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UR1 Appendix 6: (For Session 687) ancient pathological article Appendix parallel

(12:19.) “Some of the experiments with man-animals didn’t work out along our historic lines, but the ghost memories of those probabilities still linger in our biological structure, and in our terms can be activated according to circumstances.

(Portions of the article in yesterday’s newspaper, I should add, dealt with the recent discoveries of skeletal fragments in East Africa that indicate the coexistence of several varieties of ancient man and preman; the latter being creatures who looked rather human but whose brains, it is believed, remained apelike. This part of the article is approximately in line with the material Jane came through with some hours later. Her material, however, wasn’t influenced by the news story, for just about a year ago Seth-Jane delivered a session for Personal Reality on the mixing of animal and man: the 648th for March 14, 1973, in Chapter 12. I’d say that this evening Jane elaborated upon that session — especially upon the impressions she gave then during the 11:30 break, on “animal doctorsa bridge between animals and human beings.” But then, for some years Seth has been reiterating that even in our terms there is no well-defined evolutionary path leading from our ancient state to our present one.)

“For a long time these varieties of ancient men shared our earth and history, in varying terms. Right now, though, in our time, all of the different kinds of consciousness that we might expand into are here with us … some of them appearing as pathological to us …

“We consider anything that doesn’t seem like usual consciousness to be pathological in one way or another. Many individuals show variations that actually represent future developments of consciousness; we’re experimenting with these probabilities … There are actually species of consciousness, but we don’t recognize them as such. Yet they shape our neurological history.”

UR1 Section 1: Session 687 March 4, 1974 probable neurological shadowy geese race

[...] For myself, I made intuitive connections between the regular travels of the geese and our own work rhythms in producing the Seth books.

(There were welcome similarities between our sighting of today and that of last March: Again, the weather was very warm for this time of year; again, a fine rain was falling. [...]