Results 1 to 20 of 173 for stemmed:enlarg

TES4 Session 175 August 4, 1965 Oswego paperweight enlargement quiet indecision

(On the above evening I again experienced a feeling of enlargement in parts of my body. This was very similar to my experience of July 9,1965, at Oswego State University College in Oswego, NY. See page 131. Both experiences seem to be related to sound, and both took place in the small hours of the night after I had been sleeping for some time, then awakened. In each case Jane slept on beside me.

(In a drowsy state, I lay on my left side with my arms loosely crossed over my chest. I began to feel the enlargement first in my hands, then across my chest. This time I was alert as to what was happening at the first signs, and tried to encourage it without making any strenuous effort of will. The results didn’t surpass those of July 9; they were just a bit different.

(My chest came to feel that it was much wider, much broader and stronger and thicker—perhaps a yard wide. My upper arms gradually grew to feel that they were as thick as my thighs. My hands, as on July 9, came to feel the size of baseball gloves. I was aware of a greatly enlarged feeling in each of the fingers to some degree, as before, but this time the feeling that my fingers were somehow united into a pawlike or clublike unit was dominant.

TES3 Session 106 November 11, 1964 Kiley Nan Playboy November doctor

[...] He may find that his scope of perception may enlarge.

[...] Good feeling of enlargement in tops of feet and hands, with duration. [...]

[...] Hands and feet enlarged on the tops again to some degree. [...]

TES1 Session 39 March 30, 1964 Willy purring award portrait capsules

[...] It represents enlargement or an opening up and extension. [...] The purpose of the enlargement or extension I will discuss at the next session. It is of course an enlargement or extension of the self, and a widening of the boundaries of the self, and therefore of even conscious comprehension.

UR1 Appendix 3: (For Session 681) capsule plane massive tissue boundary

[...] While she’d been in this unusual state, that area was much enlarged — she used the words ‘infinitely large’ to describe it. [...] She didn’t have it now that her eyes were open, yet the physical feeling of enlargement had been so strong there could be no doubt of it …

“As we talked, Jane suddenly announced that her experience had triggered her memory: She’d had similar sensations of enlargement twice before. [...]

UR1 Appendix 2: (For Session 680) sportsman sports limber unpredictable chose

[...] I’m not writing here about rationalizing the existence of one or more probable selves to account for personal shortcomings in this reality, however, but of simply using the idea to enlarge our basic notions of the human potential. [...]

The time is right for you to enlarge your focus. [...]

TSM Chapter Nineteen: Expansion or Contraction of the Tissue Capsule capsule tissue lighter elephantiasis widening

[...] It can be an extension or enlargement of the self, a widening of its boundaries and of conscious comprehension. [...]

TES3 Session 115 December 16, 1964 universe storefront December Crucifixion helmets

(I would like to note here that one night during the second week in December, possibly around the 11th or 12th, I awoke out of a sound sleep to become aware that both arms and hands were involved in my rather familiar sensation of enlargement and of elevation. The feeling of enlargement centers mainly on the tops of the limbs, as though they were swelling, and is not to be confused with the overall thrilling or tingling sensation I often refer to. [...]

(My enlarging sensation began on backs of hands and in feet quite soon. [...] Arms and legs felt enlarged. [...]

TES1 Session 40 April 1, 1964 spider capsule plane desk web

[...] If you intend to stay where you are for any amount of time, then you would do well to get the most out of your establishment, and the enlargement being contemplated would be very beneficial.

The needed change that you both need can be met in your present environment by enlarging your kitchen, and unless you can move into the country, I would not suggest that you move at all. [...]

[...] These would enable him to enlarge upon his scope of awareness and activity, but at the same time impediments would be placed so that the web construction would no longer appear either as direct as far as its source is concerned, nor as spontaneous.

TES2 Session 55 May 20, 1964 molecules psychio outer expand arbitrary

There is a temporary and initial, barely perceivable enlargement, a deep pulsing in the manner of a beating forth of cells and molecules—actually a sort of pulsation resulting in a minute but definite enlargement of tissue. [...]

(As break began, I realized that my hands felt fat or enlarged; at the same time Jane said hers did also, and that she had been aware of it earlier in the session but forgot to mention it. [...]

(Again, I became aware that my right hand felt enlarged; the feeling had subsided but now returned, and with an increased intensity. [...]

TPS6 Session 938 (Deleted Portion) November 24, 1981 wherever colleagues honored prudent goes

[...] These few statements, however, will help him, and help him enlarge on an inner circle of acquaintanceship with friendly colleagues that belong in those other categories, but are indeed friendly colleagues as well. [...]

TES3 Session 114 December 14, 1964 units particles system interrelationship transformation

(By now I was also aware of a mild feeling of enlargement in the fingers of my right hand. [...]

[...] I still maintained the feeling of enlargement in the fingers of my right hand.

(I was still aware of the feeling of enlargement in my right hand. [...]

TES2 Session 43 April 13, 1964 camouflage transportation space disentanglement expansion

[...] She still had a trace of enlargement in her hands, and could not get her wedding ring off. And I had a trace of enlargement in my right hand.)

(While napping at about 4:00 PM, for a very brief moment Jane experienced the feeling she has described as infinite blackness, or enlargement. [...]

[...] It is my own observation that Jane experiences this enlargement when she is delivering exceptional material, and she agreed. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session September 18, 1972 Susskind negotiating congratulations show excuse

The change, while admittedly advantageous, reflects the fact that people are being helped, and that in our way we are able to help them change their picture of reality for the better, and to enlarge their understanding.

The psychic work will also enlarge his personal creative endeavors. [...]

TES9 Session 463 February 5, 1969 atoms perception molecules electromagnetic paranormal

[...] Addressing himself as a writer to ordinary people will enlarge his own creative abilities. [...]

On the one hand his own personality is enlarged in that the self structure includes far more perceptions than ordinarily. [...]

TES4 Session 168 July 7, 1965 fate accent Lorraine sensation Jesuit

(I then began to feel an enlargement in both of my hands, and in the left side of my face as it lay upon the pillow. [...] I could literally feel or sense their greatly-enlarged diameters.

[...] This was by far the most pronounced feeling of enlargement that I have experienced, and is separate from the other strong bodily sensations of thrilling, or the feeling of sound as Seth describes it, that I have known upon a few occasions.

TPS6 Copy of inspirational type material received Saturday, February 6 Mona Lisa canvas solving problems

[...] Consider art as a natural phenomena constructed by the psyche, a trans-species of perception and consciousness that changes, enlarges and expands life’s experiences and casts them in a different light, offering new opportunities for creating action and new solutions to problems by inserting new, original data. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 655, April 11, 1973 probable enumerate chose avenues latent

[...] (Pause.) Since your conscious beliefs determine those unconscious functions that bring about your personal experience, your first step is to enlarge those beliefs.

TES3 Session 131 February 10, 1965 electrical density denseness intensities field

[...] I also had a feeling of enlargement and projection, an inner projection. [...]

[...] I now became aware that my right hand felt “fat,” or enlarged. [...]

TES2 Session 72 July 20, 1964 Pipers imposed constructions sea endure

[...] Only that your own conceptions must first enlarge and not be imprisoned by the limitations.

[...] 7/22, 8:00 PM: I experienced a generalized feeling of enlargement once again in my hands. [...]

TES2 Session 47 April 24, 1964 Roarck Jim esthetic a.s.p.r office

[...] It was quite hilarious and we had some laughs over it; but as I finished reading at about 9:45 PM, I became aware that I was experiencing a feeling of enlargement in the index and second finger of my right hand. [...]

(“Why did I have some enlargement in my hand before this session started?”)

[...] My second finger, wherein I had been most strongly aware of the feeling of enlargement, had measured 2 ” at the time; its circumference now checked out at 2 ”, for a shrinkage of th of an inch.

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