1 result for (book:wth AND heading:"part one chapter 8 may 22 1984" AND stemmed:run)

WTH Part One: Chapter 8: May 22, 1984 1/22 (5%) eliciting play forgive children imagination
– The Way Toward Health
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Dilemmas
– Chapter 8: Childrens’ Play, Reincarnation, and Health
– May 22, 1984 4:24 P.M. Tuesday

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

Most of your experience happens directly, where senses, imagination, motion and physical actuality meet. In dreams, however, you often feel as if you are in another location entirely, and all of your senses seem pivoted in that location. Your experience is separated from your usual living area, in other words. You may dream that you are running or walking or flying, yet those activities are divorced enough from that area where imagination, motion, and physical actuality meet, so that your body remains quiet, relatively speaking, while you seem to be moving freely somewhere else.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

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