Results 61 to 80 of 1464 for stemmed:both
I am thinking of you both. [...]
[...] It does not matter whether or not Ruburt gets a job because you are both simply unable to wait. [...]
In some ways you see you must both operate as a closed unit against the world, but you must also operate as an open unit, receptive to the world. [...]
The sense data is important, you see; the new balances that your separate personalities achieve lead you both to new expansions. [...]
[...] The short story work is a very good balance actually, for both his poetry and the book of mine that he is working on. [...] Mark is good for you both, and in many instances his impulse to get you both out of the house has been a good one.
I am not saying you should always go dancing, but this is an excellent relaxation for you both, and leaving the house or visiting at someone else’s home is also good for you both. [...]
You have both done very well during the winter season. [...]
[...] Ruburt going out walking goes for both of you. You, relating far better than you even did with others, go out for both of your parents. [...]
[...] The second part concerned new rooms, all rich avenues open to him, both as a result of the release and yet bringing forth the release. [...]
[...] Both parents could be highly destructive, however—Ruburt’s father when he was drunk, and Ruburt’s mother generally.
Now she also has a great inner interest and so for her and for both of you, you are traveling these inward roads for both of you and she is carrying on the critical aspects for both of you. [...]
[...] They represented culture and civilization, both as it has existed in the past, and as you see it in the future. [...]
[...] It also represented the water or fountainhead of spiritual creativity so that both ages merged and you felt that this had been drawn out from you in order to keep you contented within this artificial framework. [...]
(To Arnold.) The dream was an exquisite creative production, you see, and in a way a commentary from other layers of yourself, not only on the present state of civilization as you see it, but a commentary upon civilizations in the past so that both past and present images were transposed, one upon the other. [...]
Last night’s poor sleep and symptoms were simply a reaction to the information given (in last night’s session), and represented a momentary (underlined) stiffening of position by both sides of the personality. For both felt equally guilty for the physical predicament, and were acting self-defensively. [...]
[...] When both portions of the personality are in agreement, then Ruburt’s personality is literally overwhelming, filled with vitality and unbeatable.
Both portions however have great capacities for survival, and are each strong, so that the personality has indeed survived. [...]
Ruburt has wanted you to rub him for the sake of physical contact and reassurance, this being more than acceptable to both portions. [...]
It is very important that both of you realize, paraphrasing James, that the universe is with you, that it supports you. [...] You should both help reinforce each other’s beliefs, in the actuality of Framework 2, and in the safety in which your existence is couched. [...]
[...] I’d say we both lost much confidence in the idea of Frameworks 1 and 2 that evening; I still feel that way to some degree; at the same time Jane has felt better. [...]
Your psychic work has given both of your lives an impetus, direction, challenge, and opportunities for accomplishment that in certain terms at least would otherwise be lacking.
Nothing is worth what Ruburt has put himself through, you both say (as I did Saturday night), yet Ruburt has put himself through nothing, in those terms—that is, his condition is not from the result of, again, your psychic activities. [...]
[...] The misunderstandings—and this has been covered—lead to overreactions on both of your parts, and lead both of you to misinterpret your contributions, because initially you do not approve of yourselves.
Physical exercise becomes the area between, taking you from both your painting and writing, and furthermore is a reminder, an angry one, that the physical working area—the chores—are largely yours to do.
[...] You must see how the problem acclimated responses leading to not moving, etc., on both your parts and continued Ruburt’s condition. You focused, both of you, upon the problem.
[...] You both thought in terms of problems when you considered money, for example; you thought of the problems involved.
I have not told you that there were physical signs as yet to see, any more than I have told you that you have already moved into another house, but both conditions do now exist.
In your efforts both of you often put the concentration upon the things that are wrong. [...] Both of you concentrate more upon those symptoms that remain, forgetting the improvements that he has made. [...]
[...] Both of you do not realize the exceptional impact you have on others in personal relationships. [...]
[...] Yet both of you should realize that those failures still give you an overall performance that few people can achieve, in terms of the quality and overall endurance.
They are however conflicts that are deeply a part of the human condition, and that must be faced in one life or another, both for the sake of the individual and for the sake of humanity at large. [...]
[...] I have some hints, I hope practical ones for both of you, but they will take your attention.
You and Ruburt both did.
[...] In two lives in particular however you were both proficient, and one of Ruburt’s recent dreams was based on one such episode.
Ruburt knows the one, in which you both appeared as males and partners.
[...] The telephone situation as it occurred on two occasions lately brings up in both of you a beautiful case of beliefs, conflicting beliefs, on both of your parts. [...] These have to do on both of your parts with ideas of spontaneity and communication. [...]
There is quite a bit I can say involving both of your attitudes toward those poor people not as level-headed as yourselves (louder)—your beliefs about them, but that can wait until after dictation at our next session.
[...] If you consider them as beliefs that you hold, both of you, then you should be able to discuss them calmly, and understand what happens. [...]
[...] Can I count on you both then to face the challenge, and do what I suggested?
I must therefore work within the limitations of both of your doubts, and your doubts and only your doubts, will hold us back. For both of your informations, and this is entirely without distortion, Ruburt, for all his bellowing, will find the following as impractical as you will, Joseph.
[...] I have spoken to Philip about practicalities, and indeed you have both agreed. Now I speak to you both about practicalities.
[...] I am keeping both of these items on file.
Once this is understood, all the rest of our material can be seen in the light of both logic and intuition. [...]
[...] The very training helps you manipulate more effectively in both ordinary waking and dream conditions.
[...] I will go into this perhaps soon, for there are the similarities here and significances, involving states of consciousness used by both Ruburt and myself, and the type of projection achieved. [...]
[...] I always want to make an appearance, however, at our appointed time, as this much at least is necessary so that you both know that despite unfortunate circumstances contact between us is being maintained.
My best to you both. [...]
I am pleased to find you both in a fairly peaceful state. [...]
[...] Nor, my dear Joseph, are these explosions, though this is quite an exaggerated phrase, nor are these his alone; for he takes up also your hidden frustrations and angers, feels them deeply, though consciously he does not know this; and he then in these small explosions rather harmlessly dispels pent-up, small but potent emotional bombshells that belong to you both.
[...] Our sessions have had a stabilizing effect upon you both, and will so continue.
This may not seem so to you, but because subconsciously and basically, though not consciously, Ruburt trusts both his own intuition and the validity of our sessions. [...]
Both of you have seen yourselves in the past in a rather specialized light, and interpreted your success, or lack of it, or progress or lack of it, in one particular area only; and you had at least, each of you, a tendency to view the other in the same manner, though this was far more emphasized on Ruburt’s part. [...]
[...] It is because Ruburt always felt that aloneness that he has in his own way tried to serve both of your purposes at the same time. [...]
[...] He would not be making money for both of you that would enable you to paint, etc., but losing it, if he allowed himself the freedom to run all over the place, take vacations, etc. [...]
Some of this he is aware of, but all of it was based upon the specializations, the private focuses through which both of you have a tendency to view your lives. [...]
[...] He only came to show you what was possible, and to bring the both of you to an understanding of inner reality. [...] He was done with it, and he only returned so that both of you could learn the truths and inner realities that you are now seeking.
(Dave and Estelle are both 32. [...]
There are cleavages, but the best portions of both of your personalities can be most effectively fulfilled if those cleavages are bridged, bypassed. [...]
He was indeed involved in scientific endeavors, both in Atlantis and in Egypt, but he had no desire to continue those pursuits in this present existence. [...]
Your country, for all of its obvious errors, still is one in which such issues can best be worked out both philosophically and practically. Now in both of your lives, you have managed to express creative abilities to advantage, to draw upon these not only at isolated periods of your lives, or in partial form, but in such a fashion that they have provided you with continuing frameworks of self-discovery and creativity—so when you are counting accomplishments, remember that (in reference to question 2.
[...] He has tried expressing those abilities while feeling he needed all kinds of safeguards, both because he partially shared the belief that energy was dangerous, and because he also feared that other people would react to him in that fashion.
You have both been able to count upon that quality.
In a manner of speaking you have your dream newscasters, of course, only these are both more extensive and more personal than your television equivalents. [...]