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UR2 Section 4: Session 705 June 24, 1974 mutants cells kingdoms species cellular

(Long pause at 10:48.) Give us a moment … (Over a one minute pause. Then quietly:) Basically, cellular comprehension straddles time. There is, then, a way of introducing “new”‘ genetic information to a so-called damaged cell in the present.6 This involves the manipulation of consciousness, basically, and not that of gadgets, as well as a time-reversal principle. First the undesirable information must be erased. It must be erased in the “past” in your terms. Some, but very few, psychic healers do this automatically without realizing what they are doing. The body on its own performs this service often, when it automatically rights certain conditions, even though they were genetically imprinted. The imprints become regressive. In your terms, they fade into a probable series of events that do not physically affect you.

Jane finished Dialogues last year (in March 1973), and now (in June 1974) is halfway through the final draft of Adventures. I’m to finish illustrations for each of them by the end of this year, if possible, since Prentice-Hall will publish both books in 1975. Therefore, I have much work to do on the 40 pen-and-ink drawings for Dialogues, and on a series of diagrams for Adventures.

UR2 Appendix 12: (For Session 705) evolution Darwin appendix dna realism

[...] Theistic evolutionists and progressive creationists, for example, try to bring the two extremes closer together through postulating various methods by which God created the world and then, while remaining hidden, either helped it to evolve to its present state in the Darwinistic tradition, or, through a series of creative acts, brought forth each succeeding “higher” form of life.

[...] Since my mind works that way, I could make minutely detailed drawings of a graduated series of such entities (gradualism being a basic premise in Charles Darwin’s theory), but would the creatures shown have been viable? [...]

And Seth, in Session 683: “All kinds of time — backward and forward — emerge from the basic unpredictable nature of consciousness, and are due to ‘series’ of significances.”