2 results for (book:ur1 AND session:685 AND stemmed:adventur)

UR1 Appendix 4: (For Session 685) sidepools neurological bypass Saratoga linear

“February 26, 1974. At Rob’s request this morning I wrote a statement about my experience in the sleep state last night. Today, Tuesday, is my ESP class day, which means that I have a little less time for my writing, so after giving Rob the small description I intended to type a chapter of Adventures in Consciousness.4 I’d lost some writing time lately because of business matters, and because I was trying to catch up on the mail, so I was particularly concerned about getting back to Adventures.

“The ghostly, off-center Saratoga adventure bypassed and blurred usual neurological processes, allowing him to slip through. The blurring is — was — also necessary to aid in distinguishing another reality from the normally accepted one, particularly in the beginning of such activity. He was tuning into probable neurological materializations … that are ghost images inherent in the normal nervous structure … latent connections biologically part of the cells’ realities. He was moving into other selectivities. Actual complete impact is unlikely under most conditions, though various degrees of interception and intermixing can occur.

UR1 Section 1: Session 685 February 25, 1974 Preface network selectivity desultorily ostensibly

Give us a moment … In some adventures you do visit other probable realities in which you have a body structure quite as real as “your own.” [...]