Results 21 to 40 of 587 for stemmed:circumst
[...] Fear under normal circumstances is immobilizing, as he most certainly now realizes.
[...] I am going into this as I go into your own psychological circumstances when I feel it advisable.
Also an unknown circumstance to your friends, that will not be discovered until later, perhaps the middle of next week.
[...] His early circumstances in this life were chosen by him as a needed experience. In other lives he was able to exist without too much adversity and this time he chose troublesome and truly tragic circumstances as a needed challenge.
His circumstances of birth made it difficult for him to overindulge in the rich things of life, although his present mother used rich foods as compensation for other things, and this example opened Ruburt’s eyes and actually started him on the road to self-discipline.
[...] The circumstances of birth were chosen at the last minute on his part and was made for two reasons.
[...] A personality will not choose unfavorable circumstances of rebirth until he himself sees that necessary discipline can be achieved in no other manner. [...]
Circumstances or a general letdown actually lead to a point where he loses touch, you see, with this energy, and this is the basic difficulty. [...] This often was an aid, you see, simply because he set up circumstances for concentration.
[...] If they are your own, then it is up to you to recognize them and discover the circumstances behind their existence.
[...] They do not take into consideration the multidimensional aspects of the self or the fact that ultimately each personality, while following definite general laws, must still find and follow his or her own way of adapting these to personal circumstances.
If you were born poor, or born sick, then it certainly seems to you that these circumstances were thrust upon you. [...]
[...] It does mean that you are not powerless to change events and that each of you, regardless of your position, status, circumstances or physical condition, is in control of your own personal experience.
This is not to say that all such children should be cared for at home, or that parents should feel guilty if they are forced through circumstances to place their offspring in an institution. [...] If it is understood that there is indeed a reason behind such circumstances, then that realization alone can help ease the parents’ burden, and help them decide which course to take in their own particular case.
Now in any ordinary clairvoyant event, in a low mood, Ruburt or any individual may, according to time and circumstance, overemphasize or misinterpret information, overstating say, pessimistic elements. [...]
[...] In your terms I help keep to a minimum distortions which might otherwise occur as Ruburt’s own mood or circumstances might otherwise misinterpret.
In other words, larger mathematically intuitive, pure-theory ideas were presented as well as circumstances would permit. [...]
[...] A strong emotional basis did not exist therefore, and under the circumstances the results were surprisingly good, and they will make sense, if not now then later.
Saturday afternoon he was five, not six, and for unforeseen reasons left alone for a mere ten minutes in a large house, circumstances being such that only for a brief time no one was present. He played with a large ball, and the actual incident was so simple and uncomplicated that under ordinary circumstances it would have resulted in no such results.
[...] He has more than made up for the original offense, which was indeed understandable under the circumstances.
The incident, and I will mention it but consciously it will mean nothing, the incident represented the individual’s final success after many failures to bring forth circumstances that would then allow, or seem to cause, the peculiar set of symptoms that he felt necessary in order to repay old debts.
[...] It is not strictly necessary that the personality here involved change his environment drastically, if he can understand the circumstances that underlay the relationship between himself and the father.
(Long pause.) Children spontaneously take it for granted that their acts will result in the most favorable circumstances, and that any given situation will have a favorable end result. [...] No organism automatically expects to find starvation or disappointment or detrimental conditions — yet even when such circumstances are encountered, they in no way affect the magnificent optimism that is at the heart of life.
Once more, it is extremely important that Ruburt keep his mind on his goals, and not burden his conscious mind by trying to figure out circumstances and conditions that are best handled by the infinite intelligence that is within his own subconscious mind. [...]
[...] In all forms of life each individual is born into a world already provided for it, with circumstances favorable to its growth and development; a world in which its own existence rests upon the equally valid existence of all other individuals and species, so that each contributes to nature’s whole.
[...] I knew nothing of the circumstances under which Jane wrote the poem, and hoped the data would fill me in. [...]
[...] As stated I knew nothing of the circumstances under which Jane produced the poem used as object. [...]
[...] Here is a brief summary of the circumstances under which Jane produced the poem; it will be expanded as the data unfolds.
(As stated, I had temporarily forgotten I knew nothing of the circumstances under which Jane had produced the poem used as object, and so wasn’t sure that Seth’s data applied at all. [...]
[...] You chose the circumstances. This does not mean that you are at the mercy of those circumstances. [...]
[...] Later we will discuss more particular areas, such as circumstances in which illnesses date from birth.
[...] If you feel that your present experience was set in circumstances beyond your control, you entertain a false belief.
[...] For there are various balances, or rather various delicate imbalances, which must be maintained; and there are differences also in the makeup of dream images, which are usually seen only by the dreamer, and some other more physical materializations which may be created by the semi-waking self, and under certain circumstances seen by others.
[...] You may follow whatever course you personally prefer, as circumstances warrant.
[...] There will be some circumstances when conditions are not of the best, however, when interruptions may bother. [...]
[...] The intuitions act well under such circumstances, and these intuitions are stored subconsciously, and will show themselves in your work.
The crisis would have occurred according to the circumstances and a variety of probabilities, but many of these led in that direction, you see.
[...] Psycho-Cybernetics faithfully followed (underlined) will insure the best possible conscious circumstances to enable the process to come to its speediest conclusions.
(11:28.) Those in earthquake regions are attracted to such spots because of their innate understanding of the astonishing relationship between exterior circumstances and their own quite private mental and emotional patterns.
[...] Regardless of what they might say, they need and enjoy the constant stimuli and excitement; the very unpredictable nature of the circumstances arouses them to action. [...]
(Pause.) In many cases a near-conscious realization of the circumstances occurs beforehand. [...]