Results 361 to 380 of 1043 for stemmed:energi

TES8 Session 366 September 25, 1967 competitor Searle Bradley John Gleason

[...] We have on two evenings visited the home in question, and we have personally done our best in directing the healing energy of the universe to this woman.

The very fact that the man has been driven into a corner has made him desperate enough so that he is able to concentrate large amounts of energy on her behalf. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 29, 1971 Joel beyond flesh kinda sand

[...] And all of that also has been given to us for the energy that we have is not ours alone, nor are we the source of it; for it flows through us as it flows through you. [...]

[...] And let us see some of those acted out and released and the energy that is hidden there used constructively. [...]

TPS3 Session 733 (Deleted Portion) January 27, 1975 wryly shelter concluded cave january

The books will yet do far better, and your creative energies will touch on other fields, and this has already begun.

SS Part One: Chapter 4: Session 522, April 8, 1970 dimensional actors roles three pretend

(Jane was taking many more pauses.) The soul or entity is highly individualized spiritual energy. [...]

[...] An inner awareness gives them a source of energy and strength. [...]

[...] You are learning to handle the energy that is yourself, for creative purposes.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 28, 1982 Michaellen Fred Underwood Conyers foods

His energy is being reasserted, however, as the relaxation helps free his motion. [...]

(Long pause at 8:22.) Greater energy and motion is also being generated. [...]

[...] Once again, the energy you are releasing will be showing itself in other areas in both your work and dealings with others. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session April 15, 1970 poetry symptoms daemon displacement bookcase

[...] Either the individual no longer trusts the purpose toward which his energy is being expended, or perhaps worse, he feels that there is no reason, or that he has no purpose, and does not know in which direction to turn his energy.

Now the energy that I am using now is also being made available for Ruburt (louder), and now he is no longer afraid to use it joyfully, and it will straighten out his arms and release some of the crooked ideas that he has in that head of his.

TPS3 Session 683 (Deleted Portion) February 18, 1974 curricular predispositions citizens assure february

[...] To some extent you are using the energy crisis, each of you, to cut down on your extra-curricular activities—not to be good citizens, though that is in your minds, as much as the fact that the restriction on travel fits so in with your predispositions. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 649, March 19, 1973 race moral judgments wealth illness

1. The “big bang” theory postulates that 10 to 15 billion years ago all matter — or energy — was concentrated in one great primordial “atom.” [...] One variation of the theory considered a pulsating universe that results from the repeated collapsing and expanding of all matter-energy.

TES4 Session 152 May 5, 1965 subconscious resiliency pendulum layers ego

[...] Your psychic energies help him make these translations. [...]

[...] Once this apparent separate ego is formed, and once a fair amount of stability is maintained, and a new identity arrived at, the initial desire and energy will maintain the ego in its position during its existence in any field. [...]

[...] Such emotional experience actually strengthens not only the ego, but it opens communications between the ego and the subconscious, and allows for a much greater flow of energy from the primary source of action.

This energy, incidentally, can be most effectively used for creative work. [...]

TES2 Session 83 August 31, 1964 libido Freud Jung cooperation advocating

[...] It originates instead in the energy of the entity and inner self, and is directed by means of the inner senses, outward so to speak, through the deeper layers of the individual subconscious mind, then through the outer or personal layers.

Here you will discover man’s true origins, and the mechanisms and ways in which the unseen self operates, forms his universe of matter through psychic energy, and communicates on levels unperceived by his outer physical organism.

[...] I say that I am an energy personality essence, since that is what I am.

I am an energy personality essence. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 4, 1977 waking sleeping rational prime Dialogues

Sleeping provides not only a rest from usual activity, but a recharge of energy. Waking life involves the expenditure of energy, so in this way a portion of the species uses energy while the other half is being replenished. [...]

[...] Certain kinds of energy are utilized in the formation of physical events. [...]

TES9 Session 487 June 16, 1969 injections brain infections Pietra drugs

[...] This involves a transfer of conscious energy from a home system to an alien one, and certain more or less automatic changes must be made from system to system, involving the use of brain waves; certain patterns being normal in different systems. [...]

[...] Your apartment hunting had a favorable effect, simply because of the complete change of focus and the swinging of energies into a different area.

[...] Energy is automatically drawn away from negative areas and from the symptoms.

TPS6 Deleted Session December 3, 1981 therapeutic program trigger regardless uniform

[...] (Long pause.) Such a program, to be effective, must also include Ruburt’s initiative, so that he rouses himself and definitely begins to take advantage of those energies that he has—that is, energy exercises for himself. [...]

[...] You use energy without understanding how it works, so obviously you do not need a detailed map of the inner world to obtain its benefits. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 817, January 30, 1978 myths mythical disaster factual manifestations

All being is manifestation of energy — an emotional manifestation of energy. [...] The manifestations of physical energy follow emotional rhythms that cannot be ascertained with gadgets or instruments, however fine.

TPS4 Deleted Session July 31, 1978 Jupenlasz Mansfield Scott pioneering Nearing

[...] As Jane said, “Scott conserved his energy, but he seemed to do well enough, although his movements were slow, especially walking and sitting down. [...]

[...] She wanted action, was full of nervous energy. [...]

[...] And in his own fashion, he passed on some energy to Ruburt as a gift to help him in that endeavor. [...]

TES9 Session 438 September 23, 1968 Eve notime accident Helena rm

[...] They are massive energy sources, (pause), cosmic energy banks, who make possible the whole reality of probabilities.

[...] (Pause.) They form energy sources. [...]

TES1 Session 40 April 1, 1964 spider capsule plane desk web

It is actually a field, that is energy field, boundary. It protects the inner self by acting as a barrier that keeps the whole self’s energy controlled, and keeps it from seeping away. [...]

If energy is imprisoned or focused into the physical construction to the extent that a construction appears on your plane, while still not fully constructed, left incomplete in some aspects, to that extent the idea behind the construction is not bound by physical laws.

[...] There is almost hypnotic focus of energy for a particular time for a particular reason.

[...] It is merely the innate knowledge which makes manipulation of energy from one form to another possible, and you use it constantly. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session December 10, 1980 villages Roman soldier Nebene peasants

You had a mass burial—land and people together, a folding-in of consciousness upon itself, of energies upon energies, as those people realized that their kind of existence could no longer be maintained. [...]

[...] The land that is the environment, and the consciousness in your terms of the people, were part of each other in such a strong fashion that their energies merged (pause) to bring about the earthquake conditions. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session November 12, 1977 Framework modern sales animal manlike

[...] Framework 2 is a powerhouse from which physical energy springs. It flows, that energy, to you automatically. Only when you say “I do not want it in this area,” do you cut down on that energy flow.

UR1 Section 2: Session 691 March 25, 1974 Tertiary birds fauna microsecond cells

They certainly have a reality in energy, and they aid in the conversion of energy into physical terms. [...]

[...] Obviously these are not apparent to the physical senses, yet they are strong energy centers that to some degree do stimulate the physical senses toward activity. [...]

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