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WTH Part One: Chapter 2: February 3, 1984 6/17 (35%) shaky transmigration fever circumnavigate Diana
– The Way Toward Health
– © 2011 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Part One: Dilemmas
– Chapter 2: Biologically Valid Thoughts, Attitudes, and Beliefs
– February 3, 1984 4:03 P.M. Friday

(Jane didn’t call last night. The temperature was already up to 44 degrees when I left for 330. Jane was already on her back — she’d refused to go to hydro when they hadn’t come by 12:30. I told her I brought Session 903 of Dreams with me so I could ask her a couple of questions. She said okay.

(Jane ate an average amount for lunch. Afterward she had trouble reading Session 903, and I tried to read portions of it to her. However, I didn’t think our talk about mammals, animals, transmigration and so forth went very well. Jane said she got irritated at the questions, and I ended up feeling the same way. However, I did figure out the way to handle the few notes for the session, and decided to forget others I’d started struggling with. I already regretted the time I was spending on the session for Dreams.

(Jane said I was really saying that I was settling for second best. I agreed, adding that I saw no help for it if ever I was to finish the book. Above all, I want to get the job done so I can go on to other things. I added that I was trying to avoid projecting any hassles with Dreams into the future, in line with the session for the day before [February 1], though I was aware that some of what I was saying contradicted elements of that session. However, I’ll work those out. I do want to get Dreams done as soon as possible, and will not be getting into any fixes of a similar nature in the years to come.

(3:15. Jane began reading yesterday’s session. Not the best, but she got along with many halting attempts as I wrote these notes. She did better as she went along, and finished at 3:42. A couple of minutes later Carla took her temperature. It was 100.2. “Oh, you do have a fever,” she said. Jane looked puzzled, since she felt okay. Diana took Jane’s blood pressure and pulse. “You do feel warm,” she said. “I don’t have any damn fever,” Jane said when they’d left.

(Jane wants me to note that this is Day 2 of her new approach to life, based on the session for February 1. I do think the session is an excellent one, and I’ve copied it for use at the house, too.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(4:08. Lynn came in to give Jane eyedrops, then left to get some iced ginger ale. I read to Jane what she’d given so far.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

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