2 results for (book:ur2 AND session:725 AND stemmed:class)

UR2 Appendix 24: (For Session 725) shit fuck earth shrink soul

(In Session 725 Seth discussed the spiritual aspects of our biological nature, and in Note 4 for that session I presented brief excerpts from the material he’d given in ESP class the night before, on the truly limitless “ceilings to the self” or identity.

(In that same class, however, Seth also brought our biological nature “down to earth” in most literal terms. His material was hilarious, provocative, and profound — all at once. I know one thing: Seth’s delivery won’t be soon forgotten. It’s also one that may startle those who are used to quiet and proper “spirit guides.”

(Earlier that evening, class members had been discussing some of the letters they’d been answering for Jane.1 One young man mentioned “feeling like shit” in connection with another matter — a remark that Seth must have overheard. He began the session by telling the students that they also learned as they attempted to answer the questions asked by correspondents. Then, with much emphasis:)

UR2 Section 5: Session 725 December 11, 1974 strands identity mountain invaded rocks

In class yesterday evening, Seth first came through with some very earthy material that’s presented as Appendix 24. Then Jane read her notes on strands of consciousness, which — I can add later — also found their way into Chapter 12 of Politics. Seth soon returned in class with the following comments; he referred to Jane’s ideas mainly, yet as he talked I began to understand my experience with my father and his after-death situation as I perceived it.

[...] That episode had upset me to some degree, but Jane’s discussion of the subject in Politics, plus a few comments Seth made in ESP class last night, helped me put the affair in a more objective light.

(Seth’s reference to the members of ESP class concerned the part many of them have begun playing in helping us answer the mail. [...]