Results 21 to 40 of 389 for stemmed:exercis
[...] The exercises are important symbolically because they show he is willing to spend time with his body rather than ignoring it. The intent will add to the exercises’ effectiveness. [...] These themselves brought about the desire to exercise, and the desire flowed outward from your decisions. [...] The exercises, and again because of the inner interests, will bring about a weight gain, normal bodily weight as the adjustments continue.
[...] The willingness and recognition have occurred mentally of course, to make the exercises possible. [...]
Quite literally he felt no deep need for exercises before. [...]
(9:00.) I want here to stress the basic playful exercising aspects of creativity. When a child indulges in physical play, it exercises its muscles and its entire body. [...] The child does not consciously exercise his or her legs so that they will be strong, but simply joyfully follows the inner impulse to do so. [...]
[...] It is also, like physical exercise, an energizing phenomena, one that expands and extends the mental and psychic properties as surely as physical exercise develops the body’s being. [...]
[...] Despite himself, however, he was stretching the dimensions of his own consciousness, exercising his consciousness in different directions, expanding the scope of his abilities—and in so doing contributing a small masterpiece to the world. [...]
All children exercise, though relatively few end up, say, as specialists in sports, so the end result of such physical play is the future development of a healthy, strong body. [...]
...Exercises in recent sessions are good if not overdone. (A reference to projections.) You shouldn’t do these however until you have tried the water exercise at least 30 or 35 times.
(Seth has never suggested this water exercise to anyone else. [...]
The exercise of the self above the waters will put you in control enough so you don’t have to worry.
[...] More similar mild exercises, including getting the “satin” feeling in her right shoulder. “I’ve got that thing again where when I stop doing the exercises my eyes work better,” she said. [...] After getting her eye drops Jane did some more subdued exercises while I made notes and worked on mail. [...]
Beside at least walking around the house, Ruburt is to do five minutes of exercise a day, of his choice; but devote it to the idea of expressing freedom for his body—not absolute freedom, but to experience that feeling. [...]
[...] If (doubly underline) you can manage, it would be good for you to oversee Ruburt’s exercises—or perhaps even do some with him; again, to add to the sense of excitement and support. [...]
[...] In the same way, if he could count on you in the exercises for a while, this would relieve him of the fear that the project, begun unsuccessfully in the past, and not continued, would follow the same pattern. [...]
Your own attitude will also automatically be more constructive and hopeful as you see for yourself the resulting changes as exercises are continued. [...]
[...] Negative beliefs can block the passageways between Framework 1 and Framework 2. It is an excellent idea for those in any kind of difficulty to do the following simple exercise.
[...] There are endless exercises that can be used to advantage, but here I will only mention a few that appear most beneficial.
For another exercise, then, relax yourself as much as possible once more. [...]
These exercises may suggest others of your own. [...]
As Seth suggests, through even a five-minute exercise, in which we sit quietly and look about, we can become aware that the present is the point of power. In his exercise, we gently remind ourselves that we aren’t at the mercy of our past beliefs unless we think we are. We have the full freedom to insert new creative goals in our point-of-power exercises. [...] Periodically we repeat the exercise — but easily, without pressure, confident that we’re doing well. [...]
In The Nature of Personal Reality, Seth deals extensively with the point of power, its exercises and meanings and benefits. [...]
I would like each reader to try two exercises. [...]
[...] This exercise has another part: When you have finished the procedure just given, then change your viewpoint; see the event from the standpoint of someone else who is also involved. [...]
No one can do this exercise for you, but the subjective results can be most astonishing. [...]
For the second exercise, take a photograph of yourself and place it before you. [...]
The fact that the fearful ego was beginning to tighten explains your reaction to the exercises. The ego can build up around the inner self like a glacier, and the exercises help melt it away. [...] … You were released so quickly as a result of the exercises that you didn’t know what had happened.…
Following Seth’s suggestions, Rob began doing a few simple yoga exercises, and the night before the eighteenth session he used self-hypnosis to relax his muscles. [...] Before he began the exercises, he was very uptight, with sore muscles and a repressive body pose. [...]
[...] This is what happened after your exercises. [...] This is why I suggested the exercises at this time.
Begin the yoga exercises and follow them faithfully. [...]
(Pause at 10:01.) This exercise is a mental and biological doorway that can expand both your concepts of yourself and reality. There may be instances in which it seems that little progress is made during the exercise itself. [...] The exercise may also result in a different kind of a dream, one that is recognized within the dream state, at least, as an introduction to a probable reality. [...]
Until you have tried the exercise and become fully acquainted with it, you will not understand its effectiveness. [...] Whether or not you have any great success, the exercise will begin a neurological reorientation that will be most important if you hope to glimpse realities that are outside of your present neurologically accepted sense-reality.
An excellent preliminary exercise is the following:
Some people will have little trouble with the exercise, and others will need to exert persistence before finding any success at all. [...]
I was glad to see that Ruburt began the back exercises once more. [...]
[...] I want to point out that the back exercises, because of the quietude and training in concentration, represent excellent practices for both of you, and for Ruburt in particular. [...]
[...] Daily use of those particular back exercises, with their mental discipline, will further aid in his development, until he will find indeed that he can not only relax at will, but even when he does not have time to will relaxation, that is, relaxation will be the built-in conditioned reflex that panic used to be.
[...] The exercises and all the other measures which he has learned will stand him in good stead. [...]
[...] Muscles and mind are both exercised. [...] Some of the exercises I will suggest will put you in touch with the way events are formed.
I am going to suggest a series of exercises. [...]
The exercises will not work, however, in the way they are meant to if they are embarked upon with too serious an air or intent. [...]
[...] The exercises I will suggest have to do with games “that anybody can play,” then — with the natural joyful manipulation of the imagination that children employ.
[...] The ommm exercises, with his late understanding, relieved the body enough so that the excellent rune exercises began to work, on his mind as well as his body. [...]
[...] I was very concerned about her condition, even though she’d recently embarked on a course of exercises and changing beliefs that was evidently beginning to help her. [...]
The exercises—or rather, the exercising—automatically stimulates all portions of the body, and will lead to periods of relaxation.
The arms have been exercised in new ways. [...]
He is afraid, of course, that if he “gives into” impulses other than writing for a day or so that he is lax, yet the exercise and relaxation of the body refreshes the soul and allows the intuitions their clear vision. [...]