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UR2 Appendix 23: (For Session 724) 5/61 (8%) Warren histories elite primitive gurus
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Appendix 23: Seth on Earlier Civilizations, Esoteric History, and Reincarnation. The Priests and the People
– (For Session 724)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(A group of us — Alex, Warren,2 and others — had come over to Jane and Rob’s for a casual get-together, and also to talk about that week’s class, which seemed to be one of the “milestone” classes that happen occasionally.3 During the conversation, Alex said that the rise of literacy in the world would spread Seth’s ideas on a scale that had never previously been possible. In the discussion of “primitive” and “civilized” man that followed, Warren presented his opinion that some civilizations, such as those of Babylonia, Egypt, the Incas, and so forth, had been founded by initiate groups from Atlantis4 … that while “primitive” man may have had a kind of gestalt consciousness, he had no individual consciousness. As Warren made similar remarks about the development of individual consciousness through historical times to our point of civilization, Seth suddenly and unexpectedly came through loudly and forcefully:

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Warren: “But isn’t this stuff all about the development of ego consciousness?”)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

Now, the session in the last class (see Note 3) was a combination of the most sophisticated and the most primitive, for the English words, in your terms, are understood by the proud intellect that rises above the shoulders so securely. Yet the sounds upon which those words ride are far more sophisticated than the language of which you are all so proud. For they are indeed the sounds of insects through the centuries, of stars swirling through the universe, of the blood pounding through your veins.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

As you know, my dear Joseph, there is a difference between probable realities and reincarnational ones. To keep the discussion simple, I will answer you in reincarnational terms; but as Ruburt is discovering as he writes his Adventures in Consciousness,6 many more elements are involved.

[... 29 paragraphs ...]

(With a smile:) “Your particular conscious and subconscious viewpoints are fluent enough so that they do not hamper the basic material, or cover it with the rock of dogmatism so that it becomes impossible to find … Actually, what I needed were personalities who were not fanatics along any line — including scientific fanatics who would object as forcibly to the reincarnational data as religious fanatics would object to some of the other material.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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