Results 441 to 460 of 602 for stemmed:characterist

TPS7 Deleted Session December 16, 1983 Pete Fife Hagen Infirmary insurance

[...] The cells and organs and muscles and bones all grow by expressing the natural, innate expression characteristic of their kinds. [...]

TES9 Session 509 November 24, 1969 Jung ee unconscious ego inner

[...] There is one large point, underestimated by all of your psychologists, when they list the characteristics or attributes of consciousness. [...]

TPS1 Deleted Session April 25, 1971 Carl premise Sue insecurity attitudes

[...] You both have characteristics that are highly advantageous to him. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 22: Session 677, July 11, 1973 affirm creaturehood journeys Trust yourself

[...] Until you work with your beliefs, this guilt can be initiated by the most harmless episodes and characteristics. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session June 14, 1978 impulses interview welm Village library

[...] He should, again, perhaps with your help, now write a new list of his accomplishments, and also of his positive characteristics, so that he keeps self-approval in mind, and your compliments when he does look well are always helpful.

DEaVF2 Chapter 11: Session 936, November 17, 1981 conserving Iran Iraq Moslem nostalgia

[...] Yet, such egocentric characteristics often are sublimated into the seemingly contradictory practice of martyrdom—the two are united within the Iranian interpretation of Moslem theology. [...]

[...] In order to save space here, however, in each stanza I’m “running together” her characteristically short lines, separating them with the diagonals, or virgules, that are standard in this kind of presentation:

[...] It flows as a result of his own characteristic nature. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 16 precognitive dream manuscript prospectus freight

[...] [It is the ego’s persistent discrimination in choosing the stimuli to which it will react that determines the nature of physical time as it appears to the personality.] The ego, because of its function and characteristics, cannot make swift decisions as can the intuitive self. [...]

[...] Suggestions of motion or excitement would change and affect the temperature reading, so that this characteristic temperature range would go unnoticed. [...]

SDPC Part Three: Chapter 21 astral snoring projection bed park

[...] Left to myself, this seems to be my characteristic method. [...]

[...] This was accompanied by a buzzing noise and other loud sounds that I now accept as characteristic of certain kinds of projection. [...]

NoPR Part Two: Chapter 15: Session 656, April 16, 1973 loneliness robbers age convictions unhealthy

[...] The peculiar aspect of your own probable portraits will still be characteristic of you, and no other.

TES3 Session 118 January 4, 1965 organism fields influences planes actuality

[...] Perception of its characteristics would be impossible. [...]

TMA Session Five August 20, 1980 George Laurel target magical rational

[...] Basically (underlined), value fulfillment is one of the most important characteristics of existence, so that all things act individually and together in ways that best provide for the overall fulfillment of the entire construct.

TMA Session Twelve September 22, 1980 disclaimer Parker textbooks Prentice intellect

Those same characteristics I have mentioned as applying to Prentice apply in their way to Tam, of course. [...]

TES9 Session 510 January 19 1970 Simmons Tomoski chapter Hartley Pete

The next chapter will describe what you may call my present environment; my present in quote “characteristics,” my associates—and you may tell your Aerofranz (Tam Mossman) that I smiled as I used the word. [...]

TPS1 Session 372 (Deleted) October 16, 1967 rage father mother shell catharsis

Her heavily applied, overly feminine characteristics, were donned by her to hold him in the early years. [...]

NoPR Part One: Chapter 3: Session 618, September 28, 1972 core Seagull Dick unstructured belief

The structuring of beliefs is done in a highly characteristic yet individual manner, so you will find patterns that exist between various groupings, and one can lead you to another.

SS Part Two: Chapter 9: Session 535, June 17, 1970 death alive dead gaps unaliveness

[...] Also involved is the development of the consciousness itself, and its overall characteristic method of handling experience.

NoME Part Three: Chapter 8: Session 856, May 24, 1979 Watergate President idealized nuclear fanatic

[...] Those who followed him, in the Cabinet and so forth, possessed the same kinds of characteristics to some degree or another.

TPS6 Deleted Session July 26, 1981 service pleasure Turkish Ramstad apparel

[...] Ruburt felt that a public career threatened his own, and to some extent your characteristic, natural and absolutely necessary ways of relating with the world. [...]

TES7 Session 333 April 10, 1967 Barbara Oklahoma alto town John

[...] The personality then irresponsible but full of gaiety, with some effeminate characteristics from an earlier 9th century life. [...]

DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 914, May 7, 1980 retarded technology species values council

[...] Such ideas have much to do with the way you think of yourselves, and what you consider human characteristics, and the light in which you view those who vary in one way or another from those norms.

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