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UR1 Appendix 7: (For Session 689) outline Health Illness Sunday contents

(As quickly as she could once she became aware of what was happening that Sunday morning, Jane typed a 3-page summary or outline of the contents for The Way Toward Health, including chapter headings, then wrote a very condensed statement about how the whole thing came to her. We’re presenting the statement below, and a few examples from the outline, in order to show some of her other activities while producing “Unknown” Reality. Thus, everything she’s received so far on the health book is on file, ready to be used should she choose to follow this new idea any further.

(In this appendix the emphasis is more on the circumstances surrounding Jane’s reception of the outline for the new possible book, than on its contents. In reverse order, therefore, I’ll present first the statement she wrote describing that process of reception once it was completed, then return to the outline itself.)

(After Jane finished her outline and statement she slept for several hours. Upon awakening, she told me that she remembered receiving hints about the new possible book in two dreams during the previous week. She’d written the dreams down, as usual, while wondering about their significance without being able to explain them: “But this material doesn’t go into Adventures,” she noted after one of the dreams, since she’d thought of that possibility first.

(Jane had produced her statement so quickly that after reading it I was left with several questions. I took notes on our conversation about it that Sunday night. Yes, she had been in an altered state of consciousness during her reception of The Way Toward Health “on a real high” — both while the outline for it was coming through and while she wrote her description of the process. No, she hadn’t heard Seth, or sensed his presence while this was going on; she’d just realized that his help would be necessary if she decided to do the book. Nor was it connected with “Unknown” Reality. “I wrote down what I could snatch from the whole book,” she said, “but I knew that what I got was nothing compared to what was there. If I could have immediately spoken the whole thing, it would have been done at once — that’s what was so frustrating! While I was in the altered state, I sensed not only the physical bulk of the book, but the actual contents within it. Those contents were immediately available. I can’t tell you how frustrated — how blocked — this made me feel at the time.

UR1 Section 2: Session 689 March 18, 1974 million animal toolmaking epochs totem

4. Many readers of the Bible will remember the famous statement in Genesis 6:4, that “There were giants in the earth in those days.” [...]