Results 301 to 320 of 1043 for stemmed:energi

TPS2 Deleted Session November 12, 1973 freedom enthusiasm trip concentrating opposite

A third of that energy on either of your parts spent on the realization that the effects are caused by beliefs, and an effort to change the beliefs, will work wonders. [...]

[...] It also fills you with feelings of being a martyr, and this drains you of your own energy. [...]

[...] Turned around however, with even a quarter of that energy used in the opposite direction, you can have a very helpful secondary support for the person in difficulty. [...]

Then you will be free to release your own energy for yourself, and to actively and joyfully encourage Ruburt to do the same. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, May 25, 1971 Ron Brady evil pope Theodore

[...] You do not seem at this point able to realize that what you call evil works for what you call good, or that both are a part of energy, and that you are using energy to form your reality, both now and after this life. [...]

[...] You are learning how to use the creative energy of which you are a part, and you are indeed quite isolated, so you cannot do much harm, in your terms. [...]

(To Natalie.) Now, I will help you send energy to your tree. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, October 8, 1968 bell task Lafinda ring brandy

There is energy within her that is given gladly and is used by the entire physical family. [...] —However, I will say here that large portions of her energy are diverted to provide supportive help physically for all members of the family. [...]

[...] She provides steps of energy that allow you to move upwards, she provides strength when you need it. [...]

DEaVF1 Essay 2 Monday, April 5, 1982 explanations frenetic handset intercoms stoicism

[...] Perhaps they were instead efforts on the part of my own explorations of value fulfillment to reorganize my life’s vast energies. [...]

Our week just past had been filled with a desperate energy as we struggled to get settled so that we could return to “work”—to our arts—on some sort of a regular basis. [...]

[...] Jane’s energy still isn’t up to where it should be, although the synthetic hormone she’s taking is helping her considerably. [...]

ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 21, 1969 violence curse justification honor Presbyterian

Defend any psychic energy that you have now. This energy, en masse, could change the world in the twinkling of an eye if it were directed constructively. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 20 projection chemical frog awake excess

[...] The yoga exercises allow you to draw an abundance — indeed, a super-abundance — of energy. This energy results, also, in chemical excesses that can be utilized in projections, without drawing energy away from your other work.

[...] Not only are these released, but they form a propelling action that allows energy to flow in the opposite direction. As chemical reactions allow the body to utilize energy and form physical materializations, so the excess built up becomes, then, a propelling force, allowing action to flow in what you would call subjective directions.

The expectation and knowledge that you are a part of all energy will allow you to realize that all the energy you require will be given. [...]

[...] In periods of exuberant energy and well being, a more than normal excess accumulates. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 3, 1973 Hugh steak demands significant greater

[...] He sensed the energy, of course, and considered it one of his characteristics, but it frightened him. He had definite ideas of the ways in which energy should properly be used and channeled.

[...] The mind in one way was becoming more aware of reality, using greater energy and taking ever greater responsibility, which it did not bear to that degree before. The acceleration of mental creativity therefore meant that the creative energy of thoughts became ever greater in practical terms. [...]

Holding back from your own expansion of consciousness impedes energy through the body. [...]

[...] But through this, or because of it, a greater joint energy becomes possible in which all the abilities of your consciousnesses expand. [...]

TES9 Session 441 October 9, 1968 mythlin male proportionately Zeno Pitre

Even with Ruburt’s difficulties as a personality he now makes more use, though he does not realize it, of his creative energies than he ever did. [...]

[...] Neither of you fully realize as yet the nature of the energies that are working with you, that give you meaning as individuals, hold you together, and form the framework of your daily existence, the balance of spontaneity and regularity.

You burn and use energy at a different rate. [...]

Your family in this life has always been determined upon longevity, and you pace your energy. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 670, June 13, 1973 peacock profusion acquired waking narrowly

[...] The dream world exists in terms of energy also, of course, but simply at ranges that are not physically obvious. [...]

Such a procedure can bring you in contact with wisdom you have been denying yourself, help unify your entire life situation, and release your energy for practical everyday purposes. [...]

SDPC Part Two: Chapter 10 Mark Rob furniture arrangements bookcases

A barricade in front of the door is not necessary. Afterwards, as we sat discussing the suggestions, he said, I do not want Ruburt’s energies soaked up in trying to fight these needs. We need all of your energies for our workand for your own. Later you will learn to use these energies well and to draw energy from the basic vitality of the universe.

[...] I was aware of nothing except of a great supporting energy and, someplace far off, the room in which my body walked. [...]

[...] Jane-Seth began to talk in a very loud and exceptionally vibrant voice, as if an extra charge of energy was suddenly made available. [...]

[...] “Like a full sail, filled with energy, carried on, full blast,” I said.

WTH Part One: Chapter 5: April 19, 1984 Joe Bumbalo tape steps pleasure

[...] One can always cite energy blockages, and probably be correct, but this says little. Most of us have energy blockages of some sort. [...]

We will not abandon book dictation, but the concentration for now will be largely devoted to bettering Ruburt’s condition by releasing his own energies, health, and flexibility.

TES8 Session 353 July 17, 1967 cupboard slept Peter Wisconsin laundromat

Now these changes have taken work, energy and time. [...]

[...] On both of your parts, the boy’s visit will show that you have once again enough energy to use elsewhere.

[...] He should expect to make his financial contribution through his classes, and to throw his energy into them, and be patient as he would if he had an outside job.

TES8 Session 355 July 26, 1967 Ferd Australia Madonna Halfway Pete

[...] Perhaps it is unfortunate, and perhaps it is not, but if you are to become involved to any important degree in this particular kind of endeavor, then you must be willing to devote time, energy and concentration to that work.

The validity and quality of any communications will rest primarily with the energy with which you are willing to develop your abilities. [...]

[...] If you decide to devote this time, energy and concentration to these endeavors consistently, then you should indeed meet with success. [...]

[...] I want you to realize first of all that such endeavors involve steady application over a period of years, for you should decide whether or not you are willing to devote such energy. [...]

TES4 Session 160 June 7, 1965 traffic action impediments mutant unimpeded

The negative suggestions therefore are symptoms of an inner block of energy and impetus. [...]

What you call a negative suggestion is never acted upon unless the inner block of energies has already occurred. [...]

[...] There are various manners in which these inner suggestions are translated from inner pure energy form into the electrical and chemical systems which compose the physical organisms, and it is possible for errors of translation to occur along these lines.

[...] It is obvious that the body is equipped to handle many such distorted actions, but a conflict is hereby brought into play, where constructive energies or actions are not given full reign, and patterns of distortions are set up within the system.

TPS7 Deleted Session November 15, 1983 Paul cigarette Neill Anner Reudi

They exist without me, of course, and yet I am able to add additional energy, and to arouse the body’s impetus. [...]

I may or may not return, according to those energies of which I speak, but I am available. [...]

TPS3 Session 728 (Deleted Portion) January 8, 1975 authority unhappy economic hump bolstering

[...] You, Joseph, do not realize emotionally how you can direct your energy to help him overcome what doubts he still has left. [...]

[...] You can help by purposefully directing energy to him to get him over the hump. [...]

TES2 Session 65 June 28, 1964 land acre purchase house intimacy

The psychic freedom and burst of energy that you will experience as a direct result of intimacy with land will be released regardless of the amount of land. [...] However, though you may not want to accept this, old landowner Joseph, an acre will release this energy as well as ten acres. You have little conception of the energy that would be beneficially yours, even in the development of one acre that was yours.

For reasons too complicated to go into, a larger amount would not be paid off until much later, because the fears that you would have would prevent full utilization of your energies. The energies released in the purchase of the house at which you looked will, themselves, indirectly allow you to pay off the amount within the five-to-eight year period.

[...] Nevertheless he was basically creative, and despite uncontrolled and undisciplined energies, his basic creative inner sense added to the psychic atmosphere, but would have turned against him had he remained.

UR2 Appendix 19: (For Session 712) hole sound massive particles atom

In his special theory of relativity, however, Albert Einstein showed that mass is a highly concentrated form of energy. Any object contains energy “on deposit” in its mass, then. The masses of colliding subatomic “particles,” for instance, can be transferred into both energy and new particles. [...]

[...] Most of that material hasn’t been published, although in Chapter 17 of The Seth Material Jane described Seth Two to some extent, including “his, hers, or its” intimate connections with Seth: the subjective pyramid or cone effects she experiences just above her head when contacting Seth Two; and the great energy she feels at such times. [...] And Seth Two — or our imperfect grasp of what such an energy gestalt can mean or represent — comprises at least one of the sources of the Seth material itself.

[...] Very quickly, and perhaps simplifying too much, here’s Seth Two from the 407th session, speaking in Jane’s high, distant, deliberate and asexual interpretation of what such an energy gestalt’s “voice” might sound like:)

[...] She also considered Seth Two in various other parts of Adventures. In Chapter 2, for instance, the Seth Two quotations are cast in the editorial “we,” the guise in which that energy gestalt often comes through: “We are trying to appreciate the nature of your present existence … For you there may seem to be an unbearable loneliness, because you are so used to relating to the warm victory of the flesh, and [here] there is no physical being … Yet beyond and within that isolation is a point of light that is consciousness. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 8, 1982 bespoke harbingers interlaces sporadic settling

(Long pause.) We are speaking of energy, of course. There is a kind of passive energy that carries you where you want to go, and material of that nature is being utilized now. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, December 14, 1971 Sumari Rob language Femtori Grendah

[...] In the meantime be aware of the waking and sleeping and remember that (very loudly) the energy that sweeps through this form sweeps also through your own. And that the energy you see displayed is also available to you. [...]

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