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UR2 Appendix 16: (For Session 711) sidewalks city theater traps beloved

I feel no great responsibility for any of your beings. [If I did] then I would be denying you your own power, and therefore seemingly building my own … I am here because I enjoy it. I am a teacher, and because I am a teacher I love to teach. A person who loves to teach needs people who love to learn. That is why I am here and why you are here … My view of reality is different from your own, and that is fine, and so I can teach. A true teacher allows you to learn from yourself. I enjoy the great vitality and exuberance of your reality, and our city will have joy and exuberance. Now joy sounds quite acceptable, but (with amusement) our city will also have fun — which in many spiritual circles is not so acceptable!

1. “You can colonize an entire inner level of reality,” Seth told that October 1st class. “To do so, you must give your best with dedication and joyful creativity. This will not be an imaginary city. It will have a greater reality than any physical city that you know, and it can, in its own way, shine with brighter lights in inner reality than any nighttime city displays. There, I hope, you will work at developing skills, in terms of the dream-art scientist (for instance; see Session 700 in Volume 1 of ‘Unknown’ Reality), and learn other professions than the ones you now know.”

I speak to you from the known and unknown desire that gives you your own birth, and that speaks to you from the tiniest, least-acknowledged thought that flies like a pigeon within your skull … And in this moment of your reality, and in the desire of your being, do you even create All That Is. Bow down before no man, no woman, and no belief — but know you are indeed the creators.

UR2 Appendix 18: (For Session 711) appendix Jung excerpts animus particles

[...] I want the passages chosen to make sense on their own, out of context, and to focus clearly on the subject; at the same time, I don’t want to include too many or too few of my own notes. [...] It also became inevitable that at least some elements of Seth’s own “separate-but-connected” reality would have to be considered. [...]

[...] My own psychological reality is not particleized. My identity includes the identities of many others, and they each operate in their own fashion. [...] More specifically, however, and to a lesser degree, each physical person operates partially as a particleized being, and partially in terms of a wave.35 But identity, being itself inviolate, is on the other hand everchanging — and there is, in the larger framework of reality, no contradiction.

[...] This system automatically makes room for any references in Volume 1. In actuality the chronology begins long before “Unknown” Reality was started, and continues well beyond the date of its ending, in April 1975. Since the excerpts are still more representative than complete, however, due to the accumulated mass of information available, my own choices enter in: ESP class data are quoted a number of times; included is material summarizing Jane’s own theories about the Seth phenomena, as she worked them out in her recently completed Adventures in Consciousness; but reincarnation, while mentioned often, isn’t stressed in terms of particulars — that is, I refer to Seth’s statements that he, Jane and I led closely involved lives in Denmark in the 1600’s, but those lives aren’t studied per se. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 711 October 9, 1974 station programs psyche grocer characters

The probable realities connected with your own system are like the suburbs, say, surrounding a main city. If for simplicity’s sake you think of other realities as different cities, then after you leave your own you would pass through the suburbs, then into the country, then after a time into other suburbs until you reached another metropolis. Here each metropolis would represent a conglomeration of consciousnesses operating within an overall general frequency of clearest focus, a high point of psychic communication and exquisite focus in the given kind of reality. Unless you are tuned in to those particular frequencies, however, you could not pick up that reality. [...]

Now all consciousness, including your own, is highly mobile. While you focus your attention primarily in your own world, certain portions of your consciousness are always straying. When you are sleeping, then, your consciousness often ventures into other realities, usually in a wandering fashion without tuning itself in to any precise frequencies. Beneath many seemingly chaotic dreams there are often valid experiences in which your consciousness “lights” in another reality, without being attuned to it with the necessary precision that would allow for clear perception. The information cannot be sifted or used effectively and is translated into dream images, as your consciousness returns toward your own home station. Therefore, it has been difficult to achieve any kind of clear picture of such other realities.

[...] Such realities therefore always exist — in your own psyche — outside of your “home station,” and some portion of your own consciousness is always involved in them. [...] (Pause.) For now think of your own psyche, which is a consciousized identity, as a kind of “supernatural radio.” [...] The “you” that you recognize is but one signal on one such station, tuned in to a certain frequency, experiencing that station’s overall reality from your own viewpoint — one that is unique and like no other, and yet contributing to the whole life of the station.