Results 41 to 60 of 1022 for stemmed:develop
There are unlimited varieties of experience open to you after death, all possible, but some less probable than others, according to your development. [...]
[...] This cannot be done, however, until the reincarnational cycle, once chosen, is completed, so the last choice exists for those who have developed their abilities through reincarnation as far as possible within that system.
[...] There was never any straight line of development as, say, from reptiles to mammal, ape, and man. [...]
The experience of your species involves a certain kind of consciousness development, highly vital. [...]
[...] Yet its time is limited, and the body’s survival is dependent upon the cell’s innate wisdom: The cell must die finally for the body to survive, and only by dying can the cell further its own development, and therefore insure its own greater survival. [...]
[...] In order to develop his own kind of individualized awareness, man had to consciously ignore for a while his own place within the structure of the earth. [...]
[...] He has not been using his full abilities but he is now learning that he must do so if he is to develop, and if he is to do his best by you, for you are my students, you see, as well as his. [...]
[...] Each physical body — in its own way, now, following its own individual peculiarities — would develop whatever skills it chose and found comfortable. [...] At the same time, all of the latent spiritual and mental qualities would be fulfilled in a like manner, so that all of the potentials of the species would find actualization in the most developed way in the experience of each individual. [...]
[...] Again, your being as you understand it is never annihilated, but continues to develop its own existence in other ways. [...] The soul, or this greater personage, does not simply send out an old self in new clothes time and time again (humorously), but each time a new, freshly-minted self that then develops and goes its own way. [...]
[...] To develop as an athlete, for example, great training is required that automatically focuses energy and activity, and hence usually precludes deep concentration to the same degree in a different area. [...]
[...] It does mean that individuals choose to develop certain portions of their abilities, and that such a choice often necessitates ignoring other talents.
This is a cornerstone for consciousness and for personality development. [...] Without it, no further development of consciousness can occur. [...]
[...] Certain abilities will be more developed in them than in you, but certain of your abilities are more developed than theirs. [...]
[...] The term includes the whole self as it consists of the self that you know, probable selves, reincarnated selves, and selves more highly developed than the self that you know.
[...] Realized yesterday also, going over old notes, that my original ‘cosmic consciousness’ (borrowed phrases again) experience was with The Physical Universe as Idea Construction which turned into and developed into the sessions and Seth Material; the natural, intuitive, and logical development; which to a large extent I relegated to the background and sometimes even distrusted. [...]
(11:22.) Such a development would, however, necessitate first of all a broadening of concepts about the self, and a greater understanding of human potential. Human consciousness is now at a stage where such a development is not only feasible, but necessary if the race is to achieve its greatest fulfillment.
[...] She was led to develop her own, therefore, and this book is an extension of certain ideas already mentioned in Adventures in Consciousness.3 To write that book, Jane Roberts drew on deep resources of energy.
(The following material is, in part, an outgrowth of certain effects described in Personal Reality; see my notes for the 616th session, bridging chapters 2 and 3. That session was held on September 20, 1972, and the notes I’m referring to concern a new development in Jane’s abilities: her initial realization that on at least some occasions she would have more than one channel of information available from Seth. [...]
(Jane had some other insights into Seth’s multiple channels as she continued dictating Personal Reality after that session,1 yet we continued to think of the new development as one of mostly theoretical interest. [...]
[...] I do believe it possible for Jane to deliver “Unknown” Reality and The Way Toward Health concurrently through Seth, and to carry on her “regular” writing, for I think we have yet to learn the limits of her abilities [although as she continues to develop them she increases our knowledge of human potential]. [...]
The Present Development of Ego Consciousness, and Why We’re at This State
The connections with health and illness.
[...] In considering “immortality,” mankind seems to hope for further egotistical development, and yet he objects to the idea that such development might involve change. [...]
It continues to grow and develop, but its growth and development is highly dependent upon its realization that while it is distinct and individual, it is also but one manifestation of the soul. [...]
[...] Let me emphasize again that these personalities exist independently within and are a part of the soul, and each of them are free to create and develop.
[...] It grows and develops even through the experience of those personalities that compose it, and it is, to put it as simply as possible, more than the sum of its parts.
(Today Jane received a call from John Pitre of Franklin, Louisiana, concerning John’s ill wife Peg; thus there was a chance Seth would talk about Peg, but this did not develop.
[...] They may even move out further into another psychic organization that offers more promising development, or to them a more pleasing psychological climate.
There are no barriers as far as development and experience are concerned, nor to creativity. [...]
[...] At the time I thought the brief appearance a little odd, but when it developed that Timothy Foote wouldn’t be staying for supper, as we had planned, Seth’s appearance made good sense.
[...] Certainly it seemed more than coincidence that lots of the great things starting to develop involved people with this common denominator running through their lives—of Saratoga Springs, NY.)
[...] Ruburt’s psychic abilities, with my help, enable him to fulfill and develop his creative writing abilities. [...]
—were in line, with his activities, and developed so that he could handle the ensuing experiences, including the enlargement of your acquaintances.
[...] Do not project the problem as it exists, accelerated by future negative developments, for you only add to the difficulties.
It is a period of great activity, telepathic communication, an overcrowding physically, but forces great new developments and a new synthesis, and this is your present situation. [...]
[...] Man will be so shoved together that the impact will literally explode into a new level of consciousness, a new development in those terms.
[...] He will be forced to recognize, use and develop his paranormal abilities simply to survive, and in so doing will release them finally for his own benefit and the benefit of his fellows.
(At 9 PM we sat waiting to see if a session would develop. [...]
[...] In your terms an intense experience can unite and spark developments encountered by one through many reincarnations. [...]
[...] He must solve the problem in the context that it developed.
(“Well, we can take the break and then see what develops.”
[...] She thought of Seth’s statements in the 104th session, concerning a sale that “has developed,” and wondered just what the statement meant. [...] She then received from Seth, mentally, a firm statement repeating that a sale has developed. [...]
[...] Nevertheless our last session, with its simplified explanation of development in terms that you can understand, should lead you to realize that because of the parallel development of the dream universe with the physical universe, the study of the dream universe will help you comprehend the basic inwardness behind the physical world that you inhabit.
[...] While development of the two universes overall is parallel, no exact evenness in all respects is achieved. [...] But overall there is parallel development.
I would like to speak concerning the parallel development of the universe of matter as you know it, the universe of negative matter, and what is truly the universe of dreams.
[...] They are being developed in another reality; therefore in this one they can be utilized far easier than you might suppose. [...] When you develop abilities in one system, to some extent they are easier to develop in another. [...]
[...] It is the result of one line of “development” that could be taken by your particular earth personality in flesh. All of the other possible lines of development also occur, however. [...]
Ruburt’s own development makes this possible, for it was necessary that he progress to the point that he has in Adventures,2 and reach the level of certain theories so that these could be used as springboards. [...]
[...] It contains within itself innately infinite properties of expansion, development, and organization; yet within itself always maintains the kernel of its own individuality. [...]
[...] In certain terms they become the cell’s private “idea” of its own growth and development, a picture alive within the cell in terms of physical information, a part of its structure. [...]
[...] The nature of probabilities determines the framework in which these fulfillments can take place, and “frames” living developments. [...]
[...] Often at your particular stage of development as a race, these appear first in your world as fiction, art, or so-called pure theory.
[...] It does mean that you have chosen certain experiences, but that these will automatically lead to further creative development if you allow them to. [...]
“It is conceivable, then, that It has evolved, in your terms, so long ago that It has forgotten Its origin, that It has developed from still another Primary which has—again, in your terms—long since gone Its way. [...] We do know that within this system of our All That Is, creation continues and developments are never still. [...]
[...] Growth and challenge are provided not in terms of achievement or development in time, but instead in terms of intensities. [...]
“Now, there are personalities developed enough to do this. [...]
[...] It is for this reason that each minute consciousness is endowed with the impetus toward survival, change, development, and creativity. [...]
[...] Starting our day this morning, we reminded ourselves of the date, but made no plans other than to perhaps keep a sharp eye out for situations that could possibly develop unpleasantly. [...]
(What did develop was that my boss at work, at 11:50 AM, called me on the phone–he happened to be at the company’s other plant on Elmira’s southside at the time–and asked me to put in more time on the job as a regular routine. [...]
[...] I also decided it to the extent that if management insisted I increase my hours, I would leave the plant and try developing some other recent ideas I have acquired on making a living, one of them being teaching art by, perhaps, starting my own school on a small scale at first.
[...] Again, if tonight’s session developed, I thought I would ask Seth whether I was correct, or merely the victim of some overoptimistic wishes.