Results 21 to 40 of 156 for stemmed:coincid

TPS6 Deleted Session June 1, 1981 Werner Jim Adams muscular difficulties

[...] It can hardly be a coincidence that last week, too, we received our copies of Mass Events from Prentice-Hall, along with word from Tam that the controversial book is now being shipped nationwide. [...]

(Perhaps it was no coincidence that before supper tonight Jack Joyce visited to discuss how much we should pay quarterly on our estimated NY State tax for 1981 — another success story that must be paid for? [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 28, 1978 extremist Emir Eleanor screenwriter Townsend

[...] I don’t think it any coincidence that Jane contacted Eleanor, who is the editor for Dick Bach, who is a counterpart of Jane’s. [Jane first called Pat Golbitz, but Pat was out of her office—so Pat doesn’t get to see Emir first.]

[...] Hardly a “coincidence” that it all begins to develop at relatively the same time.)

TES9 Session 470 March 26, 1969 pathways web impulses events perceive

[...] When such highly charged impulses intersect or coincide matter is formed. [...]

NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 823, February 27, 1978 principle complementarity uncertainty quantum Heisenberg

To parallel these sessions, it would be nice if the two of you kept Framework 2 in mind, and utilized it with a bit more confidence, and became alert again to those “coincidences” that always appear in current experience.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 856, May 24, 1979 Watergate President idealized nuclear fanatic

[...] By one of those curious coincidences that are not coincidences at all, another dramatic rendition of that same Watergate saga was simultaneously showing on another channel — this one depicting the second spiritual birth of one of the President’s finest cohorts.

TPS5 Notes for Session 844 (Deleted) April 1, 1979 Island Mile meltdown radioactive Jonestown

[...] It would hardly be a coincidence, I added, that the mass events at Jonestown and Three Mile Island took place within less than six months of each other, and that they represented the two poles, or extremes, of mankind’s present main belief systems: religion and science.

TPS5 Session 846 (Deleted Portion) April 4, 1979 side supermarket prominence exotic instincts

[...] I hardly thought it a coincidence that my side began bothering me—as it had years ago—just when we’d finished our work on the page proofs for Volume 2 of “Unknown” and Psyche, and I was free of that work load for the first time in a long while. [...]

TES4 Session 173 July 28, 1965 Watts solution dream spirals actions

[...] If portions of the self did not coincide then it would be impossible for the whole personality to ever operate as a unit. [...] But portions of these spirals coincide, and in this analogy the spirals of action not only have those dimensions which you understand, but other dimensions with which you are not yet familiar.

TMA Appendix B magical e.s.p pesty grinned conversation

[...] Coincidence? [...]

TES4 Session 152 May 5, 1965 subconscious resiliency pendulum layers ego

[...] It is obviously no coincidence that almost the entire survival of the organism is held under the responsibility of the subconscious. [...]

[...] Such a moment point has a peculiar molecular structure, that is a result of intensification of action, and basically has nothing to do with the moment point happening to coincide with what you call a physical moment.

TPS2 Deleted Session August 30, 1972 Ottoman Christendom Richard Empire Nebene

It is therefore no coincidence that Richard was a student of Nebene’s, and the material on the reincarnational aspects (that Jane gave in ESP class last night) is quite correct. [...]

[...] It was no coincidence that Father Traynor used to read Don Juan of Austria (in the Catholic Church the young Jane attended), for they knew each other at that time.

TES4 Session 163 June 21, 1965 impeding action crosscurrents flow jazz

[...] Upon many occasions the purposes of the ego coincide with the purposes of the whole personality, but upon many occasions the purposes of the ego do not coincide with the best purposes of the whole personality. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session October 12, 1983 Blount drugs prescription treatment MacDuffie

[...] All of these events coming together within just a few hours was really more than a “coincidence,” I thought. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 715 October 28, 1974 library models Politics Unknown Roman

[...] This brings the two experiences together so that they coincide. [...]

[...] It is quite another thing to find yourself in such an environment, and to feel the worlds coincide. [...]

There are civilizations of the psyche,11 and only by learning about these will you discover the truth about the “lost” civilizations of your planet, for each such physical culture coincided with and emerged from a corresponding portion of the psyche that you even now possess.

TES7 Session 300 November 7, 1966 page article sheet Seminary torn

[...] It was no coincidence that Ruburt took the flashlight and decided to check the clothes. [...]

(Jane and I wonder about the coincidence involved in my selecting, by the blind method on page 158, a newspaper page that features an article about religion, and the Catholic religion at that. [...]

[...] The article then states: The date happens to coincide with 50th anniversary celebrations at Fatima, when the Pope may possibly preside.

TES4 Session 167 July 5, 1965 rejected ego reactions restrict impulses

It was no coincidence that you both took today off. [...]

TPS5 Session 851 (Deleted Portion) May 7, 1979 overnight abstinence ve dissolve deleted

[...] I think the session could well be a very important one for both of us, and that it’s hardly a coincidence that it came along at this time. [...]

NoME Part Three: Chapter 7: Session 855, May 21, 1979 vocabulary scientific vowels professor syllables

It is no coincidence that Ruburt does not possess a scientific vocabulary, though he does possess a scientific as well as intuitive mind. [...]

TES7 Session 332 April 5, 1967 wipe Johnny misbehave despair replace

[...] Tonight’s affairs were hardly a coincidence. [...]

TPS2 Session 601 December 22, 1971 chants Sumari songs language ancient

Ruburt never would have been free enough in the past for such a development to occur, and it was of course, again, no coincidence that you attended class the night the chanting began in earnest.

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