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UR2 Section 6: Session 739 February 24, 1975 hill house trees neighborhood fireplace

(These notes give me a chance to hint at another in the series of “house connections” that Jane and I have become so much aware of this month — for there is a close professional relationship between the owner of the Foster Avenue house and the real estate agency through which we’re buying the house on the hill. Jane and I had heard of this association in a remote way, but it had no meaning for us until we committed ourselves to the hill house; the agency concerned is but one of many we’d contacted; yet also involved is our friend Debbie, who works for another real estate firm, and who had first called our attention to the hill house. There are more intertwinings here [including some art elements] than it’s necessary to describe; but studying just this one complex house connection, then seeing how it combines with some of the others we’ve become conscious of; leaves Jane and me more than a little bemused by this interlocking reality we’re creating.2

1. I want to note here that at the same time Jane and I decided to buy the hill house, we learned that the house next door, to the west, would soon be for sale; because of a job transfer its owner would be moving with his family to California this summer. No “For Sale” sign had yet been set up in the front yard. Although Jane and I liked the place well enough, we had no doubt that the hill house was the one for us.

(On Friday, February 21, Jane and I not only saw the hill house from the inside for the first time — but decided to buy it. We made up our minds quite effortlessly while being taken through it by a real estate agent. Of course we knew what Seth had suggested during last Wednesday’s session, and his advice was valuable; at the same time we’d been strongly inclined to make the purchase after looking at the house anew that Wednesday afternoon. At the realtor’s office two days later, then, we signed the initial papers leading to the formal purchase, which will be consummated in a couple of weeks or so.

UR2 Appendix 27: (For Session 739) Grunaargh Gutenberg movable beefy Sue

[...] Since Sue herself is a Sumari, like Jane and me, I asked her to write an account of her feelings, thinking it would furnish a good example of one person’s emotional and intellectual involvement with a family of consciousness other than their own — and yes, of their reincarnational memories of those activities.

[...] In Jane’s final class, Rob read Seth’s explanation having to do with family ‘mergings.’ Right away, right there in class, I knew what was behind the feeling I’d had about this family: Members of the Grunaargh, and I personally, were involved in the invention of movable type. [...]

5. “My friend wanted nothing but plain, simple letters — nothing fancy,” Sue told Jane and me as we discussed her material. [...]