Results 1 to 20 of 32 for stemmed:condemn

TPS4 Deleted Session January 9, 1978 Christ thy condemnation thesis crucified

The message was “Do not condemn yourself or others,” for Christ well knew that self-righteous condemnation of the self or of one’s neighbors served to darken the door through which man might view his own potential and its greater source.

You both chafed against the belief of your times, that man was a natural aggressor, tainted from birth, that he was damned by his very nature, condemned by his early childhood background, by original sin, or by his genes. At the same time you were also tainted by those beliefs, and seemed to see evidence for them whenever you looked into your selves, or outward to the world of your fellows. Each person carried the brunt of that self-condemnation. Ruburt is hardly outstanding in having physical difficulties, and overall your lives and the work speak for more of the potential of personality than of personality’s lacks. You set for yourselves a goal of shoving aside all of the beliefs and distortions for yourselves and for others.

In our terms, All That Is exists in Framework 2 as elsewhere, but Framework 2 represents the source of your known physical reality. From it flow all of the known facts of your world. Christ hoped to show that you survived death psychically and spiritually—that you “returned” to the father in heaven. Literal minds, looking for evidential proof, would insist that the physical body itself must rise, ascending, hence the related stories, the misinterpretation of data. “Ask, and you shall receive.” Christ well knew that that statement was indeed true, but men who condemned themselves, who considered themselves sinners, would not know what to ask for, except punishment to relieve their guilt. Hence he stressed time and time again that each person was a child of God.

NotP Chapter 11: Session 799, March 28, 1977 condemn secondary man primary destructive

To identify man with his poorest works is to purposefully seek out the mars, the mistakes, of a fine artist, and then to condemn him. To do this is to condemn yourselves personally. [...] For you must be concerned with this reality as you know it; in those terms, to condemn man is to condemn the species as you know it, and the practical terms of your world.

[...] It is easy to condemn your own kind.

[...] To whatever degree, the condemning, critical material too often becomes self-prophesying — for those who put merit on it (loudly) allow it to cloud their reactions.

NoME Part Four: Chapter 10: Session 873, August 15, 1979 idealist ideals impulses condemning geese

[...] You cannot condemn the body without ultimately condemning the soul. You cannot condemn the soul without ultimately condemning the body.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 1, 1984 parenthood simplicity unfavorable promise future

(Long pause.) Ruburt had a dream with excellent connotations, in which he looked through a beautiful old house of lovely carved wood and spacious rooms, and decided to move into the house, even though it was in an area that had previously nearly been condemned — signifying that he was indeed rising from beliefs that he condemned into a larger, spacious area of expression.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 9: Session 862, June 25, 1979 born therapy crime law proven

[...] Automatically condemned, you must do good works, or be baptized, or believe in Christ, or perform other acts in order to be saved or redeemed.

According to other religions, you may be “earthbound” by the “gross desires” of your nature, “bound to the wheel of life,” condemned to endless reincarnations until you are “purified.” [...]

TES8 Session 358 August 2, 1967 Pete Boston Marilyn rugs sister

[...] She tends to condemn her sitters because she is frightened of condemning herself.

WTH Part One: Chapter 3: March 19, 1984 esteem beloved universe Newman misfits

(4:41.) One of the attitudes detrimental to good health is that of self-condemnation, or dislike of the self. [...]

TPS1 Session 556 (Deleted Portion) October 26, 1970 resentment job tremor departure leave

[...] You have not wanted to know these things, considering that that they were beneath you, and strongly condemning any feelings that you could not accept as adult. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 6: April 27, 1984 medicine western animals site vaccination

I am not condemning western medicine per se, however, but merely pointing out its many detrimental aspects. [...]

WTH Part One: Chapter 4: April 2, 1984 donations options quackery insurance driveway

(She also had the idea that in our society we’re so educated and used to condemning ourselves if we have anything wrong with us, that we blind ourselves to the real reasons we fall ill to begin with. [...]

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 9, 1984 suicide depression irreversible damnation choices

[...] Again, however, the individual must make his or her own choice, and without facing the additional burden of worrying whether or not the soul itself will be condemned for such an act.

WTH Part Two: Chapter 11: June 8, 1984 suicide youngsters lowest upward escapist

[...] The subject should not be ignored or condemned, but honestly examined. [...]

ECS4 ESP Class Session, June 1, 1971 Joel Bette Indians kids didn

([Joel:] “It just seems that you are awfully quick to condemn. [...]

TMA Session Fourteen September 29, 1980 modern effortlessness psychological deranged explosive

Now the church finally placed all of the condemnation of its religious laws against certain psychological and mystical experiences — not because it did not consider them realities, of course, but precisely because it recognized too well the disruptive influence that, say, revelationary experience could have upon a world order that was based upon a uniform dogma.

TPS6 Deleted Session June 4, 1981 rollers cushion services absolute Frank

[...] There is no need condemning the attitudes he will be inspired by on both the long and short projects. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session December 20, 1971 eat weight food disapproves yesterday

[...] You condemn them except when mentioning them to him.

WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 5, 1984 Jeff talent Karder poets fix

(Jane said Jeff was plainly surprised at her improvements, but that at the same time he was condemning her to staying in bed. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 13: Session 651, March 26, 1973 black age races sleeping white

[...] They see themselves as leftovers, dim vestiges of better selves, and in their own system of value judgment they condemn themselves through the very fact of their continued existence in time. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 11: Session 643, February 26, 1973 Andrea inferior beliefs aggression opposing

[...] She was lost in self-pity and self-condemnation. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 848, April 11, 1979 tornadoes nuclear reactor exterior Island

In the public mind, it made little difference whether the devil or tainted genes condemned the individual to a life in which it seemed he could have little control. [...]

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