Results 181 to 200 of 263 for stemmed:chose

TPS2 Deleted Session September 10, 1973 hours work nonconventional creativity inspiration

He chose writing initially because of the spontaneity it offered, but his ideas of work directly conflicted with this. [...]

TES5 Session 206 November 8, 1965 record Philip awakening lamp dream

[...] Again, if preferable we want to record the dreams in the sequence in which they occur, so that the self-suggestion should always include “I will recall the first three dreams,” or the first five dreams or whatever number you arbitrarily chose to begin.

TES8 Session 406 April 22 1968 cozily trance halt lethargy manifestation

(I did this because in the last session Seth said he would resume his discussion of theoretical material at any point we chose. [...]

TES8 Session 410 May 8, 1968 cone postulated alkaloids photograph drugs

(We wondered why Seth’s entity chose to give this data, since it seemed Seth could have done so. [...]

TSM Chapter Eight test Rob portrait Instream impressions

[...] But after that, Rob often made up several test envelopes at once, shuffled them, and then chose one just before a session.

[...] One, used in this book, is a portrait of Seth in the form in which he chose to appear to Rob. [...]

ECS2 ESP Class Session, December 29, 1970 fish violence cannibals tribe kill

[...] Our Ned chose a fish, subconsciously, for many reasons. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session February 19, 1972 drives chained negotiate yawns welded

I need your cooperation now, since the methods that I chose have fallen so poorly. [...]

TPS2 Deleted Session January 10, 1973 Tam dilemma tooth face Seven

[...] He chose not to deal with it however because he was not ready to face the problem, he did not feel himself capable. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 2: Session 615, September 18, 1972 false mind beliefs stained examine

[...] You chose the circumstances. [...]

TSM Author’s Introduction paranormal God students Carol advice

[...] We cannot blame God, society, or our parents for misfortunes, since before this physical life we chose the circumstances into which we would be born and the challenges that could best bring about our development. [...]

TSM Chapter Seven cab motel Peg tests Rico

[...] Sometimes Rob chose items specifically because they had strong emotional charges connected with them. [...]

TES8 Session 381 November 24, 1967 table Carl pressure floor Claire

[...] If one chose to call a full levitation 100%, then our evening could be called 90% successful.

TPS1 Session 563 (Deleted) December 2, 1970 noncontact tendencies spontaneity role relationship

[...] At that time in your development you were afraid of emotions in art to such a degree that you chose in comics to deal with stereotypes rather than individual characters, to follow rigid patterns.

SS Part Two: Chapter 21: Session 587, July 28, 1971 Hebrews god dramas Mohammedanism religion

[...] Jane said she could feel him pause briefly at times to make sure that she chose just the right word while delivering the material. [...]

TES3 Session 144 April 7, 1965 knot Lorraine Belgium narcotics action

When he dreamed the dream, and chose this possibility as the solution to his problems, he had already subconsciously chosen which event he would construct within the physical field.

TPS3 Deleted Session December 18, 1974 authority economy anonymous secrecy buy

[...] You chose this experience for a reason. [...]

TPS3 Deleted Session May 1, 1975 hostile cultural gallantry codicils temperamentally

[...] Ruburt was also tinged by those concepts, so if he had to make a choice, he chose the writer’s cramp.

TPS3 Deleted Session July 18, 1977 retreat responsiveness guests novelists popular

(Seth’s material earlier this evening, about responsiveness to the world, in whatever form one chose, reminded me of an idea I’d mentioned to Jane last week. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 8: Session 634, January 22, 1973 violation guilt aggressiveness mouse killing

Man, pursuing his own way, chose to step outside of that framework — on a conscious level. [...]

TES4 Session 168 July 7, 1965 fate accent Lorraine sensation Jesuit

[...] As you suspect, there was no coincidence involved when you chose your Dr. Instream. [...]

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