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UR2 Epilogue by Robert F. Butts 17/33 (52%) geese Unknown migrations flight epilogue
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume Two
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Epilogue by Robert F. Butts

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


Long before I finished my part of “Unknown” Reality, Seth and Jane had started their next book: The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression. I recorded those sessions, of course, while keeping up with my own work. Jane finished her Psychic Politics, and began some new poetry and world-view material. [...]


No one, whether that individual is a psychic, a mystic, a writer, a poet, or even if he or she combines all of those qualities (as I think Jane does), can encompass all of the incredible differences within the human species. [...] Lots of those people will never hear of the Seth material — nor, as Seth himself has said, will they ever need to — but then, Jane and I know that some will, and so we proffer what we can.


[...] Jane and I, for instance, have never particularly cared for the term “ESP,” or extrasensory perception (my emphasis), since to us it implies misleading conceptions about certain inner abilities. [...] (I’ll add here that Jane calls her class an ESP class for the obvious reason that the term has become so well known that most people understand something of its implied meaning.)


[...] Surely Jane feels the necessity to turn aside from the selected dogmas of our time. [...] We hope that Jane’s work can help expand such concepts.


I don’t think our conventional social systems, including our scientific ones, are going to resolve our questions within Jane’s and my personal lifetimes. [...] But Jane and I do want to know more; we’re sure that Seth can help us here.


Whatever or whoever Seth is, or whatever the nature of the Seth-Jane relationship, we long ago decided that we could learn from it. [...] I deal with some of the material we’ve acquired about the Seth-Jane relationship in Appendix 18 for Session 711, in Section 4; but here I want to stress our overall interest in knowledge, whatever that knowledge may be, and wherever it may lead us.


[...] This manuscript seems to possess dimensions that place it — and Jane and me — in many probabilities at once. [...]


[...] The material itself can stand on its own, though, and we trust it will continue to do so when Jane and I are through with this particular joint physical adventure. [...]


[...] Psyche, as Jane and I call it, contains some excellent new material, such as Seth’s first discussions of sex — including lesbianism, homosexuality, and bisexuality — as well as other related subjects that we know, from our correspondence, to be of intense general concern. [...]


Also, Jane has long since completed The World View of Paul Cezanne: A Psychic Interpretation, which was published in 1977; and she’s finished The Afterdeath Journal of an American Philosopher: The World View of William James — both books growing out of the world-view material given by Seth in “Unknown” Reality.

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