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TES4 Session 176 August 9, 1965 Ella buttons Aunt Jay Alice

[...] For if each personality is an energy gestalt, then also each family group is also an energy gestalt. [...]

[...] Her energies were not directed in a manner that would permit her to give birth to a normal child. [...]

[...] She simply did not bother focusing her energies upon practical matters, particularly during the last years, but she was quick spiritually.

UR2 Appendix 18: (For Session 711) appendix Jung excerpts animus particles

[...] I also want each of you to understand that energy is being used — and that the same energy Ruburt uses is available to each of you.

(Then from Seth himself:) In one sense meeting with you costs me little energy, it is true. [...]

[...] I say that I am an energy personality essence, since that is what I am … My name for him is Ruburt,15 which happens to be a male name simply because it is the closest translation, in your terms, for the name of the whole self or entity of which he is now a self-conscious part.

[...] Jane believed Seth when he told us he was an “energy personality essence, no longer focused in physical reality” — she just wanted to know more about what he meant by that statement. [...]

TPS3 Session 698 (Deleted Portion) May 20, 1974 physicians alignment canal Cyprus jaw

The physicians aid by giving precise overall directions to the body consciousness, simply facilitating healing, and directing energy—they are artists in their field. [...]

TPS7 Letter to Sheri Saturday Morning, October 23, 1982 Sheri behalf healers Jerry p.s

[...] For the first time in a session, Seth remarked last night that Jane has been able to open herself up to healing energy from you and the people you have asked for help on Jane’s behalf. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 5, 1978 Framework stimulated pendulum walking impediments

[...] Beginning the day with the positive suggestions will, as time progresses, reinforce Ruburt’s sense of personal energy and power, and trust of the self. [...]

[...] The pillow pounding was simply meant to allow physical expression that would vary on different days, and would open the body to the idea of the normal exertion of such energy. [...]

TES9 Session 423 July 17, 1968 friction soundlessly primitive lips nodded

We consider fear an extremely primitive use of energy, as you might consider fire primitive in comparison to nuclear activity. [...]

[...] We are using some energy now, through Ruburt’s physical body, activating certain areas that will facilitate recovery.

TPS5 Session 844 (Deleted) April 1, 1979 Harrisburg nuclear dog dream drama

Nuclear energy in fact, then, comes as a dream symbol, and emerges into the world as something to be dealt with.

Some of the scientists equate nuclear power with man’s great curiosity, and feel that they wrest this great energy from nature because they are “smarter than” nature is—smarter than nature, smarter than their fellow men—so they read those events in their own way. [...]

[...] Man’s fears of not achieving brotherhood, of not achieving a secure state of consciousness, or a workable morality, result in his dreams of destruction, however they are expressed, and indeed, the present physical event as it exists now at the energy plant in Harrisburg can easily be likened to—and is—a warning dream to change man’s actions.

TES3 Session 101 October 28, 1964 fifth dimensional dimensions midplane resistances

[...] During sessions there is a constant translation of energy from one dimension-plane to another, and on his part a change of reference points, allowing for such translations to occur.

These resistances of course require added energy on Ruburt’s part. [...]

This takes energy, and on those occasions when there is much activity of this sort, he will be seen to become fatigued. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 615, September 18, 1972 false mind beliefs stained examine

[...] The conscious mind sets the goals and the inner self brings them about, using all its facilities and inexhaustible energy.

[...] Your spirit was born in flesh to enrich a marvelous area of sense awareness, to feel energy made into corporeal form. [...]

[...] On occasion, when the situation gets out of hand, it will bypass those restrictive areas of the conscious mind, and solve the problem by shooting forth energy in other layers of activity.

UR2 Section 6: Session 736 February 5, 1975 Milumet Zuli Sumari Foster family

[...] They are organizers of energy, directed toward effective social structures. [...]

Almost all of their energy is directed in an inward fashion, with no regard as to whether or not inner experience is translated in usual terms. [...]

(Long pause at 11:01.) Members of this (Zuli) family can often serve as models for the artist or the writer, but generally speaking they themselves transmit their energy through physical “arts” and performance. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 540, July 6, 1970 reincarnation choose reenter cycle intermediary

[...] Those who do not realize that they are dead are here told of their true condition, and all efforts are made to refresh the energies and spirits. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session February 24, 1972 repression conscientious February etc job

[...] There is a great division of energy, as there is in all creators, but in his case between the need for spontaneity and discipline, safety and freedom, and these are clearly seen in the body’s condition right now.

[...] Because in the beginning you emphasized discipline, he felt you did not think him capable of exerting it on his own; that while you were attracted to his spontaneity you feared it and his energy. [...]

[...] Your best energies were going into your work, he felt, at the job, not into painting, and the very focus divided you. [...]

[...] I have the energy to do it creatively if I am not hampered. [...]

TPS1 Session 562 (Deleted) November 30, 1970 noncontact divorce secrecy both sexual

[...] Both of you decided that you would have no children, not only because this fit in with the first goal, but because the energy connected with family life would go into your creative productions, would be saved and available when you began to embark upon the psychic work for which you had also planned.

[...] When you approach either end of this area, automatic danger signals go off, telling you to move in one direction or the other, back to the symbolic center of your energy and abilities.

[...] To use this energy in private sessions was all right because it was a joint performance, a private one, and you both directly benefited.

[...] The energy has been blocked. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session (For Mary Smith) May 3, 1972 Mary hear sound husband listen

Now you used the energy that your classmate (Eleanor) was sending you for other overall purposes. While you did not want to hear, her energy could not force you to hear. [...] The exercise that I just suggested to you will, if followed, now, help you open up sufficiently so that energy sent to you can be utilized for that specific difficulty. But while you refused to hear, you would consider energy sent to you particularly to make you hear also a threat to your survival, and would be determined to block it. [...]

[...] You also have all the energy that you need, when you learn how to release it. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 14: Session 654, April 9, 1973 reprogram past neuronal present biologists

This is not meant to dilute the function or natural abilities of reasoning awareness, for its powers allow you to focus experience in a highly specific manner, and to direct energy with great purposeful attention. [...]

You rule your experiences from the focal point of your present, where your beliefs directly intercept with the body and the physical world on the one hand, and the invisible world from which you draw your energy and strength on the other. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, February 25, 1969 ceremony repent blessing joy equations

[...] And let the energy of All That Is flow through you as indiscriminatelyas clouds through the skies. [...]

[...] And that the energy within this room is available to you. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session December 4, 1972 Josef paintings fake channel underlined

[...] The channels by their nature will translate and shape creative energy with their unique dimensions.

[...] You wanted to express in painting then the freeing of emotions—that could not be expressed unless first there had been repression, and those energies in full blossom that have nothing to do with age.

SS Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 547, August 24, 1970 sneezed healers creators hay vocation

[...] A delicate manipulation of energy is required, and a constant travel through dimensions. [...]

[...] My own energies, she said, were very scattered this evening; she had picked this up. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 566, February 15, 1971 probable violin selves bleed event

[...] Now there is a natural attraction between yourself and other probable selves, electromagnetic connections having to do with simultaneous propulsions of energy. By this I mean energy that appears simultaneously both to you and probable selves in other realities; psychic connections having to do with a uniting, sympathetic, emotional reaction and a connection that shows up very strongly in the dream state.

TSM Author’s Introduction paranormal God students Carol advice

[...] In reality you project your own energy out to form the physical world. [...]

[...] Nowhere in my first book did I say that I thought Seth was exactly what he said he was: “an energy personality essence no longer focused in physical reality.” [...]

[...] Seth certainly hasn’t “stolen” any of my own creative energy for his own purposes.

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