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UR1 Appendix 4: (For Session 685) sidepools neurological bypass Saratoga linear

(As she often has following recent sessions, after the 685th session Jane discovered herself delivering Seth material in the sleep state. This time her involvement was so vivid and insistent that the next morning I asked her to write her own account of it for a verbatim presentation in this appendix. That request alone had some very interesting and creative results. Jane:)

“February 26, 1974. Since the first session on Seth’s book (the 679th) was held — and before we knew it was a book — I’ve been getting material on it in my sleep after each session. I’ve also done this on a few nights when sessions weren’t held. Last night was different in some way, though now I remember hardly anything. I just know I ‘woke myself up,’ saying rather angrily, ‘My consciousness just can’t handle … this stuff … this way,’ or something like that. I’m sure about the first part of that sentence but not about the last part. The material was on probabilities. I think I saw some of it written down — was I writing it? Anyway, I was getting too much of it at once. I didn’t know … where to put it … or how to express it with my kind of consciousness.

“Now I do recall something: I was getting a whole bunch of material and it was multidimensional. I was confused. I thought part of it went with stuff already given … but in a … probable way. I didn’t see how it could be inserted into a normal manuscript because it had this extra dimension. It was here that I got angry and woke myself up. As I opened my eyes, I realized that the material hadn’t been given yet in ‘Unknown’ Reality — though in the sleep state I was sure it had been.

UR1 Section 1: Session 685 February 25, 1974 Preface network selectivity desultorily ostensibly

[...] From her notes: “Just before I went to sleep, I had a sort of mental projection that seemed to be into the past, my past. [...]