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UR1 Section 2: Session 693 April 29, 1974 2/57 (4%) Markle estate Joseph house Sayre
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume One
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 2: Parallel Man, Alternate Man, and Probable Man: The Reflection of These in the Present, Private Psyche. Your Multidimensional Reality in the Now of Your Being
– Session 693: “Coincidences,” Moving, and Probable Realities: A Tale of Probable Real Estate Events
– Session 693 April 29, 1974 9:45 P.M. Monday

[... 26 paragraphs ...]

The intent [that] Joseph’s mother had lives beyond the grave, in those terms. She still wants Joseph to have a house, and one that will be more fashionable and wealthy than her own. Now Mr. Markle, a wealthy businessman, also had strong artistic abilities. He was a dealer in precious stones and fine antiques. These qualities attracted Joseph’s mother, Stella, and with the situation as she set it up in that life she was impressed, knowing that the man’s talents would bring him wealth. His artistic leanings caused him to choose real estate people who had latent artistic abilities of their own.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(We haven’t talked a great deal about the probable ramifications inherent in the whole house episode — rather, we expected such concepts to operate if the Seth material has any validity. Our ways of thinking have changed considerably since these sessions began over a decade ago. Every so often Jane and I remind ourselves of just how much of a change there has been for each of us; this helps us relate our individual worlds to those of others. Neither of us believes in chance or coincidence in usual terms, for instance — nor have we since Seth began discussing the elements behind such qualities some years ago. We always assign reasons, even if they’re hidden at times, for any action. [And often, we’ve discovered, further observation will bear out those reasons.] This way of thinking led to our taking the chain of circumstances involving the two houses almost for granted; each unfolding had seemed to fall so effortlessly into place that deep questioning hadn’t been called for “Oh, of course — things would work out that way …”

[... 21 paragraphs ...]

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