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UR2 Epilogue by Robert F. Butts 7/33 (21%) geese Unknown migrations flight epilogue
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Epilogue by Robert F. Butts

(In the 82nd session, which was held on the evening of August 27, 1964, Seth said: “When man realizes that he, himself, creates his personal and universal environment in concrete terms, then he can begin to create a private and universal environment much superior to the [present] one, that is the result of haphazard and unenlightened constructions.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

In any case, I feel that the entire production, Seth’s dictated work and my running commentaries and references, adds up to extra dimensions of creativity that can be sensed, if not described. When I get that feeling of psychological multiplicity, I realize that the goal I had in mind was at least somewhat realized.

Then also, I remember what Seth said about being reckless in the pursuit of the ideal. (See the Introductory Notes.) I don’t know that I was that daring, but I was persistent despite the hesitations and misgivings. So along with Seth’s work, we tried to share our reality with the reader, and to provide a platform in time for knowledge that must basically straddle our ideas of time and reality alike.

Long before I finished my part of “Unknown” Reality, Seth and Jane had started their next book: The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression. I recorded those sessions, of course, while keeping up with my own work. Jane finished her Psychic Politics, and began some new poetry and world-view material. She was taking calls from readers in all parts of the country, trying to keep up with the mail, participating in an occasional radio interview, and, for most of that time, conducting her classes. And oh, yes, both of us also did a lot of ordinary living, such as moving and getting settled in our new home and entertaining friends now and then. Yet none of those “outside” events were fully removed from “Unknown” Reality. They found their way into the pages, the sessions, somehow, even if only by feel or inference. For how could any one event not jostle all of the others in lives so closely bound?

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Also, Jane has long since completed The World View of Paul Cezanne: A Psychic Interpretation, which was published in 1977; and she’s finished The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher: The World View of William James — both books growing out of the world-view material given by Seth in “Unknown” Reality.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

“The view of sky sweeping over our hill makes it much easier to see the great flights of geese heading south for the winter. Twice this week in the daytime, and once at night, large flocks have passed over. On each occasion I heard them while I was working inside the house, then rushed out into the yard. The geese seem to be more numerous on cloudy days and clear nights.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

In its way the nighttime visitation was even more mysterious, for that time I looked up at a starlit but moonless sky that didn’t have a cloud in sight — and heard this multitudinous sound moving across it. The night was chilly. Jane was sleeping. All of the qualities of the birds’ flight were heightened for me by its very invisibility, for while I actually saw no geese at all, that sound was everywhere. And what guided those creatures, I wondered — magnetic lines of force, genes, innate knowledge — or what? And I knew that no objective reasoning processes alone could explain their magnificent flight.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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