4 results for (book:ur2 AND session:711 AND stemmed:unknown)

UR2 Appendix 16: (For Session 711) sidewalks city theater traps beloved

I speak to you from the known and unknown desire that gives you your own birth, and that speaks to you from the tiniest, least-acknowledged thought that flies like a pigeon within your skull … And in this moment of your reality, and in the desire of your being, do you even create All That Is. Bow down before no man, no woman, and no belief — but know you are indeed the creators.

1. “You can colonize an entire inner level of reality,” Seth told that October 1st class. “To do so, you must give your best with dedication and joyful creativity. This will not be an imaginary city. It will have a greater reality than any physical city that you know, and it can, in its own way, shine with brighter lights in inner reality than any nighttime city displays. There, I hope, you will work at developing skills, in terms of the dream-art scientist (for instance; see Session 700 in Volume 1 ofUnknown’ Reality), and learn other professions than the ones you now know.”

UR2 Appendix 17: (For Session 711) beta waves brain theta eeg

[...] He finished dictating Volume 2 ofUnknown” Reality in April 1975, and we finally got around to the session I wanted six and a half months later.

2. In Volume 1 of Unknown” Reality, see Session 684 after 10:07, as well as Note 3.

UR2 Appendix 18: (For Session 711) appendix Jung excerpts animus particles

(I’ll open this appendix by referring to a pair of short notes I wrote for Volume 1 ofUnknown” Reality. [...]

[...] This system automatically makes room for any references in Volume 1. In actuality the chronology begins long beforeUnknown” Reality was started, and continues well beyond the date of its ending, in April 1975. [...]

[...] The first, for our own study, was for Seth to describe objects thoroughly sealed in double envelopes; the envelopes were prepared [unknown to Jane, of course] by myself and by others. [...]

UR2 Section 4: Session 711 October 9, 1974 station programs psyche grocer characters

[...] Studying yourself and the nature of your own consciousness, then, will automatically lead you to some extent to an understanding of the “unknown” reality. The unknown reality is composed of those blocked-out portions of your own psyche, and the corresponding frameworks of experience they form.

(End at 12:35 A.M. As we ate breakfast several hours later, Jane told me that during the night she’d kept waking up with ideas she thought were connected toUnknown” Reality. [...]

3. Refer to Seth’s material on the basic unpredictability of consciousness, and on probabilities, in the 681st session in Volume 1 of Unknown” Reality.