18 results for stemmed:curs

ECS1 ESP Class Session, January 21, 1969 violence curse justification honor Presbyterian

When you curse another you curse yourselves and the curse comes back to you. When you are violent for any cause, the violence returns. For that which you send out and that which you give you also receive. There is no other way. There has never been any other way. The laws are old and ancient.

What I am telling you has been told throughout the centuries and the people have not listened. It is up to you now (Sue and Ned) whether or not you listen. It is wrong to curse a flower, and it is wrong to curse any man. And it is wrong not to hold any man in honor and it is wrong to ridicule any man. You honor yourselves. You see within yourselves the spirit of eternal vitality, and you honor it and you treat yourselves in that manner as gods. If you do not do this, then you destroy all that you touch. And you honor each other individual also, because in him is the spark of eternal vitality.

Not in your physical time, but within the next hundred years, that time may come... (phrase omitted)... but when it comes, and if it comes soon it will come as a miracle. For it will come when every man realizes that killing is wrong, and when every young man in every country refuses to go to war, and when he refuses to curse any man or any flower. You do not defend any idea with violence. With violence you kill an idea.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 673, June 27, 1973 hatred hate war love powerlessness

[...] When you curse another, you curse yourselves, and the curse returns to you.’” The answer must be considered in the light of the previous conversation, in which the student was trying to justify violence as a means of attaining peace. [...]

(“In using the word ‘curse,’ Seth is not referring to swearing, but to directing hatred against another. [...]

TSM Chapter Eighteen thread agony God gestalt yearning

“When you curse another, you curse yourselves, and the curse returns to you. [...]

“It is wrong to curse a flower and wrong to curse a man. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 16: Session 659, April 25, 1973 hypnotist doctors witch hypnosis quacks

If the cultural concepts include voodoo or witchcraft, then the therapeutic situation will be seen in that context, and a curse uncovered; which, using the power point of the present, the doctor will then reverse.

(Pause.) A modern Western physician — granted, with the greatest discomfiture — will inform his patient that he is about to die, impressing upon him that his situation is hopeless, and yet will react with scorn and loathing when he reads that a voodoo practitioner has put a curse upon some innocent victim.

You are told what to look for; you are as cursed — far more — as any native in a tiny village, only you lose breasts, appendixes, and other portions of your anatomy. [...]

NotP Chapter 4: Session 768, March 22, 1976 sexual lesbian homosexual taboos identification

[...] It seemed to their minds that she was indeed “cursed” during that time (emphatically).

WTH Part Two: Chapter 14: August 2, 1984 Carla crying Marie murderer nurses

[...] I held my tongue instead of cursing Marie, as I wanted to. [...]

TPS1 Session 562 (Deleted) November 30, 1970 noncontact divorce secrecy both sexual

[...] He feels however that his body has been almost cursed by you both, and at its worst reaction he interprets fairly prolonged noncontact in the following terms: the way Christ cursed the fig tree, that it dare not bloom, that his body is forsaken by you both, unwanted, an orphan child, so that even his good looks as a woman are suspect.

TPS5 Deleted Session November 29, 1978 worrying lumps massacres optimism knots

[...] Curse your ignorance, and search for evidence of man’s sinful nature. [...]

TES9 Session 452 December 2, 1968 destruction planet violence chaos massive

[...] Poverty was their penance, and it was considered a sacrilege to try to help those whom God had so cursed. [...]

TSM Appendix: Session 452, December 2, 1968 destruction planet planetary violence system

[...] Poverty was their penance, and it was considered a sacrilege to try to help those whom God had cursed. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 12: Session 648, March 14, 1973 geese animals instinctive disease beasts

If you misinterpret the myths, then you may believe that man has fallen from grace and that his very creaturehood is cursed, in which case you will not trust your body or allow it its “natural” pattern of self-therapy.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 663, May 14, 1973 criminal power aggression violence prisoners

[...] The man who heals or the man who curses both imply a power of knowledge to many individuals. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session July 18, 1977 retreat responsiveness guests novelists popular

[...] The mass attention and the money, that at times you either envied them or scorned them for, is often a badge to them of their own inadequacies—a compensation that is held a curse, so do not deal in generalities of that kind.

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 17: Session 661, May 7, 1973 Dineen evil territory ill severest

[...] Dineen was convinced that she was being cursed, hypnotized, and had fallen under the domination of another.

NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 814, October 8, 1977 flu inoculations season disease shots

[...] It says: “Life is a gift (and not a curse). [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session February 24, 1972 repression conscientious February etc job

[...] Outright punishment—hair-pulling or cursing. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session (For Mary Smith) May 3, 1972 Mary hear sound husband listen

[...] If Anna didn`t boil Jimmy’s eggs just right, he’d curse her out, and she’d retaliate by throwing some of Mom’s dishes at him, both of them screaming. [...]

TPS1 Introduction By Rob Butts Laurel Ed hawk Walt wife

[...] The first time, Marie cursed me from her bed; the next two times she ignored me.