Results 521 to 540 of 690 for stemmed:difficulti

TES6 Session 260 May 18, 1966 Goldsmith Nate Saratoga spade visit

[...] There are too many difficulties involved.

TPS5 Deleted Session November 12, 1979 Wonderland play Michelangelo masterpiece artist

(Long pause.) You cannot separate the elements of a psyche, approving of some abilities and not others, putting some in competition with others, without experiencing difficulties. [...]

TES8 Session 350 July 6, 1967 jealousy Catherine temperas oils lingering

The difficulty with your work indeed involved the situation we have been discussing. [...]

TES9 Session 457 January 13, 1969 revelationary fiction mission hypocrisy committed

[...] (Pause.) Through easy success, through in fact a far more shallow route, but the intuitive self would have suffered drastically in your future, and there would have been severe difficulties.

TPS7 Deleted Session October 26, 1982 David vitamins Cohen letter guitar

[...] He’d told me that the fixation, or whatever, had gotten worse lately, and that he’d had strange palpitations and breathing difficulties when he began to think of her. [...]

SS Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 574, March 17, 1971 adjacent Middleton landscape malady Patty

[...] With great sensitivity you are able to see what physical effect the decision will have — whether the state of the body remains the same, whether there is a great sense of health within it, or the incipient beginning of great difficulties.

SS Part Two: Chapter 19: Session 575, March 24, 1971 projectionist level communication adjacent alternate

[...] I can do this in a conscious manner, and yet still, as I have mentioned, when I am here I find a difficulty in looking at you and relating to the selves that you think you are within your given moment of time; for I see the composites. [...]

TES1 Session 22 February 4, 1964 woodcarvings kiddo Joseph chickadees taunted

It is not that difficult for me but there is after all literally a stupendous amount of information, and even though I can more or less “see” it at once, I cannot give it to you in this manner, and that is where much of the difficulty arises.

TES4 Session 193 September 27, 1965 label Lorraine Lake test Seneca

—since we have had difficulties in that direction. [...]

TES3 Session 119 January 6, 1965 outer ego Jung subconscious animus

If the outer ego would be content to work on an equal basis with its inner counterpart, then many severe difficulties would be sidestepped.

TPS6 Deleted Session April 14, 1981 shuttle cautionary astray Sinful Ethel

[...] The idea of the Sinful Self has served as a large portion of that definition for centuries, bringing with it innumerable difficulties, of course. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session June 15, 1981 super Prentice expected professional unrealistic

[...] She didn’t want to do such psychic detective work, she said, because it reminded her of her own difficulties—an obvious point we both mentioned. [...]

TES6 Session 254 April 27, 1966 kettle Lilliard teapot gliddiard looming

[...] (Pause.) We are having some difficulties with this. [...]

TES2 Session 85 September 7, 1964 Watts Borst Frank gallery directorship

This would have presented a great difficulty, as indeed it does when individuals with no adequate transference system for the subconscious, attempt investigations such as these.

TES3 Session 90 September 21, 1964 twin Loriza meditation Ida sneezing

[...] I do want to caution him that first steps must be taken first if his inner goals in this direction are ever to be achieved, without unnecessary difficulties for the ego.

TPS5 Deleted Session January 23, 1980 animal platform curled excitement pets

If you treated your body as well as you treated your animals—your pets —there would be little difficulty, relatively speaking. [...]

TES8 Session 357 July 31, 1967 Venice Pete Jet fire dimensional

[...] The man to whom I referred as having difficulties in the third vertebra is the younger man of the two in question.

TES9 Session 458 January 20, 1969 uncle bridgework available teacher accidentally

[...] Regardless of what you thought consciously therefore, you still inwardly blamed yourself for letting the child go, and therefore the difficulty with the womanly organs.

TPS4 Deleted Session January 28, 1978 disapproval garage plunger copout crisis

[...] He made it to the car, knowing that on the other occasions that his body had so protested he had had difficulty. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Sessions July 9, 1977 Saturday July 10, 1977 fanatic threat fools safety rancor

As-yet-sometimes-unsynchronized new motion has been responsible for the eye “difficulties.” [...]

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