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WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 4, 1984 10/20 (50%) Elisabeth buoyancy river temperature jogging
– The Way Toward Health
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Dilemmas
– Chapter 2: Biologically Valid Thoughts, Attitudes, and Beliefs
– February 4, 1984 4:26 P.M. Saturday

(Jane called last night with Carla’s help. Before that she’d had visits from our friends Debbie Harris and Elisabeth — who were there at the same time. Elisabeth left her some yellow primroses, very nice, and a place mat made by a lady in Germany whom Elisabeth, being German herself, has written to for us.

(The day was again warm — 42 — when I left for 330 at noon. Jane had just had her dressings changed when I got there. She’d gone down to hydro at 10:30, and it had taken all that time to get through the routine. I told her to refuse to go if she thinks she’s going to have to wait long periods, but I can’t see her doing that, I guess.

(Today is Day 3 of Jane’s new routine, following the session on February 1. She said she catches herself all the time getting off the track, then tries to remind herself of her new healthier goals — living in the moment, thinking positively, and so on.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(I told Jane that I thought the police in the dream meant that I’d left behind me old imprisoning beliefs, that I was now running free of those beliefs. Also, the group of men across the river represented old beliefs of mine that I’d discarded. I added that if I had the time I’d like to do some jogging now, since I have an ability and love for running.

(Jane wasn’t at her best. They had taken her temperature this morning, and it had been 100.1. I asked her why it was up again, but she didn’t know. They take it each shift when it’s high. I rang for some ginger ale and ice, since the girl who’d promised to bring it an hour ago never showed up.

(2:40. Jane read yesterday’s session while I read mail, and did quite well. Much better than she had yesterday.

(2:55. She started reading the key session for February 1. Again she did well. After that we seemed to let time get away from us, watching TV and so forth. I did a little mail. We went over parts of a long letter from Sue Watkins, but Jane couldn’t read it. She was discouraged, I could tell, and I wasn’t at my best either. Jane spent a lot of time waiting for people to do her vitals, then finally decided on a session.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(4:30 p.m. I hadn’t expected the quick ending to the session, since I’d thought there were some rather important topics Jane could have discussed, such as the reasons for the temperature increase. She showed no signs of wanting to, though, so I didn’t press the idea on her. On my way home at 7:10 p.m., I wished I had, and realized that I hadn’t been much help to her at a time of pretty obvious distress. Once, when I’d been massaging her, she’d started to talk about the high temperature, but I’d been distracted by the tense way she was holding her body and had cut her off. Maybe we can do better tomorrow.

(4:33. A gal took Jane’s temperature, and it was again at 100. “Oh Jesus,” Jane muttered, but said little else, beyond saying that she didn’t want antibiotics. I felt sure the temperature was connected to the session for February 1, though I couldn’t say why.

(I did think of a couple of questions on the way home. What’s the reincarnational background of Jane’s symptoms; and why does she still hold her right leg so tight against her belly, after all this time following the break at the knee?)

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