Results 261 to 280 of 1043 for stemmed:energi
[...] Much later, Seth told us that this psychic energy can be translated into sound like this, or it can be used for other purposes. [...] The energy is used to gather the data instead. (As you will see later in this book, that energy can also be a springboard into other dimensions.)
When the voice is deep and booming, I feel very small and surrounded by terrific energy. From what we have learned, the voice was a sort of indication of the amount of energy available; it served many purposes, besides helping to express Seth’s personality.
[...] Rob told me about the heavy masculine voice with its astonishing volume, and all around me I felt this high energy and great humor as if an invisible Seth were sitting there, smiling, ready to start a friendly chat.
I would have been removing the problem from you, and in this instance depriving you of the opportunity of solving it, and therefore of adding to your own energies and abilities. [...]
[...] And these constructive energies have helped change the situation for the better.
[...] It is well that you are, but you must not allow this knowledge to weigh like a mountain upon your being, so that you are pinned under and your energies sucked away. [...]
[...] Ruburt was able to counteract the temporary but overall negative storm by his own creative energies, and focus strongly to protect you both.
You must throw your energy somewhere and use your strength somewhere. [...] Your energy must flow outward.
[...] If I thought you might do otherwise then I would not give you this particular advice, but you have made your decision so you may as well throw all of your energy into it. [...]
[...] You will not accept it as it is, so you had better use all your energy to move through it and change it, and if you do so decide you will win out.
His energy was very purposefully restrained and held back last winter. [...] He had to be more certain of our cause before he would allow himself to direct energy into it.
[...] Such personalities also are usually gifted with the ability to draw upon unusual amounts of energy. Often they must learn at a fairly young age not to dissipate the energy. [...]
The energy generated by some such experiences is enough to change a life in a matter of moments, and to affect the understanding and behavior of others. [...]
[...] The energy has been directed, and the individual has had enough time to realize that the accepted frameworks and answers make little sense to him.
[...] Contained within it is the condensed energy from which all other developments come.
The energy used in constructing dreams is every bit as intense as the energy used in the waking state, but there is no depletion because the sleeping self uses energy more naturally, realizing that it is available, and being more free in its operation.
There will be a period of relaxation following the completion of his book, and during this time there will be a release of psychic energy that he will use most beneficially. [...]
The energy is used in a more diffused manner however, than in the waking state. [...]
[...] However, his energies on weekends as a rule should be more outgoing, and I am sorry that it has been necessary to curtail your dancing activities. Going out is an excellent way of recharging energies, by contrast. [...]
[...] And also, I am at present against these fairly frequent sessions where, on the one hand, Ruburt pretends that he is merely resting; that is, he pretends to himself, but actually he is expanding his energies, and expending them just as quickly, for this amounts to more than one psychological time experiment daily.
[...] With the schedule that I have suggested the inner energies are vividly and intensely focused, but for a short period of your time. [...]
[...] His energies quicken however from then until early spring, and I did not want him to get into the habit of channeling them inwardly to any overbalanced degree. [...]
Much energy is indeed being directed outward. Within however there is a core of self-realization now beginning to gain strength, so that the amount of energy used inwardly will soon begin to match that expended outwardly. [...]
You sensed energy flowing outward and resented its flow, fearing to lose yourself. Now you are learning to utilize, receive and translate new energy from other layers of the self so that you will not feel depleted. [...]
As a result there are bursts of communication, followed by an urge for secrecy, as if he could lose himself through these communications to others; as if with each word energy escaped from him so that he would want to hold it back in protection.
[...] The inner self, in your present, has not yet found nor focused its true ability or direction, and so it fears itself a void and therefore often resents the energy of the outer self.
“We are individualized portions of energy, materialized within physical existence, to learn to form ideas from energy, and make them physical (this is idea construction). [...] We learn the power and effects of ideas by changing them into physical realities; and we learn responsibility in the use of creative energy. [...]
[...] It communicates on an energy level with other entities, and has an almost inexhaustible supply of energy at its command. [...]
[...] My first novel had just been published in paperback, and all my energies were channeled into becoming a good novelist and poet. [...]
[...] I was tuned in, turned on—whatever you want to call it—connected to some incredible sorce of energy. [...]
I simply want you to know that you are beginning well—for you are really beginning with a new resoluteness a program, a program on Ruburt’s part to trust the energy of his being, the motion, inspiration and vitality that gave him birth and continues to sustain him. [...]
Now, you have been what would now seem to you to be chaotic energy—forming universes. [...] You have learned to handle energy. [...]
[...] If this much energy can come through this small frame, then why do you not use the energy that is available through your own. [...]
[...] And this does not only apply to the individuality as you know it in this life, but to the energy that is yours that can never be withdrawn in whatever form you find yourself. [...]
Again, however, remember: The knowledge within yourselves is not sober, it is joyful; and that the energy that comes through this frail frame is also available to each of you, in your own way. [...]
[...] Initially the beliefs were accepted because he had been taught to believe to fear his energy. [...] If energy flows in conventional accepted patterns it is not feared.
[...] Spontaneity and energy used in his work was one thing, but allowed physical translation, he felt, could mean bizarre, unreasonable physical complications.
Before you moved here he felt that his energy had been too spontaneously used physically.
[...] Then he was also afraid that this spontaneity and unconventionally attuned energy could be misdirected, again physically away from work. [...]
Extension of energy must have contraction as an after effect, and contraction will lead to extension. Therefore, if you begin in an attempt to contract your consciousness and energy, in the hopes of attaining communication with inner reality, then indeed will your consciousness, closed and contracted like a tight fist, open and expand. [...]
I would like to discuss some material that we have left unfinished, making certain that you understand that there are chemical and electrical reactions resulting from mental enzymes, that are also present in the process of constructing psychic energy into physical construction.
All psychic energy comes through such a mental enclosure. [...]
[...] There was great emotional charge behind the whole reunion question, and the “shall I go—shall I not go”—questioning discharged long withheld energy. [...]
There is literally tremendous energy that can be used and tapped for your benefit, and for the benefit of others in connection with Ruburt’s idea for classes.
Considerable thought and contemplation should be used here, and as much energy devoted as would be given in the search for a job, for the potentials are far greater. [...]
(9:30.) His situation itself will be different as he gains more energy and strength. And your own energy can also be revitalized. [...]
[...] With his energy in the book he will have less time and energy to think of them.
[...] Tell him indeed that annoyance with his own symptoms could now prevent him from helping others as well as he might, because the energy devoted to maintaining the symptoms is not being used for such constructive purposes.
He can help other people better now by being completely healthy, and with his full energy at his command. [...]