or adjusted or rearranged to suit the needs of his own generation—or had it served all of its purposes? [...]

Now to some extent each person tests the nature of reality in each life for himself or herself, and also for the entire generation. [...]

TES9 Session 433 September 2, 1968 nontime road game systems aid

No strong love was generated. If ever a hatred was generated, then the relationship usually continued in one way or another through several existences. [...]

TES9 Session 510 January 19 1970 Simmons Tomoski chapter Hartley Pete

[...] There is more energy generated, positive energy, than the two of you separately could generate. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 848, April 11, 1979 tornadoes nuclear reactor exterior Island

[...] He also discussed such divergent topics as the wide variety of responses that his material generates in correspondents — and not all of those reactions are so favorable, I might add.

The severity of the “event” at Three Mile Island has spurred antinuclear protesters into action in many areas of the country; and the proliferating state, federal, and industry investigations into the accident promise to generate a collective fallout of a kind that’s bound to have far more impact on the nuclear power industry, and society, than anything that’s come from the crippled plant itself so far. [...]

TES5 Session 228 January 31, 1966 shoe weather storm blizzard excesses

[...] The force that causes your weather can be thought of as self-generating.

Ultimately it is not self-generating, but for the purposes of our discussion it may be termed so. [...]

TPS1 Session 382 (Deleted) November 27, 1967 Psycho Cybernetics table compassionate divan

[...] The energy generated continues to generate more energy, and more will be available for you both to use. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 9: May 29, 1984 unmanly cross showoffs taught bravado

[...] In other words, they will encounter obstructions that are self-generated. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 659, April 25, 1973 hypnotist doctors witch hypnosis quacks

[...] The same processes occur in normal life, however; areas of primary concentration then regulate your experience both biologically and mentally, and generate similar conditions.

[...] Your belief will generate the proper feelings and imaginative endeavors characteristic of it. [...]

TES7 Seth’s Lecture to Pat’s Boston High School Class March 25, 1967 classroom hell kill chromosomes Pat

[...] Every generation sits by. The young generation sits by, apparently helpless while the parents rule the world. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 850, May 2, 1979 idealists idealism kill shalt Thou

[...] In the same manner, say, the ideal is to protect human life, and in the pursuit of that ideal you give generations of various animals deadly diseases, and sacrifice their lives.3 Your justification may be that people have souls and animals do not, or that the quality of life is less in the animals, but regardless of those arguments this is fanaticism — and the quality of human life itself suffers as a result, for those who sacrifice any kind of life along the way lose some respect for all life, human life included. [...]

[...] Mice, for example, are inbred in a sanitized environment for many generations until genetically “pure” strains are obtained; these ideal “models” for research into human defects may be born with — or develop — obesity, various cancers (including leukemia), epilepsy, different anemias, muscular dystrophy, and so forth. [...]

TES6 Session 274 July 20, 1966 chemical excess projections propelling asparagus

[...] Periods of intense activity may also then generate this additional chemical propellant. [...] Although this necessary chemical fuel is generated through intense activity of a mental or psychic nature, it is released, making projections possible in alternating periods of quietude and rest.

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