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UR1 Appendix 7: (For Session 689) 1/30 (3%) outline Health Illness Sunday contents
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume One
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Appendix 7: *The Way Toward Health* — the Outline for a Possible New Book Received by Jane. Some Chapter Headings
– (For Session 689)

[... 23 paragraphs ...]

(After Jane finished her outline and statement she slept for several hours. Upon awakening, she told me that she remembered receiving hints about the new possible book in two dreams during the previous week. She’d written the dreams down, as usual, while wondering about their significance without being able to explain them: “But this material doesn’t go into Adventures,” she noted after one of the dreams, since she’d thought of that possibility first.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

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