Results 61 to 80 of 1124 for stemmed:form

TES9 Session 432 August 28, 1968 nontime system advanced dependent continents

The personality who sometimes speaks (Seth’s larger entity), can change form at will. He was never imprisoned by believing that one personality existed within one form. To your way of thinking he would change form according to his mood; as he thinks, he is. [...]

Form is not dependent upon mass. [...] Time has nothing to do with form, however.

[...] Form does not necessarily presuppose the existence of images. [...]

[...] Images may change their form, according to the intensities behind them. [...]

UR1 Section 2: Session 688 March 6, 1974 cu dolphins holes cell neurological

The CU’s form all systems simultaneously. Having formed yours, and from their energy diversifying themselves into physical forms, they were aware of all of the probable variations from any given biological strain. [...] Instead there were great, still-continuing, infinitely rich parallel explosions of life forms and patterns in as many directions as possible. [...] Knowing their own indestructibility, the CU’s within them simply change form, retaining however the identity of all the cells that they have been. [...]

[...] They can take any form, organize themselves in any kind of time-behavior, hyphen, and seem to form a reality that is completely dependent upon its apparent form and structure. Yet, disappearing through one of the physicists’ black holes,4 for example, though structure and form would seem to be annihilated and time drastically altered, there would be an emergence at the other end, where the whole “package of a universe,” having been closed in the black hole, would be reopened.

Coming together, the units actually form the systems of reality in which they have their experience. [...]

The CU’s, following that analogy, serve as source points or “holes” through which energy falls into your system, or is attracted to it — and in so doing, forms it. [...]

TPS3 Session 703 (Deleted Portion) June 12, 1974 dynamics inward Herschaft overrode stages

The integrity of form is not denied, but is allowed to merge with the greater vitality that gives the form its meaning. This will allow you to give form, literally—in your terms at least—to the formless, or rather to realities whose inner forms are not usually fully perceived.

Form, shape and color—these at first delighted you as you tried to reproduce on paper what you saw in nature. [...] Some so-called objective painters, however, use the form to quite imprison the spirit within it. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 1: Session 512, January 27, 1970 nail identify outer onion dimensions

Now at times I will be using the term “camouflage,” referring to the physical world to which the outer ego relates, for physical form is one of the camouflages that reality adopts. The camouflage is real, and yet there is a much greater reality within it — the vitality that gave it form. [...] But to sense the reality within the form requires a different sort of attention, and more delicate manipulations than the physical senses provide.

[...] Your physical senses permit you to perceive the exterior forms to which you then react, but your physical senses to some extent force you to perceive reality in this manner, and the inside vitality within matter and form is not so apparent.

[...] I am telling you that your consciousness is not some fiery product, formed merely accidentally through the interworkings of chemical components.

[...] Instead, you form the physical body that you know at a deeply unconscious level with great discrimination, miraculous clarity, and intimate unconscious knowledge of each minute cell that composes it. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 5: Session 626, November 8, 1972 involuntary brain Bach deride functions

Therefore the inner self forms, first, the “invisible” body structure which will “later” emerge in flesh. At the event of this mental seeding, the conscious mind, in your terms, is obviously not connected with the brain, which has not yet been formed in flesh. [...]

Within the basic framework of the body chosen before physical birth (for reasons that will be discussed later), the individual has full freedom to create a perfectly healthy functioning form. The form is, however, a mirror of beliefs, and will accurately materialize in flesh those ideas held by the conscious mind.

(Pause.) Before physical birth then you form a mental concept of the body you will have. [...] You form a physical structure that will have existence within that intensely concentrated area, that will have validity and actuality — that will come alive within those “frequencies” (very positively).

[...] The identity exists before the form. [...]

TES9 Session 468 March 17, 1969 Roy imposed pyramid robe checkpoints

The form was generally a figure. [...] The lights were my thoughts (pause), in their electromagnetic form. Yet the form of the pyramid represented in other areas the three of us. The form had its own meaning therefore. The form did not disappear when he awakened. [...]

[...] You merely set the form through which the spontaneity flows.

[...] It has been a compressed period of high activity, with the inner attitudes clearly (underlined), concisely and quickly made visible in the physical form. [...]

[...] He was in a dream state, and in the dream I appeared to him in the form of a pyramid of lights. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, September 22, 1970 Rachel love remarriage Ned reawakened

[...] You have also formed the reality of your children and it is a good reality. [...] You will meet its consciousness again in another form. [...]

[...] Its consciousness was ready to leave and adapt another form. [...]

([Rachel:]“In other words, I am forming this myself.”)

[...] You aided in the development of its consciousness and it helped you by renewing your love; but as the animal changed its form so also now this reawakened love must look outward. [...]

TSM Chapter Ten doorway Bill Mark apparition sketch

[...] Seth says that we form the physical universe as unselfconsciously as we breathe. [...] Instead we form matter in order to operate in three-dimensional reality, develop our abilities and help others. [...] Without realizing it we project our ideas outward to form physical reality. [...]

[...] They form into cells and form an individual cellular consciousness. [...] This goes on ad infinitum … to form the physical body mechanism. [...]

[...] We form the events to which we then react. [...] You merely cooperated with your parents in forming it.

[...] He then saw the form of Seth’s apparition stand out against this lighter background. The form was mainly a silhouette, Bill said, without strong detail, and yet during the first monologue he got a good look at the face. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 7: Session 630, December 11, 1972 flesh soul clay Sierra living

While it is true that the body is the living materialization of idea, it is also true that these ideas form an active, responsive, alive body. [...] They compose the cells, and these combine to form the organs. [...]

[...] The life of its atoms and molecules and cells is translated into other living natural forms. [...] The same power that moves your mind forms your body.

[...] Now the soul can live, and does, in many forms — some physical and some not, but while you are material, the body is the living soul. [...]

TES4 Session 193 September 27, 1965 label Lorraine Lake test Seneca

It may not exist in space but it exists in some dimension as a form, and all forms have structure; and so dream images have structure and form, although they do not exist in your space. And so I have a structure and a form, although I do not exist in your space.

[...] Any form, even an imaginary form, exists in some dimension as a form.

My form may be changed, but so do you change the form of your own thoughts. [...]

[...] As you know, telepathy operates constantly beneath the dictates of the ego, and so is your intellectual climate formed.

NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 614, September 13, 1972 beliefs tongue yourself false flesh

[...] It is the body of your experience, coalesced in physical form. The inner self forms the objects that you know as surely and automatically as it forms your finger or your eye.

The seemingly unconscious portions of yourself draw atoms and molecules from the air to form your image. [...] (Pause.) The atoms and molecules move constantly, forming into cells, tissues and organs. [...]

[...] Electromagnetically they radiate out through your physical being; and in ways that I hope to explain later, they form the environment that you know even as they form your physical image.

[...] You perceive it as solid, as you perceive all other physical matter; yet the more matter is explored the more obvious it becomes that within it energy takes on specific shape (in the form of organs, cells, molecules, atoms, electrons), each less physical than the last, each combining in mysterious gestalt to form matter.

TES2 Session 50 May 4, 1964 condensed molecules creation combination diffusion

[...] They form into cells. Now, although the cells maintain individuality and do not lose any of their abilities, in this formation into cells there is actually a pooling of individual consciousness of atoms and molecules into, and to form, an individual cellular consciousness. [...] The combination of individual consciousness into a combination forms a new, enlarged, more powerful cellular consciousness that is capable of much more experience and fulfillment than would be possible for the isolated atom or molecule.

[...] And another small but interesting point: On your own plane, there is a subconscious storehouse of knowledge, whereby it is known in a condensed fashion, by all molecules and atoms, exactly which variant or evolutionary attempts have been made, with what results—and always with an eye out, so to speak, for circumstances that might fit forms once adopted with failure, or to attempt other forms for which present circumstances may not be right. [...]

[...] It therefore forms the separate molecules and atoms that will compose the individual. Its own knowledge is put into condensed form, and the molecules are therefore able to combine and recombine, according to the material properties inherent in your universe.

This creation involves not merely the juggling of energy units and fields, from one form to another, but also involves the setting up of new fields. [...]

TES9 Session 448 November 13, 1968 Mischa dog astral succeed image

[...] First however imagine your consciousness out of your body in its astral form. Next, feeling that you are in the astral form, tell yourself that from that image you will be able to see the image of the person that you were in your immediately past life.

[...] Now when you feel that you have this new image of your past self before you, then imagine that your consciousness is moving from your astral form into this past self. You should not do this until you see the whole form.

After you have managed to feel yourself above your body in your astral form, you again tell yourself to see the image of the same past self. [...] When you have succeeded, then still feeling yourself in the astral form, tell yourself that you will next see the image of the life before last: the image of the person you were, then repeat the other steps.

Before you see the whole form you may try to mentally communicate with it however, asking it questions. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 655, April 11, 1973 neuronal Thirteen options athlete cobweb

A form is basically nonphysical. What you see of form is only that part that can be effectively active or materialized within your system of reality. [...]

Within that vast form is your own, which is briefer, yet is not lost, not limited and not predetermined. You form your corner of the universe, which is itself a part of another one. [...]

The performance of a great athlete gives evidence of abilities inherent in the human form that are little used. [...]

[...] They do so in any case on unconscious levels, where they form the basis from which you choose your current experience.

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 803, May 2, 1977 chair sculptor die disasters patterns

[...] Again, the very senses that make such a deduction are the result of the behavior of atoms and molecules literally coming together to form the organs, filling a pattern of flesh. All other objects that you perceive are formed in their own way in the same fashion.

(Long pause, one of many, at 10:04.) Your sense apparatus determines what form that something will take, however. [...] You cannot see your thoughts, so you do not realize that they have shape and form, even as, say, clouds do. [...]

[...] These always seek form, though again there are other forms than those you recognize.

[...] When children play ring-around-the-rosy, they form living circles in the air. [...] The atoms and molecules that make up a chair play a different kind of ring-around-the-rosy, and are involved in constant motion, forming a certain pattern that you perceive as a chair.

NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 872, August 8, 1979 reptiles impulses birds intermediate evolution

[...] I’m asking his help in obtaining source material for the visual “evidence” for evolution — showing the forms involved, say, as little by little the descendants of the reptile changed into the bird. [...] As far as I’ve been able to learn, no such transitional fossils have been found, like the discrete forms of reptiles and birds that have been discovered, so I decided to search out the next best thing: the visual representations as to what they must have looked like. But what good were the developing stages of a wing, I wondered, and how many uncounted generations of reptiles-turning-into-birds had to carry those appendages, before a fully-formed bird was finally hatched that could fly? [...]

[...] But each time I start visualizing the results, I end up with two notions: First, that as I work with those intermediate forms I’ll become involved with myth and fantasy, rather than ‘fact.’ Just how did reptiles change into birds? What kind of intermediate forms were there? [...]

[...] It is as if, then, the earth, with all of its species, existed in complete form as a fully dimensioned cosmic underpainting, which gradually came alive all at once. [...] They expressed a certain kind of consciousness that sought a certain kind of form (all intently). [...]

[...] Meaning, of course, that many of those invisible leaves would represent the missing, physical, intermediate forms demanded by evolutionary theory.

TSM Chapter Fourteen dream waking clerks locations Turkish

“There is form within dream reality,” he said, “but form is first of all potential existing within psychic energy. The potential form exists long before its physical materialization. [...] Still, such a house does have form, and does exist within the Spacious Present.

“The energy behind his ‘black thing’ was the energy of hidden fears, but such a thing could be formed by anyone, since there are fears in any man. Ruburt tried to isolate them, give them form, and fight them all at once. [...]

[...] The words ‘May peace be with you’ will get him through any difficulty in other layers of reality—for as he formed that image, others also form images and he could encounter them. [...]

[...] From energy you form patterns which you then recognize as objects and use. But the objects are useless unless you are focused within the dimension for which they were specifically formed.

UR2 Section 6: Session 727 January 6, 1975 mountain geologist tree future rock

(Pause at 9:43.) In the physical world, islands, valleys, plateaus, continents and oceans all have their place, and serve to form the physical basis of your reality. Each blade of grass helps form the life of the earth. [...]

[...] Physically the human fetus bears a memory of its “past.”1 In your terms, it travels through the stages of evolution before attaining its human form. It attains that form, however, because it responds to a future time,2 a future self not as yet physically created.

[...] Its sense of identity spontaneously goes beyond the change of its own form. [...] Creatures without the compartment of the ego can easily follow their own identity beyond any change of form.”

[...] Mountains and islands arise, then disappear, to reemerge in new form. [...]

TES7 Session 305 November 30, 1966 Infinity god systems illusions diversity

[...] They are all formed from inner vitality, which is the basic or ground reality. [...] All systems are then formed mentally, including your own.

Within your system expectation indeed forms your own physical environment. [...]

[...] Systems and planes far different develop and in turn form other systems. [...]

[...] The inner self forms all systems and all places. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 5: Session 523, April 13, 1970 speech convey unselfconsciously transmitted words

[...] But before we are finished we will see that basically speaking, each of you create the book you hold in your hands, and that your entire physical environment comes as naturally out of your inner mind as words come out of your mouths, and that man forms physical objects as unselfconsciously and as automatically as he forms his own breath.


The familiarity of speech begins to vanish when you realize that you, yourself, when you begin a sentence do not know precisely how you will end it, or even how you form the words. [...]

I am pleased with the beginning of my chapter, for I think I have hit upon an analogy, and a true one, that will release the reader from the artificial bondage of physical form. [...]

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