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UR1 Section 1: Session 684 February 20, 1974 11/54 (20%) units fluctuates poised blink selectivity
– The "Unknown" Reality: Volume One
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Section 1: You and the “Unknown” Reality
– Session 684: CU’s, EE Units, and the Body. “The Cells Precognate.” Heredity and Precognition
– Session 684 February 20, 1974 9:42 P.M. Wednesday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Last night, Jane told her students in ESP class that Seth had started a new book. Seth had a few things to say about the book, too. From the transcript of the class tape [received a week later]: “Now, reality has no beginning and no end. Hopefully — hopefully — hopefully, in your terms of time, you may get a glimpse of what I mean. There is indeed an expanding universe, and it is formed in the eternal present. In my book I will go as far as I can into those precepts, yet some [of you] will not follow. You create your own reality. That works, and is true, whether or not you follow, or care to follow, into these other realms …

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Now: These units of consciousness (CU’s) move faster than the speed of light, then — but that statement itself is meaningless in a way, since the units exist outside as well as inside the framework in which light itself has meaning.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Yet the units of consciousness, being independent of space and time, form your cellular structure, and that structure deals in a most basic manner with the nature of probabilities. Although the body appears permanent and in existence from one moment to the next, basically it constantly rises out of the bed of probabilities, hovering at your now-point of perception and experience, and its apparent stability is dependent upon the knowledge of “future” probabilities as well as “past” ones.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Slower at 10:07:) Your body’s condition at any time is not so much the result of its own comprehension of its “past history” as it is the result of its own comprehension of future probabilities. The cells precognate. This is being simplified for now. I will make it clearer later in the book.2 But your limited ideas of time cause conceptual barriers that operate even when you consider the structure of physical biological life.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

You can understand what is meant by saying that your consciousness fluctuates — for each individual is aware of various intensities and concentrations. You are more alert, or, in your terms more conscious on some occasions than others. Now the same applies to these units of consciousness — and to atoms, molecules, electrons, and other such phenomena. The world literally blinks off and on. This reality of fluctuation in no way bothers your own feeling of consistency, however. The “holes (spelled) of nonexistence” are plugged up by the process of selectivity. This process chooses significances then, again, around which experience is built, and around which “life” is felt. The very sensations of one kind of life then automatically set up barriers against other such “world-schemes” (hyphen) that do not correlate with their own.

It is impossible for you to examine an atom, a cell, or anything else except in your now. Period. Because your sense experience follows a time pattern that you can understand, then you take it for granted that a cell, for example, is the result of its past, and that its present condition arises from the past.4 The fetus grows into an adult, not because it is programmed from the past, but because it is to some extent precognitively aware of its probabilities, and from the “future” then imprints this information into the past structure.

From your viewpoint, however, an examination of a cell will not show you that, but only its present condition. It should appear obvious from what I am saying that neither future nor past is predetermined. From your platform of poised now-experience, you alter both the past and the future, and that alteration, that change, that action, causes your point of immediate sense life.5

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now: Give us a moment …

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(11:11.) In terms of history as you understand it, man felt safe and secure as a prime species under one sun, imagining that all else revolved about his being. This provided, in that framework, a stability that was dispensed with as man allowed his consciousness other freedoms. So he must now come to realize that he himself chooses from a myriad of probabilities the one that he now encounters.

The one self that he recognizes is the only part of himself of which he is presently aware. Other facets of consciousness available to him, and a part of his greater nature, appear foreign, or “not-self,” or “beyond self,” because of the focus of selectivity as it now operates.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Jane paused at 11:33, still in trance, and lit a cigarette. Since starting the series of sessions that make up “Unknown” Reality, it’s becoming something of a custom for her to deliver a little material on other subjects after book dictation; she did so again now, and finished the session at 11:51 P.M.

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

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