1 result for (book:tsm AND heading:"chapter nineteen psycholog time" AND stemmed:attent)
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Actually, in practice, Psychological Time leads to development of the other Inner Senses. In Psy-Time, as we call it, you simply turn your focus of attention inward. Sit or lie quietly alone and close your eyes. Pretend that there is a world within as vivid and real as the physical one. Turn off your physical senses. If you want, imagine that they have dials and you flip them off, one by one. Then imagine that the Inner Senses have another set of dials. Imaginatively, turn them on. This is one method of beginning.
You may, instead, just lie quietly and concentrate on a dark screen until images or lights appear on it. Do not concentrate on worries or daily trivia that may arise as soon as you block out physical distractions. If such thoughts do come to the foreground of attention, then you are not ready to proceed. First you must get rid of them.
Since we can’t concentrate fully on two things at once, you may focus your attention on the screen again or on any imaginary image—this will banish the annoying worries. Or you may pretend that the worries themselves have images and then “see” these vanishing away.
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