Results 21 to 40 of 57 for stemmed:capsul

TES9 Session 432 August 28, 1968 nontime system advanced dependent continents

[...] The capsule comprehension within them will evolve more and more toward the direction of conscious endeavor.

TMA Session Fourteen September 29, 1980 modern effortlessness psychological deranged explosive

[...] Iran is an example for the world, in explosive capsule form, complete with historical background and a modern political one. [...]

TES9 Session 429 August 14, 1968 entity sepia analogy intensities nontime

[...] But when you realize that your own body cells are much more than physical, contain their own capsule comprehension, then you will see that they could, at least theoretically, operate in such a manner if you could throw your own consciousness into them, and perceive their seemingly alien experience.

TPS5 Deleted Session November 22, 1978 Jones Jonestown suicide temple quickie

[...] The warning points in particular to young people, showing in capsule form and in exaggerated horror the ultimate ends of such fanaticism when it is allowed to play itself out.

TES3 Session 128 February 3, 1965 electrical intensity shape dissection field

[...] The electric reality of it, coded in a particular range of intensities, is now in my possession, in what you may call capsule form, though this is not a good analogy. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session April 22, 1981 Sinful redeemed grace church Self

(And here we have an excellent capsule answer as to why Jane has grown progressively worse since beginning Mass Events—see her paper of last December about her unease over that book and God of Jane—and why her symptoms have become even worse as the publication date of Mass Events draws near. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session December 1, 1980 disclaimer thematic protection legal criticism

[...] The company, as stated, is in its fashion a capsule of your society and its present climate. [...]

TES3 Session 121 January 13, 1965 telepathy intangible study elementary telepathic

(Among others see the 40th session, April 1,1964, for material on tissue capsules; and the 41st for material on the spacious present.)

NotP Chapter 9: Session 790, January 3, 1977 kitten Willy psychological awe dream

[...] In that piece Seth has come through with an excellent capsule explanation of his theory of “world views.” [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session August 9, 1978 mouse hunter kill prey feast

You have been considering the nature of good and evil, and in your dream you presented yourself with a capsule demonstration. [...]

TES3 Session 86 September 9, 1964 enclosure copper tube September incense

[...] Concentration upon one minute, limited, contracted object will result in consciousness expansion, for have I not said that within even the molecule and atom there exists capsule comprehension?

TES9 Session 487 June 16, 1969 injections brain infections Pietra drugs

Now they are like time capsules, cutting down stimuli for certain intervals, and then injecting stimulants as destination points are reached. [...]

TPS7 Deleted Session November 7, 1982 hospital outcome disability won Kardon

[...] Just before going outside I’d told Jane a capsule of my current thinking—that we were at the end of the line that she was going to end up hospitalized again, or in an institution where she could receive constant care. [...]

TPS5 Deleted Session November 1, 1978 Jastrow Carter Hebb cosmetics Sadat

Some people write to you in their triumphs and in their despairs, giving you, all-in-all, a library of unique, private reading matter, capsule biographies of the people of your time and country. [...]

TES2 Session 55 May 20, 1964 molecules psychio outer expand arbitrary

[...] Because the cells and molecules in general have consciousness, because they contain within themselves a capsule comprehension of the universe as a whole, and because they contain the ability to form into an almost infinite variety of form, there is a kinship between every atom and molecule, a basic enduring connection, regardless of the separate appearance which is seen using the outer senses.

In the beginning entry to your plane requires a simple energy unit, a sperm, a simple but potent capsule that contains all the future potentiality. [...]

TES3 Session 131 February 10, 1965 electrical density denseness intensities field

[...] All of this material should add dimension to your understanding of capsule comprehension, and of the initial appearance of consciousness within the physical field, as I explained it earlier.

TMA Session Thirteen September 24, 1980 mixups triplets novel box mall

[...] I told her that it looked as though Seth used my newspaper incident to actually summarize in capsule form much of the material he’s been giving us in this latest group of private sessions. [...]

TPS4 Deleted Session December 5, 1977 suggestion untalented walking careless enchanting

[...] As we talked Jane said Seth was around, and she gave me a capsule summary of what he’d have said had we held a session. [...]

TES4 Session 164 June 23, 1965 impeding action illness stimuli unifying

They are aware of themselves as a part of action, and therefore through capsule comprehension, which we have discussed, the simple atoms and molecules are aware of their own basic immortality. [...]

TPS6 Deleted Session January 26, 1981 hostages impulses public private national

(I might add that Seth’s capsule commentary on the reasons for her symptoms is just what I wanted, and that we ought to keep copies of it available for easy reference. [...]

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