Results 21 to 40 of 227 for stemmed:brother
[...] Sayre, however, generally now, represented the poorer man’s version of that American ideal, and it was from there that many of your beliefs and those of your brothers had their origins. [...]
(Quietly amused:) Now, with that simple explanation, when you know your brothers will visit, you instantly leap to the old beliefs of childhood, when your mother wanted you to set an example—which meant be someone in society, in normal middle-class society, now. [...]
The man of letters is not understood either, and you feel that your brothers cannot understand what you do, since their minds seem relatively closed —relatively closed—to the books themselves, which would automatically offer an explanation. [...]
You want to show some tangible means of support, however, in that same literal fashion, to your brothers, since you feel they cannot understand what (underlined) you do. [...]
[...] A brother-in-law involved here. If not of Philip’s, then a brother-in-law of the man who made the suggestion.
(John stated that his brothers-in-law live in Philadelphia and have no connection with John in Williamsport, or his political activities, etc.
(John also stated talent Clint Smith has one young brother-in-law who lives in Lancaster, PA, south of Williamsport; but as far as John knows there would be no connection here either.
[...] Here involving a slightly older man who has a brother.
(Today we returned from a weekend visit with my brother Dick in Rochester, New York. My mother, who now lives with Dick and his wife and family, made the trip back with Jane and me as far as the parking lot at Enfield Glen, Ithaca, where we met my other brother, Loren. [...]
[...] To some extent, in certain terms, you have upset both of your brothers, and your younger brother’s comments concerning money were directly related to two events in your life.
(While taking a drive to the drugstore on Sunday, my brother Dick told me he felt he “didn’t have much” as far as money was concerned. [...]
(It might be added here that last September 2, Jane’s dream notebook reveals, Jane had a dream involving Helen McIlwain’s brother. The brother has been dead for at least five years, and quite possibly much longer, Jane states. Jane remembers the brother rather better than she remembers Helen, actually. The dream involving the brother was a rather ordinary one, Jane believes, and at least on the surface does not involve clairvoyance. Nor, superficially, does it appear to signal a communication from the brother.)
(Also Tuesday: While falling asleep near midnight, I saw my brother Loren very clearly if briefly. [...]
I have explained to your brother the reasons behind the Ferd prediction, and he will explain them to you. [...]
[...] We have enjoyed the presence of your brother very much, and we return him to you the better, we hope, for the experience.
[...] I hope that we have been able to be of some help to your brother, for it is time for him to change some of his ways.
She was connected with your father’s brother in this life. [...]
[...] Seth is correct in stating that my father’s older brother, my Uncle Jay, who is also dead, was connected with Ella in this life; he was very protective toward her, and after he died eight years ago his wife continued to watch over Ella.
[...] Two brothers who were priests and yet it seems from what I am getting, that you did what only can be called spy work for them. [...] Your brothers knew this, the priests, and they used this knowledge to incite you to act as a spy for them. [...]
You know one of these brothers in this existence, as a woman. [...] She was far older than you in that life, as the older brother, and used to having his way. [...]
(To Bobby.) And I hesitate to bring this up but our friend, here in the middle, was a Brother in an order in the 15th century in Denmark and it was a secret order that operated underground, so to speak. [...]
([Pete:] “Well Seth, I was extremely bothered by my brother’s reaction to what you said about the August 20th five and ten race—you told Steve not to bet on it. [...]
Your brother Stephen must have faith in his own abilities, for these represent his (underlined) freedom and eventual success.
[...] Your birth, and that of your youngest brother (Richard) were highly charged for her — yours for the reasons just given, and your brother’s because it represented the time of your mother’s hysterectomy in that other reality. [...]
When your picture was taken, therefore, your parents were already living in a probable reality, but you and [your brother] Linden were not. [...]
A woman with your brother you did not recognize. [...] The woman was your brother Loren as he appeared before. [...]
You were looking for the person who was to become your brother, and indeed you found him, or he found you. [...]
(Thinking the session now over, I then brought up the thought that I suspected a distortion in Seth’s interpretation of the first dream, where he stated that before being born I saw my brother Loren as a woman. [...]
The bedroom in which your brother died was yellow. [...] Downstairs was a shop owned by your brother’s father, who was not your father this time. [...]
Your brother was born on the 22nd of April, I believe in 1671 (I wrote 1871 in an earlier session. [...]
He and your other brother who died at 9 were in Europe for at least part of the same time, though Loren died at a fat and sassy monkish 81. [...]
Frank’s experience concerning his brother is a case in point. His brother did not know that the urban renewal gentleman was in that particular restaurant where the two might meet, and until the meeting did occur nothing showed in Framework 1, though much was occurring in Framework 2. The creative potential knows exactly what changes must occur in Ruburt’s body so that he can walk normally. [...]
[...] It has to do with that life and also a Danish life in which both of them were involved, and where this one’s mother was an older brother. [...] You followed your older brother in this pursuit for some time. [...] Your brother, however, continued in his pursuits and followed you for some time. [...]