Results 21 to 40 of 489 for stemmed:enjoy

WTH Part Two: Chapter 12: June 19, 1984 Norma Joe segments schizophrenic chocolate

[...] Norma A may enjoy action, sports, dancing and bodily activities, while Norma B may prefer reading, walking, or painting.

People with schizophrenic difficulties often enjoy word games and puzzles, so they may well use these to confuse any therapist. [...]

[...] Instead of forming such segmented selves, another person, as mentioned earlier, might enjoy the use of power, yet be so frightened of it that he or she experiences an epileptic episode instead of a schizophrenic one.

TES8 Session 357 July 31, 1967 Venice Pete Jet fire dimensional

(To Venice:) I enjoy our new friend’s questions, and I enjoy answering them. [...]

[...] Now, I like the type of questions that you ask (to Venice), and I enjoy an inquiring mind. [...]

[...] I am having a most enjoyable evening, my friend Joseph.

TPS5 Deleted Session November 21, 1979 account rewards savings bank Framework

[...] You were changing from old attitudes to ones that would allow you to enjoy financial abundance, without feeling guilty on the one hand, or resentful on the other; to a concentration upon abundance rather that what money the government might take away from you. [...]

[...] You would think that it was rather fruitless, now that you have changed over your accounts, to spend any time worrying about all the money in the past still in the old savings account that did not get the superlative interest that these new accounts will enjoy. [...]

[...] He does enjoy many of the most necessary elements of health, but he would like a higher interest, greater rewards in terms of health. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session October 17, 1977 Paul dentist adequate Carol office

Your remark about the dishes was most creative, despite the way the remark was put: “Soon you will be able to stand and do the dishes, and just enjoy the task.” [...] You did remind him of the joy he used to take in that activity, however, and in an important way a conflict was resolved: he enjoys the dishes now, and he can say “Before I know it, I can enjoy it standing up also.”

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 12, 1984 esthetic profusion decent symphonic intrinsically

[...] Flowers are not just brightly colored for man’s enjoyment, for example, but because color is a part of the flowers’ own esthetic system. They enjoy their own brilliance, and luxuriate in their own multitudinous hues.

TPS4 Deleted Session December 5, 1977 suggestion untalented walking careless enchanting

[...] Jane enjoyed the experience; she lay on her right side with her face covered, and I sat beside the bed. After I’d finished Jane said that although the experience was enjoyable she didn’t feel “anything great.” [...]

Animals not only enjoy the sounds that they make, they are to some extent enchanted by them. [...] These are enjoyed by all such species. [...]

UR2 Appendix 16: (For Session 711) sidewalks city theater traps beloved

[...] [If I did] then I would be denying you your own power, and therefore seemingly building my own … I am here because I enjoy it. [...] I enjoy the great vitality and exuberance of your reality, and our city will have joy and exuberance. [...]

NoME Part One: Chapter 1: Session 805, May 16, 1977 hunter species biological animals prey

During their lifetimes animals in their natural state enjoy their vigor and accept their worth. [...] They enjoy contrasts: that between rest and motion, heat and cold, being in direct contact with natural phenomena that everywhere quickens their experience. [...]

TES2 Session 43 April 13, 1964 camouflage transportation space disentanglement expansion

I must say that I am somewhat of an old reprobate myself, at least enough to enjoy Ruburt’s springlike attire. Like Ruburt I enjoy the wild wind, and there were many nights when we three walked down spring streets together.

[...] I do not want gullible ninnies, however I certainly would enjoy being taken at my word occasionally. [...]

Again let me mention that you in particular, Joseph, had a much more pleasant winter than you would have enjoyed without the knowledge of your own present personality gained from our sessions. [...]

TPS6 Jane’s Notes July 17-19, 1981 pleasure prowling fans Longwell phone

Enjoyment instead of responsibility: I determined to try that out Saturday, and I did enjoy myself writing a new poem; the theme—pleasure! [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session (For Mary Smith) May 3, 1972 Mary hear sound husband listen

[...] You also thought that you would enjoy having your husband around all of the time. Because of previous conflicts, that can be resolved, you did not enjoy having him around all of the time as you supposed that you did. [...]

[...] “What is there to hear?” “What are they saying?” “How bad is my hearing today?” You must instead sensually enjoy those sounds that come to you, and even imagine sounds when you are alone. [...]

This is so that you will not enjoy your one indulgence overmuch!

DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 937, November 19, 1981 Floyd raccoon chimney genetic coon

[...] We had certainly enjoyed watching the raccoon. [...] I think of this enjoyable proximity as an excellent way of keeping in perspective our human position upon the planet. [...]

[...] Right now I’m really blue, my eyes operating poorly; tears warmly close; yet enjoying the dark sky and street as rain threatens… the view of the mountains afforded by the windows; the rock music on the radio; the odd remaining odor of door varnish—deeply loving all of it yet swept through with something like nostalgia. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, June 30, 1970 guilt Derek guilty props penance

[...] These are not fine philosophies to be listened to and ignored, nor fancy words again to be enjoyed and then forgotten. [...]

[...] You are free whether or not you realize that you are free, so you may as well enjoy and use your freedom as deny it. [...]

[...] Now in the dream state you enjoy much greater freedom than you do in the waking state, and if you can catch a hold of this feeling you can use it. [...]

TSM Chapter Four voice counteraction Rob parapsychologist hoarseness

[...] You should know that I too enjoy a moment of social discourse, or I would not keep you so long. [...]

“I enjoy speaking with you for a few moments of what you might be pleased to call normal conversation. [...]

As the give and take between Rob and Seth continued, Rob got used to the voice and really enjoyed himself, there being no doubt in his mind now that Seth was Seth, someone entirely different and independent.

TPS1 Session 563 (Deleted) December 2, 1970 noncontact tendencies spontaneity role relationship

[...] You were aware of it but you did not understand, generally speaking, that your relationship must be actively and positively enjoyable on a daily basis, if both of you are to produce the work that you want.

When you closed off and retreated to compensate, you came closer to the people with whom you work, enjoying their safer emotional contact. [...]

He has enjoyed your preparing breakfast when you have, far more than you realize. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session May 5, 1981 panic superself dj poohed Sinful

He may not want to be a public personality, but he does enjoy expression. He does enjoy his own brand of teaching. [...]

[...] It will also help if he remembers what he likes to do and enjoys doing, as opposed to what he thinks he should do in the line of business. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session May 26, 1975 distractions chores laughable painting novelist

[...] The painting does not bring in money, so to punish yourself you do not enjoy it sufficiently—but concentrate upon the distractions instead. You do your financial part with the books, but you still tie in your social identity with your painting, and to some extent you still feel that that social identity is dependent upon the money your “art” should produce, so you punish yourself by not enjoying your painting time. [...]

[...] You would have them done, or do them, but your creative energy and your thoughts would be involved with your creativity, and the chores at times would give you a necessary enjoyed change. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 10: June 3, 1984 adult pursuit rearousing tomorrow worsen

[...] They enjoy communication, the pursuit of knowledge, and they are filled with curiosity.

This deprives body and mind of the zest and purpose needed in order to enjoy any pursuits or activities. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session December 22, 1983 spasms surmised legs houseboat Margaret

(I had no calls or disturbances of any kind this morning, and greatly enjoyed the privacy. [...]

[...] But I went, and it was very enjoyable. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session July 12, 1978 Emir Eleanor conservative weight truth

(No session was held Monday evening, since Jane was enjoying a very beneficial relaxation.

[...] Relaxing in the moment and enjoying the beauties of the day, as per your suggestions, is vital in that regard.

Beyond writing down his feelings, for a while at least let Ruburt make a list each day of the good things that happened, or the portion of the day he enjoyed. [...]

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