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UR2 Appendix 23: (For Session 724) Warren histories elite primitive gurus

(Fortunately, class member Sue Watkins managed to tape all but the first few paragraphs of the session, but even the sense of those was taken down in longhand by another student while Sue got our recorder going. [I really enjoyed letting someone else do all the work for a change!] Later that week, Sue transcribed Seth’s material, wrote all of the notes for the session, and prepared mimeographed copies for everyone. Only portions of the session are given here, and I’ve rearranged them — and Sue’s notes — a bit for convenience’s sake. From her transcript, then:)

And so those people lifted up their minds and hearts and heard the voices of the earth speak to them, as they still do. The elite did not hear those voices. They wrote histories in which in their own memories they annihilated races of people with emotions as strong and as real as theirs. The elite leave you records and methods, telling you of kings and queens, of gurus and prophets and gods, in whose eyes the masses of the people vanished. The magic that the people had, those gurus never learned. They learned techniques, but the techniques did not bring them magic, did not allow them to really hear and understand the voice of one leaf.

(Still to Warren:) So forget all of the histories, my dear friend, and listen to your own thoughts, which are today as alive and vital as those of any man ever born, in whatever time. Forget the dusty old records and feel your reality in the moment as you are. In that moment can you hear the insects sweeping across the continents and the voices of the leaves speak, and feel their echoes in your blood — and that blood lives, beyond the time. It throbs beyond destiny, even as the masses of those people live beyond the beliefs of those gurus.

UR2 Section 5: Session 724 December 4, 1974 counterparts personage races century personhood

[...] Those incidents are recorded unconsciously, however, if they applied to your direct experience; and under hypnosis, for example, you could make them your own. [...]