1 result for (book:wth AND heading:"part one chapter 2 februari 1 1984" AND stemmed:live)
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
(Now Jane corrected the quotation she’d received from Seth as I was leaving last night, and that I’d tried to remember: “The way toward health is simplicity itself. You can make plans for the future, but do not worry about the future. Live each day.” Besides being excellent advice, I’m citing the quote here because it triggered the opening lines of the session today.)
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(Long pause.) All of nature demonstrates this almost miraculous seeming simplicity. Plants and animals and all of life’s aspects take it quite for granted that the sun will shine and the rains will fall in the way best conducive to all creatures. Animals certainly do not worry about tomorrow’s weather conditions. (Long pause.) It may be true that animals do not need to know tomorrow’s weather, since they do not plant seeds or collect the harvest. It is perfectly fine to make plans for the future, yet each individual should live day by day, without worrying (underlined) about the outcome of those plans.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
Again, sometime later we will discuss those conditions that can undermine such fine creativity. In the meantime, however, live each day as fully and joyfully as possible. Imagine the best possible results of any plans or projects. Above all, do not concentrate upon past unfavorable events, or imagined future ones.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
(Note: Just as Jane had had this dream, I’d read an article in the Star-Gazette to the effect that a few blocks near downtown Elmira, including the apartment house we’d lived in at 458 W. Water Street, had been designated a Historical Preservation Area by New York State. I meant to save the article, but forgot to. I think the area is bounded by Walnut, West Water, and Church Streets, back toward downtown.)
[... 11 paragraphs ...]