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TES2 Session 43 April 13, 1964 camouflage transportation space disentanglement expansion

The universe is expanding in the way that a dream expands. In other words this expansion has nothing to do with your (underline) idea of space. The expansion, in a most basic manner, is more like the expansion of an idea. It has nothing to do with space or time in the manner in which you are accustomed to think of them. I told you earlier that your scientist’s idea of an expanding universe was in error, although in one important sense the universe was expanding, and this is what I referred to.

Your own dream world expands constantly. Your ideas expand constantly, but your ideas have nothing to do with space, and the manner in which the universe constantly expands has nothing to do with your idea of space. True space, fifth dimensional space, has abilities of expansion that do not need space, not in your terms.

Imagine if you can the figures or inhabitants in the painting having psychological reality, all within the set limits prescribed by the given space. Imagine in other words consciousness, growth, reality and expansion, having nothing to do with expansion of space in your terms, but an almost complete freedom of psychological realities, and you will come at least within the realm of understanding what I mean by an expanding universe that has nothing to do with the expanding universe of which your scientists speak.

TES2 Session 55 May 20, 1964 molecules psychio outer expand arbitrary

[...] Such a development as we are considering involves instead an expansion or extension; in the same manner that the expanding universe takes up no space, but expands in terms of value fulfillment, so the expanding consciousness would take up no space, but would also expand in terms of value fulfillment. [...]

[...] However, as your expanding universe does not expand in space, so your expanded self will not grow in space to amazing proportions of pounds and tons.

[...] Any particular self theoretically could expand his consciousness to contain the universe and everything in it. [...]

TES1 Session 42 April 8, 1964 plane camouflage expanding universe inexperienced

Therefore the expanding universe implies a universe expanding in a more or less empty space, and this is not true. The phenomena that are given as evidence of this kind of expanding universe are the result of camouflage instruments, distortive ideas of time, and the resulting cause and effect theory.

[...] The universe was not created at any particular time, but neither is it expanding into nowhere like an inflated balloon that grows forever larger, at least not along the lines now being considered. The expansion is an illusion, based among other things upon inadequate time measurements, upon the limited cause and effect theories; and yet in some manners the universe could be said to be expanding, but with entirely different connotations than are usually used.

I did want to answer Ruburt’s question as to the expanding universe, though we will not go into all the details now. [...]

UR1 Appendix 3: (For Session 681) capsule plane massive tissue boundary

[...] (Several years later, Jane was to list nine such inner senses in Chapter 19 of The Seth Material.) Jane said that upon coming slowly awake from her nap she’d had the very peculiar feeling of ‘growing larger.’ The laughing phrase she used was that she’d felt as ‘big as an elephant.’ Her boundaries of awareness seemed to have expanded. [...]

[...] Jane said it was as though her eyes had actually moved further apart to create this expanded field of awareness, of infinite black. [...]

[...] Neither event had made as much of an impression on her as tonight’s experience, for she hadn’t sensed the odd, infinite black within the expanded area of the skull. [...]

UR1 Section 1: Session 687 March 4, 1974 probable neurological shadowy geese race

(Pause at 10:01.) This exercise is a mental and biological doorway that can expand both your concepts of yourself and reality. [...]

[...] Now, however, it must begin to recognize that it can indeed expand, and bring into its awareness other quite legitimate realities. [...]

[...] Then the ego could expand and become aware of realities it had “earlier” ignored. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 1: January 25, 1984 Bible paternal Maude elders orally

[...] They allowed you to expand your experience while in the dream state. This also presents you with an example of the ways in which early man expanded his own knowledge and experience in the dream state. [...]

(4:19 p.m. Neither of us had particularly thought that my dream-paternal feelings represented an analogy with the way early man had expanded his own knowledge while in the dream state — but we saw the connection as soon as Seth mentioned it. [...]

TES1 Session 3 December 6, 1963 Gratis Watts Frank China incarnation

Some isolation neseary and good, particularly for (no) u. Then expand.

(“Expand in what way?”)

[...] Spirit must open, expand.

TES2 Session 58 June 1, 1964 outer ego plane passionate shrink

[...] Joseph has expanded to a large degree, and yet there is much room for improvement. [...] Let the comprehension and magic expand them. [...]

[...] You need also to expand in the direction in which you are going, in terms of these sessions and psychological time.

[...] He is now ready to expand, because this expansion will help his own abilities and will therefore influence others.

UR2 Section 4: Session 712 October 16, 1974 planet beam space clusters speeds

[...] The universe was not created at any particular time, but neither is it expanding into nowhere like an inflated balloon that grows forever larger — at least not along the lines now being considered. The expansion is an illusion, based among other things upon inadequate time measurements, and cause-and-effect theories; and yet in some manners the universe could be said to be expanding, but with entirely different connotations than are usually used.”

[...] You think of it as an exteriorized manifestation, expanding perhaps, but in an exterior rather than an interior fashion.1

[...] You do not understand that your system is indeed expanding within itself, bringing forth new creativity and energy (underlined).

TSM Chapter Nineteen: Inner Vibrational Touch Polly flashlight vibrational paths Senses

[...] That sort of material serves a need, but our material demands that you intellectually and intuitively expand.”

[...] He says: “When you look into yourself, the very effort involved extends the limitations of your consciousness, expands it, and allows the egotistical self to use abilities that it often does not realize it possesses.”

[...] His consciousness would expand to contain the experience of what it is to be a tree—any or all of the trees. [...]

TSM Appendix: Session 505, October 13, 1969 units rock emanations tones scientists

[...] Being just beyond the range of matter, having a structure but a nonphysical one, and being of a pulsating nature, they can expand or contract. [...]

[...] If we must speak in terms of size, then they change in size constantly as they expand and contract. [...]

TES3 Session 142 March 22, 1965 selves outthrust action Trainor self

[...] The individual self will expand, as the individual man will be capable of expanding when the old idea of nationalism is finally overthrown, and he can be benefited through learning of, and cooperation with, other men as brothers upon your planet.

[...] It enables the self to expand, to join in a gestalt with other selves. [...]

[...] Selves are formed also by effective ranges of comprehension, which may be expanded. [...]

UR2 Section 5: Session 721 November 25, 1974 king Roman counterparts soldier Jamaica

In a dream, attempt to expand whatever space you find yourself in. [...] Unless you are working out ideas of limitations for your own reasons, you will find that you can indeed expand inner space. [...]

[...] Try to expand any location in which you find yourself. [...] You can walk out of that dream house into another environment; and theoretically at least you can explore that world, and the space within it will expand. [...]

Now: What you think of as exterior space expands in precisely the same manner. [...]

TSM Chapter Nineteen: Perception of Past, Present, and Future amd essences unitary entail range

[...] Using this third sense, this experience would be expanded. [...]

TES2 Session 81 August 26, 1964 myth coughing car Crucifixion intelligent

[...] As an idea expands, changing a world but taking up no space, and unperceived by your scientific instruments, so does the ultimate and instantaneous absolute gestalt, which you may if you prefer call God, exist and expand.

If you will remember what I have said about the way in which the universe expands, that has nothing to do with space, then you may perhaps perceive, though dimly, the existence of a psychic pyramid of interrelated, everexpanding consciousness that creates simultaneously and instantaneously universes and individuals that are given, through the gifts of personal perspectives, duration, intelligence, psychic comprehension, and eternal validity.

[...] This absolute, ever-expanding, instantaneous psychic gestalt, which you may call God, if you prefer, is so secure in its existence now that it can constantly break itself down and rebuild itself.

TSM Chapter Nineteen: Expansion or Contraction of the Tissue Capsule capsule tissue lighter elephantiasis widening

[...] In Psy-Time this results in a peculiar “elephantiasis” feeling: I feel as if I am expanding and yet getting lighter and lighter in weight. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 649, March 19, 1973 race moral judgments wealth illness

[...] This colossus exploded, and the still expanding universe we see today is the aftermath of that event. One variation of the theory considered a pulsating universe that results from the repeated collapsing and expanding of all matter-energy.

TPS6 Deleted Session December 3, 1981 therapeutic program trigger regardless uniform

[...] It dealt with the idea that imperfections in the universe gave birth to life and all we know—that if the “big bang” had expanded perfectly uniformly there would be no life in the universe, merely a perfectly uniform cloud of lifeless hydrogen gas. It took me a while to realize that the author had said nothing at all about the idea of life as we know it being latently present all the while in the primordial cloud before it began to expand. Then I thought that in the perfectly expanding, uniform hydrogen cloud, nothing would be needed, in those terms [the author’s]—not even life itself. [...]

TES2 Session 44 April 15, 1964 laws space camouflage universe durability

[...] This should be considered along with our material on the expanding universe, since dream locations represent, certainly, a reality, even a framework that has no existence in your space; and measured purely along the lines used to measure your space, you would receive no hint at all of their existence or reality. [...]

[...] In value they can be said to expand, yet this very real intensity or value expansion of a feeling takes up no more additional space than it did at its conception.

[...] The mind expands continually, both in individual terms and in terms of the species as a whole, and yet the mind takes up neither more nor less space, whether it be the mind of a flea or a man.

TES4 Session 162 June 14, 1965 Lorraine electrical witnesses delivery brogue

Think if you will then of the manner in which an idea expands. It expands and grows and you feel its vitality gather, yet when you say it grows and expands, it does not grow and expand, again, somewhere in the space between your ears, to burst apart the bones of the skull. It expands in a way that has nothing to do with space.

[...] They are indeed transmitted without your conscious knowledge, and the self expands. [...]

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