Results 1 to 20 of 111 for stemmed:dress

TPS7 Letter to Doctor Henry N. Williams June 7, 1982 ulcer finger dressing calindula Silvadene

2. At the same time, I began using the calindula medication on the ulcer twice a day when I would change the dressing. Yesterday Jane felt very uncomfortable as she sat in her chair on the water cushion. Last night when I helped her off it onto the bed, we discovered that she had soaked the cushion under her bottom for an area eight inches or so around—something she hadn’t done before. Mixed in with this were clots of blood. The discharge from the ulcer was much greater than we’d ever noted before. Yet when I changed the dressing the ulcer itself looked okay, although perhaps a bit redder in color. It appears to me healing by filling in a bit around the edges. But again we stopped using the medication. Jane slept well last night, and this morning I noted that there hadn’t been any discharge from the ulcer overnight when I changed the dressing as usual. No more blood, for instance.

Of course we wondered if her taking the medication you sent had anything to do with the little finger’s response. In a very short session Seth said it was related, but didn’t go into any details, so other factors are involved. Jane said one of them was that she felt the changes in the finger take place as she lay on her left side while I changed the dressing, on her ulcer that afternoon. In the meantime, we stopped using the medication.

I should add that we still used the Silvadene cream on the ulcer once a day, in the afternoon as usual when I changed the dressing. I applied the calindula in the morning and late at night in an effort to speed up the healing, if possible. We thought that if this appeared to be happening we’d stop using the Silvadene. Since we don’t know what else to do at the moment, we’ll be using just the dream.

TPS1 Deleted Session August 16, 1971 game trust mistrust areas healthy

[...] He is not dressing with the freedom of an ordinary healthy good-looking young woman, for example, so he must dress for the role in his “as if” game. Healthy women do not dress to cover up their bodies, to hide their knees or their arms. They dress to show them off.

If the “as if” game is played correctly the dressing habits will change automatically, again without stress. [...]

[...] I said pivotal because the dressing brings together both the idea of mobility and womanliness—both past areas of mistrust. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 30, 1983 pizza Ointment blower delicious ribs

[...] I found out differently when I turned her on her left side after the session: For it turned out that she’d been lying upon a roll of tape that someone—Georgia or Phyllis, probably—had left lying on the bed when they changed her dressings this morning. [...]

[...] Lorrie and Cathy came in to do her dressings, cutting the prayer short. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session (For Mary Smith) May 3, 1972 Mary hear sound husband listen

You made a remark when you came in here this evening about not being dressed at noon. Now my first piece of homely advice is you should get up at a decent time and immediately dress, and “dress.” [...]

[...] You play down your attributes, rather than dress them up. [...]

All the suggestions that I gave you, however, follow including “dressing in the morning”.

TES7 Results of the Gallagher Test Session 296 October 24, 1966 dismisses choir stew lighthouse flags

[...] A white sequined dress.

DEaVF1 Essay 10 Wednesday, June 23, 1982 song essay sing cupboards Sumari

[...] “Oh, your singing is so clear and sweet!” her visiting nurse had exclaimed the other day, when my wife had begun to sing while the nurse was changing the dressings on her decubiti. [...]

TES6 Session 278 August 8, 1966 Leonard postmark stamp geometrical postage

(The mention of a dress is interesting, implying a female—and a female did accompany Leonard to Maine, from where he mailed us the object. We do not know whether Leonard’s girl had a red dress with her on the trip.

I believe a circular object, though perhaps a dress.

(Question: “What’s the color red connected to?” “I believe a circular object, though perhaps a dress.” [...]

TES8 Rob Pendulum Q&A June 12, 1967 tomato canned corn pendulum margarine

[...] No canned beans in tomato sauce, or salad dressings with tomato ingredients. [...]

TES8 Impressions Given in Session 333 on April 10, 1967 Gallaghers constables antique combos hobnail

And people dressed as constables who are not constables.

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: April 30, 1984 hypnosis fatherhood express excommunication afternoon

(She’d even thought I disapproved of her way of dress at times, whereas, if memory serves me correctly, I’d almost always liked the way she dressed, fixed her hair, and so on. [...]

SS Part One: Chapter 7: Session 531, May 25, 1970 streams blinders process river attention

Here the basic experience is hastily dressed up as much as possible in physical clothes. [...] Some dreams themselves do take place in psychic or mental areas connected with your daily activities, in which case no dressing-up process is necessary. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 13: June 22, 1984 client therapist errors overrigidity secondary

It is also possible for the individual to dress in male attire, while the secondary personality wears feminine clothes — or vice-versa.

TES3 Session 93 September 30, 1964 tub Larry leaked pajamas theatre

[...] He was fully dressed, wearing a jacket. Dick was accompanied by a thin, sharp-faced man in dark-rimmed glasses, neatly dressed in a dark suit and white shirt and colored tie, and a slim rather good-looking woman I did not know. [...]

[...] It was night outside, and I was sitting on the green grass in front of the theatre, beside Mohawk St., again quite unconcerned as many well-dressed people passed me by. [...]

[...] I was now dressed, and it was daytime. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 10, 1982 chair scared crying leaned tv

[...] When I had to change the dressings on her ass this morning, before putting her back in her chair, I saw that the sores were worse than ever—an angry, irritated red—and spreading. [...]

(Jane refused to lie down this morning while I went to Gerould’s, so I had to get her out of bed, after changing the dressings, within 10 minutes. [...]

[...] I had a time getting her on the commode, and then into bed; half the dressings were pulled lose. [...]

TES4 Session 182 August 28, 1965 Bill hay kill fever mother

[...] Peggy recalled that Bill’s mother had been buried in a blue dress, which upset Bill’s father very much; and that Bill’s mother had many blue dresses in her wardrobe.

[...] Seth also asked Bill not to tell us any more about his family relationships; presumably so that more material Seth came through with in future sessions could be checked with Bill’s knowledge, as in the blue dress and the bookkeeping incidents.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 7, 1984 nail approval sill temperature angriest

(4:21 p.m. Jane told me that yesterday Mary Jean, who had changed her dressings, had remarked upon how well the remaining bedsores are healing.

TES9 Session 445 November 4, 1968 Martin Club Lions telepathic Emma

[...] Jane said she “was sort of aware of a dress, and a telephone conversation between your mother and Emma.”

(A bit later Jane saw my mother in a gray dress with a pin and pearls. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 26, 1983 neck echelons elbows hydro fabulous

[...] Changing dressings these days is much easier, and she does better in hydro. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session June 5, 1982 finger darker powder calindula Hal

[...] This afternoon as I was changing her dressings, the little finger of her left hand began to turn darker as she lay on the bed. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 28, 1982 Wrigley thyroid Mr chair commending

(Today Jane’s nurse, Peggy Jowett, put her through a regimen of moving, washing, and changing dressings—a busy two hours that was all Jane could handle, we agreed. [...] I didn’t really think so while granting the possibility, for Jane also dozed in the mornings and on weekends when no nurses were present, and I changed her dressings on weekends within 20 minutes, so there was little strain involved there.

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