2 results for (book:ur1 AND session:686 AND stemmed:seri)

UR1 Appendix 5: (For Session 686) appendix neurological leap messages vocabulary

“Now I’m getting ideas from so many places at once, so fast, that I can’t express them all. I need you to coach me, to ask, ‘What’s happening now?’ to keep me focused on one channel…. Because our mental habits automatically block out such material, we only recognize one series of neurological happenings — it takes time for the message to leap the nerve endings [the synapses]. We just recognize one speed. Other messages leap too fast or too slow for us to focus upon them. By altering our consciousness in the way I’m learning to do now, though, we can line up our focuses with these other ‘ghostly’ messages, that are quite as real as the neurological validity we usually accept.”

UR1 Section 1: Session 686 February 27, 1974 neurological selectivity carriage pulses corporal

[...] Therefore it focused upon only one series of neurological messages.

It would have been quite possible for you as a race to have chosen any other “series” of neurological pulses, or messages, as the “real” ones, and to structure your experience along different lines. [...]

[...] They meet with a certain biological validity because of the selectivity earlier mentioned, whereby only one series of neurological pulses is accepted — and upon these rides the reality of the egotistical self. [...]