Results 1 to 20 of 148 for stemmed:clairvoy
Muriel left college without completing it and in disfavor, and so did Ruburt. The similarities alone made it easy for Ruburt to be sensitized on Muriel’s behalf and to clairvoyantly observe the illness. All of this added to the previous negative associations, and reinforced the existing symptoms, except that the identification was with the mother. Ruburt must understand that his abilities do include such clairvoyantly received data. The suggestion above should be given daily and as a matter of course.
Now: A strong part of the ego identity is based upon the continuity of creative achievement, which springs from the subconscious. If this were severely tampered with, the ego itself would suffer. Now give us a moment on the clairvoyant question. If the suggestion is given daily as I told you, there will be no great difficulty in any case. There is at present no outstanding clairvoyant data that is affecting his symptoms or causing any new symptoms, outside of those given.
Now, there is a point, quite important, that Ruburt will not consciously as yet accept, and that is the influence of telepathic and clairvoyant data. This does affect the personality.
There is always some clairvoyant material to which he is reacting, generally speaking, even as you do. There is a man it seems, somehow three times removed, but not related with any symptoms on Ruburt’s part. Proper suggestions should indeed be given before bed, along with the request for further therapeutic dreams and dreams that will give insight.
Fear will often sensitize individuals however, so that fear for a loved one will bring about clairvoyant knowledge of a disaster. They are not concerned over joyful events, you see, and do not therefore as easily perceive these clairvoyantly.
[...] Now this applies to any data, whether it be physical in the usual sense of the word, telepathic, clairvoyant or otherwise.
Now in any ordinary clairvoyant event, in a low mood, Ruburt or any individual may, according to time and circumstance, overemphasize or misinterpret information, overstating say, pessimistic elements. [...]
Now all of this is not meant to apply to specific incidents mentioned by you earlier, but only to clear several matters that we have not discussed thoroughly enough, involving the normal psychological aspects involved in clairvoyant information. [...]
We will try to arrange my tests for you as far as clairvoyant dreams and suggestion are concerned, so that these tests also add definite objective knowledge to the nature of clairvoyance in general.
[...] They will involve dreams, and we will work for awhile in an effort to train you so that clairvoyant dreams can be received at your suggestion. [...]
(Perhaps also Peggy began carrying the object because recently Jane has had several clairvoyant experiences involving the Gallaghers, and other mutual friends, that have been verified.)
Tonight’s test dealt with clairvoyance. [...]
[...] This clairvoyance is of the easier variety, and yet represents an important step in his development, and should in your own. [...] Clairvoyantly he merely disentangled himself enough to ignore some camouflage in order to perceive camouflage that lay behind it, and this is a necessary first step.
Ruburt’s experience with the slip of paper represented a clairvoyance, as did his experience with the clock; and clairvoyance is concerned with camouflage pattern. [...]
I am not going to give you any lessons for levitation, any more than I gave Ruburt lessons in clairvoyance. [...]
If cause and effect were an absolute law, then continuity would also have to be an absolute law, and all or any evidences of clairvoyance, or viewing the future, would be absolutely impossible, even in your universe, and this simply is not so. It is only because there is basically no cause and effect, but merely apparent cause and effect, and no past, present and future, that clairvoyance is possible in your universe.
And while awareness of clairvoyance is fairly rare, it does exist; and though watered down in most instance, is a natural method of warning individuals of happenings with which their own outer senses would not be familiar. [...] Without constant clairvoyance on the part of every man and woman, existence on your plane would involve such inner, psychological insecurity that it would be completely unbearable.
(At 11:00 AM today, while relaxing briefly, Jane experienced what she believes to be another attempt at clairvoyance. [...]
[...] As telepathy operates constantly at a subconscious level, as a basis for all language and communication, so clairvoyance operates continually so that the physical organism can prepare itself to face its challenges.
Dr. Gene Bernard has received some excellent material from me, both in the realm of psychological interpretation, and clairvoyant impressions. [...]
[...] If the physical temperature is too high however, then there are breaks that occur, particularly in the case of ordinary mental images, and in for example reception of clairvoyant impressions.
[...] Except in periods of extreme physical heat however, the temperature changes and the resulting electromagnetic alterations, are easily converted into legitimate impressions of a clairvoyant nature, precognitive information, and so forth.
[...] He soon wrote back asking for a few sample sessions and suggesting that Seth clairvoyantly describe his office in New York. [...]
[...] Even though he expressed interest in “testing” Seth for ESP, and suggested again that we try the clairvoyant experiment, I was put off by the letter. [...]
[...] I was afraid that Seth’s claim to clairvoyance might be subconscious bluff—his or mine—and I didn’t know if I had enough courage to call the bluff or not. [...]
[...] By the time this first change happened in my trance states, I’d already had my first out-of-body experience, and following Seth’s instructions I was having clairvoyant experiences during daily exercise periods. [...]
[...] You also had some clairvoyant abilities and used them to spice up the day-to-day news.
[...] You often perceived clairvoyant information without knowing it, giving the news ahead of time, and then being surprised yourself when the events did indeed come to pass.
Now there were invading forces from the north and you moved ahead of them, warning the people; and sometimes because of your clairvoyant abilities you could tell just where the invading forces would be in a particular area. [...]
In telepathic and clairvoyant experiences, the electromagnetic reality pattern is what is transmitted. [...]
[...] In sleep however many dreams are of a telepathic nature, with strong clairvoyant overtones. [...]
[...] Bill and Peggy will be leaving next week for a vacation in Puerto Rico, and the four of us have already made plans to try some telepathic/clairvoyant communications. [...]
(As stated before, the Gallaghers leave for a vacation in Puerto Rico next week; the four of us have planned some clairvoyant tests. [...]
(Since we wonder if clairvoyant data involving Dr. Instream will be a regular feature of the sessions from now on, we mentioned this before the session. [...]
[...] Just before it began Jane admitted, again, to a slight nervousness at the projected clairvoyant experiments involving Dr. Instream. [...]
[...] I have meant to give you this information in the past, and shortly you will see why telepathy and clairvoyance occur more readily in the dream state.
(Since it was close to 10 PM, the hour suggested by Dr. Instream for clairvoyant contact with Seth, Jane told me she felt some nervousness, as she had the first time this experiment had been tried in the 189th session.
Clairvoyance exists and is possible because of its basis within the spacious present, and this is not known because man will not accept the available data. Clairvoyance exists because matter and energy are one and the same thing. There is clairvoyance within the organs of the physical body itself, because the organs of the body are not, quote, “just” matter, but energy which has composed itself into matter. [...]
It will often neglect any clairvoyant or precognitive material that comes into the conscious mind from the deeper portions of the self. [...]
[...] From all the unconscious telepathic and clairvoyant data available, however, you will be aware of this particular grouping, and it will only serve to reinforce your idea that existence is above all perilous.
(“I wish there were words to use besides clairvoyance or precognition,” I said, since I was somewhat reluctant to attach them to the newspaper experience. [...] Perhaps I was merely afraid the experience wasn’t clairvoyant, I said, yet I felt our vocabulary was limited in some indefinable way in such cases. [...]
(Just before we sat for the session Jane finished reading my account of my “light of the universe” experience of last Sunday evening, September 21, and my account of the experience involving … clairvoyance … precognition … that I’d had at naptime today, involving my idea for a novel and an article in tonight’s Star-Gazette, Elmira’s daily newspaper. [...]
[...] But if you do call me a subconscious extension of Ruburt’s own personality, then you must agree that the subconscious is telepathic and clairvoyant, since I have shown telepathic and clairvoyant abilities. [...]
[...] To the best of my ability, I explained what telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition were, and what experiments might be conducted to show them in operation. [...]
[...] The question of clairvoyance however is not at issue with information given concerning your past. [...] But clairvoyant information deals with the future, that is, precognitive clairvoyant information, and it is here that the issue shows itself.
[...] Ruburt, generally speaking, has been doing very well in utilizing the energy available to him from other portions of the self, and in so doing he has indeed picked up clairvoyant information of which he is not aware on a conscious level.